• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    Eve Online It’s increased my heart rate more then once.

    Eve Online It’s increased my heart rate more then once.

    It’s increased my heart rate more then once.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Astero watercolour on paper

    Posted: 09 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    EVE Player (and /r/Eve Mod!) "Judy Mikakka" locates missing child in the US from their bedroom in England! (Turns out the abductor was an old corpmate...)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm Winning Eve For A While: A Goodbye, and An AMA

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT


    I knew always it was on the table, but this was a highly unexpected last minute decision for me as well. I even had a fleet planned for today.

    I'm not running for CSM 15. And I'm winning Eve for the foreseeable future. The reason is pressing RL responsibilities.

    This year is the last year of my Ph.D. Then I have to find an academic position. Moreover, there is a chance that I'll be a father within the CSM 15 tenure. The way I like and want to play Eve takes an unjustifiable amount of time. It's really not a wise decision to spend so much time on Eve (or any time on gaming), yet attempt to be successful in the most important year of one's academic life.

    I'm going to write one last long post to share some thoughts on everything. You can also ask me CSM 14 related questions or anything else for a couple of hours. I'll answer as much as NDA permits.

    I want to begin with thanking Mar5hy, Chossuh, Somnolence, Blacklotus, Vertiso, Focused, Yves, Dex, Andres, Leonia, and everyone else in DPCI enabling our last two years of fun. It was glorious. Thanks V0lta and Panfam for cooperation at all levels as well.

    A CSM 14 Retrospective

    I can't stress how good a year for me it was being in the CSM. It was an honor and pleasure having meet other CSMers and CCPers. It was extremely educational for me to learn how CSM and CCP works. I don't at all have the "witnessing sausage being made" effect. If anything, I have further respect for CCP. Not because I think everything is perfect. But because I have grown an appreciation about them being the only company having to deal with the most complicated and deepest virtual political economy ever, and managing to keep it alive and kicking.

    I ran for CSM 14 because I was disturbed by the game being selective toward the "builder" type of gaming mentality over the "fighter" kind of gaming mentality. I believe these are the two poles of gaming experiences for which people play Eve. The "builders" are those who like to build up their assets. Those assets are not only accounts, ships or structures; but also corporations, alliances, blocs, and other kind of social relationships. The "fighters" are those who play Eve for on-grid experiences, including PvP but also PvE, exploration, and so on. Fighters play for lifetime Eve stories. The combat shakes. The immense mechanical depth of experience Eve has to offer. The builders play mainly for social reasons. They identify with things they own, friends they have.

    By no means these groups are mutually exclusive. One can enjoy both. But typically, people fall into one of the poles of these basic experiences.

    Both "fighters" and "builders" are valuable groups in Eve. But since about 2015, the game has become a bit more hostile for fighters and more friendly to builders. There are many reasons why. Most of these reasons are on CCP. In a nutshell, fighter/builder balance was why I ran.

    I ran one of the rare actual campaigns over Eve issues. My campaign was an outlier compared to Eve autocrats getting themselves elected, using group identity mechanics and the social infrastructure advantages of sov null groups. It was a rare way of getting elected to the degree that they liked to call me a "meme candidate".

    I argued for an Eve vision. I argued for existing Eve problems. I argued for concrete solutions to these problems in front of the community. I was elected, and I began arguing for them in front of CSM and CCP. Fully transparent, I defended exactly what I said I'd be defending in CSM 14. Exactly like how I think this entire process should work.

    I ran on ideas. In my forum post last year. But I was also cautious. I said "I'd be lucky if one of these ideas go into the game". Here is a spreadsheet. I posted it to this subreddit right after getting elected as a summary of what I'll be defending. There are 24 items on the "problem" column. About 22 of them, CCP has either made a change, attempted a change or in the publicly admitted process of a change. Among the 34 in the "proposal" column, 19 of them went straight into the game as proposed. Many of these items were collected from the popular community feedback; such as Astrahus farming in wormholes, Jaguars, or FW missions. For some other ideas, I felt incredibly alone in trying to convince the Eve community (particularly those whose gameplay would get nerfed) that there were actually problems about those mechanics. Such as heavy bombers as anti-capital subcaps, and the old way cynoes worked being a problem, or null local needing modification. Yet our arguments persevered.

    This year, beyond my wildest dreams, not only CCP attempted to fix many of these, they found incredibly praiseworthy ways of giving breathing room for the "fighter gameplay", such as filaments. And to excite people with whom we think alike; much more stuff that excites me is coming into the game. Particularly the gameplay which CCP needs to positively develop (as opposed to fixing existing mechanics).

    So in my book, CSM 14 was a huge victory in what I wanted to accomplish. But it wasn't my victory. I wasn't the most professional, presentable, business-minded CSM. When electing CSM, you aren't really electing lobbyists for your playstyle. CCP has filters if all you do is pursuing yours and your voters' interests against the health of the game.

    I construct arguments for a living. What I did was arguing that the vision of Eve that I believe in, in an elaborate manner. I truly believe and I argued that my positions were good for the overall game, and good for CCP. That caught the community's attention first. The distinct amount of votes during the election without null bloc backing was impressive. But beyond that, the kind of perspective I was representing was already being vocally defended. I was only relaying that in a filtered manner. This perspective took years of collective effort to popularize. CSM 14 was "our" victory, not mine. Everyone who chose to defend "fighter interests" in a rational and elaborate manner have their share in it.

    So thank you for making it all possible. And I hope this serves as an inspiration for like-minded Eve players on why they should spend countless hours arguing their Eve vision on social media. Or why they should consider making strong campaigns for CSM.

    Eve is like a city. There are different populations and interest groups. For the city to be better for your population, you have to ask for your rights. People listen. CCP listens. It influences the game.

    What was Next for CSM

    Before deciding to win Eve, I was planning to run for CSM 15 on 3 main missions.

    • Making PvP skill level of organizations another determinant of organizational relevance similar to player counts and supercap+ vessel counts. This includes not only bringing back the AT, bringing tournaments into the sandbox, but also making player skill more relevant for the objectives (rewards, timers, etc) within the sandbox. If it was up to me, I'd make at least one of the citadel timers (say the armor timer) a 5v5, a 10v10, a 80v80 (depending on the size). I'm very radical compared to average Eve player on this, and I don't mind being so, because I know Eve selected against the kind of players who'd find this idea attractive .
    • Creating more room for playstyles outside sov null. Revitalizing lowsec. Making FW the entry point of new players into PvP. Enabling anti-sov-null and nomadic playstyles with new gameplay.
    • Inserting different models of null player organizations than the umbrella model [RECRUIT EVERYONE YOU CAN, CRAM THEM IN A SINGLE REGION, FARM UP ALL ASSETS UNTIL EVERYONE HAS A TITAN AND SEVERAL CAP ALTS] into the realm of possibility for superpower-level relevancy and viability. Making it ecosystemically harder to create ultra condensed regions. Making it so every fleet has a counterescalation. Making it so non-selectively growing larger as an organization has its own diminishing returns.

    Like last year, I was going to offer 25-30 concrete ecosystemic proposals to make the above vision real. The truth is it won't take a year or two to bring back "fighters" to be as relevant as "builders". It will take an entire new Eve generation to do so. Eve selected against the fighters for so long. Thus, I don't see many items in the above agenda in any current candidate's lists. I hope someone takes over them. Regardless, I think this year was great to advocate such an Eve vision to CCP.

    We talk about stagnation a lot. I think "builders" are behind the most of it. The more I spent time in CSM, the more I acquired insight into how this happens. For example, how come there are not many titan/super level fights compared to the past, when there numerically way higher amount of such ships in the game?

    Here is the answer. There are really a bunch of people who decides whether a titan/super group (core umbrella) engages with another. Those are the people on top of the empire building gameplay. Imagine building up your sov null superpower. Your core umbrella with titans and supers, alongside with the people you recruited, the diplomatic relations you built, the social structure, the concrete infrastructure in the game and outside the game. All that gives you the meaning, fun, the sense of purpose and relevance you derive from Eve. Now consider how important the core umbrella is to defend all that you built up. Without it, there is no home defense of Rorquals and farming capitals. Without your core umbrella of titans and supers, there is less relevance, less advertising, no perception of "superpower".

    Now, suppose that Eve cap warfare is perfectly balanced so that figthing is fun. Suppose that the ecosystem is in a good place so the forces in different sides are comparable. Suppose that there is an opportunity for a bloodbath, and depending on your performance, there is a 50/50 chance of winning. Would you, in the shoes of this leader, choose to gamble your core umbrella? No, you wouldn't. You didn't build up all these supers and titans to gamble them in the first place. You would only use them in situations where you assess something like 80% chance of winning. And the problem is, since most of these fights occur consensually, the other side needs to perceive a similar chance of winning. Think about how near-impossible it is for CCP to create situations where both sides think there is a very safe chance that they'll be winning.

    I think this is the main reason thousands of titans and tens of thousands of supers lie dormant in Eve. Mechanical problems do matter. But I wouldn't expect much until people specifically farm titans/supers to fight other groups in them. And that would take "fighters" leading big organizations.

    That's the reason why Goons didn't put up a core umbrella level fight in WWB. And the same reason was the magic behind the 1 t dread fight the other day over a POS. Those dreads were spared to have fun in big a fight. No core umbrella was present or near them to completely wipe them out. So a fight was possible, and fun was had. The core umbrellas of big organizations can't be spared by their leaders for the same purpose.

    This is how deeply entrenched stagnation emerging from the builders is for Eve. It won't change over a year or two. It'll require whole other playstyles and mindsets taking over the relevance. It'll require people who'd say "fuck it" and gamble their 800 man titan fleets to rise to positions of power for the stagnation to be completely over. And that's one reason why I was going to run for CSM.

    Turns out I didn't have the RL room to do all this now. I just wanted to leave this vision here for anyone else to consider.

    What I Think the CSM Is For

    In my belief, there are three roles entities in which CCP utilizes CSM. These can be listed as "expert consultant", "community relay feedback", and "check and balance on CCP" roles. In my belief, the former role matters more and it's rarer to find such CSM members. The council body somehow achieves the latter two roles without one person or another being on CSM. The former role is why expertise, and the diversity and proportionate representation of backgrounds in CSM actually matters. No CSM member will be able to ask for your opinion or predictions for an upcoming change behind the NDA that you don't know about. You'll have to trust in their expertise. This fact is highly underreported, so I wanted to emphasize it again.

    During the election season, in INN's beloved Talk Shows and elsewhere, you'll hear half-truths like "no CSM member can achieve anything in the first year", "you must know how business management works to run", "no-one can get their ideas in the game, you're there to relay CCP what's a community priority". It really bothers me to think that these half-truths might discourage non-establishment Eve players from running. Although it takes time to settle and get to know who to talk to about which mechanic, it doesn't take an entire year to make an impact particularly if you're on the right/underrepresented side of the argument. It doesn't take business-mindedness to demonstrate CCP that a proposal is good for the game. EvE is an artwork as much as it's a business (money follows good art). People are in CSM as Eve experts, not as CCP experts or business management experts. It works fine if you are one of the people with the top-notch comprehension of one major domain of Eve, or a few. Don't shy away from running.

    "Did You Really Hate Goons?"

    Trust me in saying this. I really, only, just wanted to kill stuff in novel, impressive, fun ways.

    Everything else kinda spiraled because I killed stuff alone or with people, and I argued killing stuff should be more accessible. Sadly, Imperium leadership historically thought that they need external boogiemen to create internal cohesion. They used several personas for this over the years. And in recent years that role was me.

    A culture was organically and artificially created around mocking me to some degree or other on jabber, mumble, discord, local, reddit, Meta Show. Even on their alliance-level pings. Here is a compilation, just the tip of the iceberg. Eventually it became their groupthink to Grr Olmeca. I just wanted to be frenemies at least with linemembers.

    The more I've been in Delve whaling and CSM business the more I learned about Imperium. It's a serious question why Panfam or Legacy doesn't feel the need for such cultural moves. They don't feel the need to get their enemies kicked from Reddit, try to get them breach the NDA, try to get them banned. They don't need to overemphasize espionage or metagaming. I witnessed how Imperium leadership interprets Eve Online, and I did have grown a strong distaste about it.

    Perhaps "distaste" is a mild way of putting it. Let me rephrase. I fucking hate the Imperium leadership's interpretation of Eve. They created a huge behemonth grounded on bureucracy, metagaming, and alt-right style propaganda. Their best recent achievement is turning some guy and getting some guy banned. They embraced the builder mindset, protected it at all costs, stagnated the game. That can't be how top-notch Eve is played. An entire generation of new players shouldn't be inoculated with the same mentality. So eventually, beating that mindset at every domain became as big a goal for me as killing in creative ways. So yeah, this is the extent why I kept choosing to mess with Goons.

    I killed Excavators, stole them, killed caps solo or with people, afk camped Delve. It was fun, and it still feels like it's for a higher purpose. Lately, Goons yeeted themselves out of their supercap ratting, pointing at ehp reductions. Many other places there are lots of people who still think super ratting is viable. Incredibly, the new Hel fit of Goons actually has more tank than their pre-Nirvana Hel fit. Nothing was really changed between the mechanic between us and our target supers. If Goons were preformed, they'd save them. If not, we'd kill them with a 100+ bomber fleet plus 5 suicide dreads (ok maybe we could downgrade to 3 dreads per super). It felt like they stopped super ratting just to be able to say "Olmeca killed his playstyle". That's funny, as that's a sheer misunderstanding of what I do and want. I got to know Imperium better, but they didn't get to know me better, as they'd rather believe in self-produced koolaid. As long as Eve exists, I'll find mechanically deep and satisfying ways to kill assets that matter to people. That gameplay can never die. Meanwhile, one of my goals was making Delve as dangerous or more compared to other regions. If they couldn't use supers because of me, that was actually mission accomplished. It meant balance was restored to the universe, that some other entities were able to catch up with Goons. But even today, if you ask these people, everything I do benefits them lol.

    While they were arguing how irrelevant we were, we made them dock supers just due to the sheer pressure we applied with campers. Over 3 years, I was on approx. 8 t of direct killmails that was solo or organized by DPCI. I stole 2 t of Excavators. More importantly, the biggest blow we dealt to the region was in the form of all our indirect effects. Botting caps getting outed and having to be banned, all supers having to fit tank over agility, Rorquals having to be at the keyboard with Excavators, smartbombing Machariel groups having very limited number of farm systems outside campers, barge 45-boxers having to choose other regions to keep up their activities, and so on. I conservatively estimate we did some 30-40t in total damage over 2 years, which was actually significant.

    I recently began soloing carriers. I was about to start a new campaign to make Delve a desert. I would drop on anything I see. Suppress all farming. Meanwhile, the Whaler 2 was coming with a Genghis Khan theme. I had so many ambitions, hopes and dreams. So imagine how incredible it was to hear from Goons that I got left nothing else to do. But all these is why Eve as I like takes an unmanageable amount of time. Now things will sway back to their favor a bit. I hope people take over the good fight.

    I'm sure the ugly metagame against my name will continue for a bit. Brisc and Sort were already spreading rumors about how I had behavior issues in CSM meetings and how CCP added the professionalism clause to Code of Conduct about me. So idk what they'll say about me leaving Eve for a bit lol. For CSM business, it disturbed me when people throw shade in a manner I can't even respond without breaking the CSM NDA and COC. I mean look at this snippet from Initiative internal discord. How do I even respond to this under NDA? I just hope someday paper pushers, diplo people and propaganda people will be less important in Eve.

    If you read thus far thanks for reading. AMA about CSM 14 or other stuff in the comments. Stay safe from COVID. Enjoy your Eve. Great things are coming within the next year. I'm proud to be a part of the development of that stuff. I hope CCP keeps on the same track.

    submitted by /u/Olmeca_Gold
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    I’m the Trash Man!

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Five years ago today, a CFC super move op is ambushed

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    submitted by /u/rockon4life45
    [link] [comments]

    FEDUP, you are literal shit, lmao

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Did some noise filament exploring. Pretty good haul for an evening of work.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Discord Leader Jibrish shows his true colors

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    EVEMarketer Is Back (Somewhat)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:37 PM PDT


    No price data available at this point, but the core application appears to be back up.

    Thanks to whoever runs the site. We missed it a lot.

    submitted by /u/waffles-nom
    [link] [comments]

    A study based on Eve Online

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I'm a high school student, who's going to graduate around this time next year, but until then, I've been tasked with writing my first ever formally written research paper (not as long as the ones at university, like 4000 words at most) in a freely chosen topic. When it comes to Eve Online, I'm the type of person who you could describe as the "distant admirer". In other words, I have very little in-game experience due to a lack of time, but many things have fascinated me in the game. In particular, I'm talking about how you guys were able to create a living and breathing economy, and how (to my knowledge) it's as close to a model of a real economy in a video game as it gets.

    But enough with the introduction. The reason I'm writing this post, is that I would want to write my research paper about how accurately could video games' economies be used as a simulation of real-world economies. This, of course, would require an immense amount of market data, therefore I would like to ask you to give me some words of guidance, about where would be a good place to start. Links to webpages, articles, your advice or opinion, I welcome everything! Thank you guys in advance!

    submitted by /u/martinsandor707
    [link] [comments]

    The Liberation of Kinakka (2020)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Top left seems familiar

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    [RE-HO] The Hawk

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Well thats new .....

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    i found a " Encrypted Semiosis Console (Svarog Clade) " in the new site. i also found

    Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ1

    Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ2

    Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ3

    now is question. does this maybe interact with eachother to give hints of waht to come or is it just fluff items?

    submitted by /u/Igzorn010
    [link] [comments]

    Network latency read out?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Hello Eve reddit. Just curious if anyone has recently suggested CCP make latency visible to the players through the client. With the server stability issues plaguing eve right now it would be very useful to have. Maybe if it could be something like the FPS window we have already? Show the current latency and a little history graph of the last 10 seconds or so.

    submitted by /u/Quegyboe
    [link] [comments]

    LowSec is dead.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Literally Unplayable, Making Delete Account

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Constant Disconnection

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    I've have never had an issue with disconnections this bad before. I've been getting disconnected constantly today. Is anyone else having this issue? Is it because of the DoS attack?

    submitted by /u/Caskas72
    [link] [comments]

    The Caliph Hy Wanto Destroyer has spoken

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    [Game World News] Election Special: Voting for New President Underway Across Gallente Federation in Delayed Weekend Poll

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Giving Some Love To Eve's Player Driven Economy! As some one outside looking In I love Hearing Stories From your Guy's Community!

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Cyclone vs All

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    If you ever think about being a C2/null elite

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

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