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    Eve Online TRASH TALK MONDAY THREAD, MAY 18 2020

    Eve Online TRASH TALK MONDAY THREAD, MAY 18 2020


    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:00 AM PDT






    submitted by /u/PlanetaryGenocide
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    Gotta train lots of skills before I can fly and fit something better than a noob frig!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    [Sisi] New Eden Billboards May 18, YC 122

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Are you doing your part to keep low-sec low? Shoot all nullblob-allied ships on sight!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    New player with little money and even less sleep

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Ikitursa related Abyssal PvP infographic

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Legacy vs Pandafam (Cold War getting hot edition)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    NSH Deploys an Astrahaus (Wheeler does not fit it right because he rides the short bus)

    We form to save it.

    Pandafam joines the brawl. Shit hits the fan.

    GF's test and friends.

    I wish Vindi/FedUp *fcon 2.0* were actually good.

    Can't wait for further brawls.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYukFOlittA (NSH View video)

    https://zkillboard.com/related/30000611/202005190200/ (BR)

    submitted by /u/Rasta_Enat
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    Kinakka isn´t worse than Notoras!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Things are heating up again. The mighty KNONOs fought bravely and with a somewhat sinister grin on their faces leading to pain being inflicted upon their foes as presented here, BR.

    It all began on a rainy tuesday many, many years ago. Our Kaiser was born and as a youngun he started adopting strays for an occasion like this. For when he could unleash the dogs upon anyone who glanced glaringly at the mighty Radamantis (raitaru).

    For a day like this!

    Cyno goes up, Leshaks and Bhaals enter field. They start pewing as we align. Radamantis is screaming in such agony that our comms went silent for a second. We land, waiting to enter the grid to save him. Fight ensues but from nowhere we are descended upon by strange looking poultry in duck taped ships.

    Boosh is initiated. But the limit on how many can be booshed is reached (lets pretend we didn´t forget about that) and some are caught. Swift revenge is however enacted and the ships that were barely flying flew no more.

    Radamantis smiles upon us.

    From out of nowhere, our friends and enablers, Dock Workers show up to even the odds. Response is yet another cyno, this time bringing in 5 mighty HAW Revs. The fight is officially on. Blows are traded and the appearance of Snuggles becomes visible.

    But our foe realized the mistake of incurring the wrath of Radamantis and chose to disengage, leaving their allies to suffer our wrath. And suffer they did.

    Fight is over. The Kaiser is hovering over the piles of bodies that are being stacked and burned. Radamantis smiles upon us as we warp off to end the fleet.

    Cyno goes up. Damnit, the beacons were lit and Goons have answered the call. Radamantis cries out in horror for a brief second before never being heard again.

    Many thanks to Dock Workers, to Blank Space, to Sons of Seyllin and to Absolute Order for coming. Also thanks to all the individuals that showed up.

    Thanks to the other side, Wangs, Chikuns and Waffles.

    And lastly, thank goons for finishing the timer.


    TL:DR Pew happened, a fun fight. Bring your asses to Kinakka for content!

    submitted by /u/Maria_Tokila
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    What happened to CCP abraxas

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Title says it all really I saw that they stopped producing chronicles and was wondering if he quit.

    submitted by /u/Det3304
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    Oooof, this is getting nasty!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    REAL CHANGE - Phantomite for CSM 2020!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    *UPDATE* I'm committed to finding my place in Eve Online

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    After my post about struggling to find my place in Eve and simply struggling to keep playing the game, I got a lot of great advice from you guys and many of you reached out to me personally.

    I've tried to take your advice and even offers of friendship and use them to commit myself to finding my place in Eve. Since making that decision, I've discovered that I actually do have a number of great people that I play with and that, while that number is currently small, it has all the chances in the world of expanding.

    I'll be joining a fleet, tonight, with a buddy of mine and taking part in what looks to be a 400+ player slugfest. I'm even getting some of my Corp members in on it as a team building opportunity. I've also reconnected to several people in my home system and we've made additional plans, going forward.

    I appreciate all the genuinely helpful advice and the outreach that I received from many of you. Some of the community may be quite toxic, but folks like you help make the time in Eve much easier.

    I am hopeful for this turn of events and hope that it sets the tone for the rest of my time in Eve.

    Fly safe, friends. o7

    submitted by /u/Thade_Reid
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    Federated Alliance of Mafias throws Pandafam batphone into meat grinder

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    [QoL Suggestions] Shower thoughts on some EVE QOL improvements

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Let me start off by saying these are just raw ideas and I realize CCP has more important things to devote their time to. It's just a list of some things I thought of while showering today. I don't expect anything to be done about them. It's just my raw, personal "wishlist" of sorts and i thought I'd post it and see what everyone else thought about it. These are in no way completely thought through, they're just raw ideas. Bear that in mind. Here it is:

    • When Creating a fleet: allow the option to use a stored fleet advert with the stored setup. This way when creating a fleet the advert is added automatically according to the stored settings.
    • Hotkey for an individual selected drone to attack selected target: There is already a hotkey for all drones attacking the selected target. What I'm suggesting is a hotkey for an individual drone. The usecase for this (for me) would be abyssals. I use fast/light drones to attack the caches. If there was a hotkey for an individual drone - this would go a lot faster.
    • More fine tuning audio controls: iirc the sounds for a ship going in/out of warp on-grid makes a *boom* sound - but that's tied in with the "Atmosphere" slider. I think important sounds like gate activations, warp ins/outs, and ship alerts should be broken out (more than they already are) from the other audio sliders as they're some of the most important audio signals players tend to listen for.
    • Roles: I don't even know where to start here - roles need an overhaul, but for me, i would like to see a variant of the junior accountant role where you can assign a specific wallet(s) to be read-only, as in they can see the activity but that's it, and only for the selected wallets.
    • PI: Another game mechanic that needs an overhaul. I get that PI is "supposed to be hard" for the uber factory planets and such that make advanced components and materials. but the whole UI/system feels exactly like what it is - a mini-game type thing that was an add-on and first designed/introduced many many years ago.
    • Inventory: An option to auto-expand the hangars on the left. and an option to auto-stack your inventory when possible. Emphasis on the auto-stacking. CCPlz. lol
    • Auto-Reject: Expand the settings so that auto-reject would now have the option to:
      -Auto-reject Duels
      -Auto-reject Chat Invitations
      -Auto-Reject fleet Invites
      This way someone can auto-reject some things and not others. It wouldn't be an all or nothing reject.
    submitted by /u/SorinOrii
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    [SISI] New station billboard ad

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Questions regarding recently being war declared.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Hello r/eve, my friends and i recently got into eve and formed our own Corp and eventually saved enough for our own raitaru (in high sec). Soon after, we were wardeclared by a Corp (who we found out does this quite often in search of easy kills and structure kills). Our Corp was able to fend off their attacks on our raitaru for a couple days but were unable to settle on a surrender agreement. Upon deciding enough was enough we went for their astruhus while it was on low power and got through their shields and armor. My questions are: was attacking the astruhus a good way to handle this or would it just provoke them? Moving forward we are not sure we will be able to destroy the rest of the structure, would Mercs be a good option? (If so does anyone know any good merc corps and pricing?) ultimately we are just trying to go back to mining and exploring without getting attacked. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/elwooded
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    Thank you for the Hel XiX

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    One of our hunters logged in this morning after rolling out of bed with his boyfriend. He made some coffee, turned on his computer and was sipping it while reading blueprints for his dungeon at home.


    In the POS was a reaper with this guys name on it.


    We think it might have been his?

    The Following is quoted from our hunter;

    "logged one of my hunter toons in off their pos like hmm, okay they're not ratting wait that hel is OUTSIDE jump cloned my bridger and jer over to ivp lit a covert cyno on the hel, bridged a bomber over and hopped in, warped off and jumped to my cyno back to ivp freaking liberated a hel from the fake russians"


    Not the best fit, missing 500mn T2 MWD, only 1 SB high, should be 2. Lows are ok i guess, needs hyper rigs.

    All in all, a good day for NSH and a better one of XiX Super builders

    submitted by /u/wallywot
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    I should have sold for 650 back then

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Tips on finding officer and commander npc's?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    So I got my first officer ( Kaikka Peunato ) a few days ago. It was the first belt I warped to in -1.0 sov space which surprised me because I thought officers only spawned in npc null space. For sure, officers space in all of npc null space such as Venal, Curse, ect.. and this proves they also spawn in -1.0 true sec sov space.

    Question is, does officers spawn in -.9 and -.8 sov space?

    Would it be better to just stick to one system and kill all the npc's to "escalate" each belt to get a commander/officer spawn, or would it be better to explore belts by jumping system to system without killing anything in hopes of finding one? Does each belt start at a level 1 spawn and escalate up to max level, then reset?

    submitted by /u/joshem8
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    uneventful - short eviction, short video

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    What to do with a couple of t3c pilots

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    I've run out of ideas, if u have a couple of skilled t3c toons, in which actitvity would you engage, to make decent Isks, that is not utterly necessary, and to have fun, that is really the point... Ty in advance for any replies

    submitted by /u/enthropy68
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    Where are black market drone implants obtained from now?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I remember they were able to be obtained during a recent event, but since it has ended, how are they obtained now or are they not able to be obtained currently?

    submitted by /u/Persian_Sexaholic
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    Long time player and long time absent player reviving an old alt and wants to get back into the world. What suggestions do you have for an old miner wanting to start again? Tool recommendations? Tips? Will jump in again this weekend with some good effort and activate my account fully.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    CCP doesn't like free stuff

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT

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