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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Eve Online For aspiring FC’s

    Eve Online For aspiring FC’s

    For aspiring FC’s

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I feel like this is all of us.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    Zappy Bois in a nutshell

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    If you cherry pick can sites and don't at least blow up the remaining cans, fuck you with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    That's all I wanted to say.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/DawnKazama
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    Just because someone said it couldn't be done. T1 exotic abyssal in a solo Venture.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Video unfortunately only starts in the last room because I forgot to start recording :( First room was 2 lance frigate drones and 2 striking damaviks. 2nd room was 2 lucid aegis and 1 lucid preserver. Final room was 1 sparklance frig and abyssal overmind. If you don't believe that it was solo, check abyssal space zkill at the time of the video.


    submitted by /u/Leehams
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    I'm an idiot.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:49 PM PDT



    I saw an orange prospect on gate, thought it was free kill, also thought it was losec. Pew'd him, but the pigs pew'd me harder. Pingu will be remembered

    submitted by /u/SeventhAlkali
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    Thanks CCP

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    A Suggestion for the Design of the Agency Invasion UI

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    The new Project Discovery is confusing

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    First Thunderchild lost by XtraSquishy

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I'll take situational irony for $500, please.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    EDENCOM Ships and Their Natural Habitat

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    People seem to have some odd misconceptions about these ships.

    Solo these ships are junk. Even if you are fighting 1 VS 5 and the baddies have no drones, and the baddies all clump up together, tanking your dps with any kind of active tank module will be laughably trivial.

    In a 2 man fleet these ships are junk. Odds are that one of your ships will be deepsing the other one every fight. Any kind of small gang bringing even one ship like this will have to fit tackle to their EDENCOM ship and ram it into the baddies while everyone else keeps range.

    In a 40 man fleet these ships are junk. For one the enemy fleet could come sit on top of you. Now you're deepsing yourself. "Stop hitting yourself. Why are you hitting yourself?" Great. Alternatively the enemy fleet could be a kite fleet. That means that the one guy you tackled falls out of formation, and you're more likely to haze your own tackle ships than his compatriots. Great. Even if you get a good firing scenario, 20 to 30 of these ships will produce such pathetic DPS that they won't kill the primary. And now you're left hoping that the baddies lack broadcast discipline. "I only win if my enemies are stupid," is not a wonderful position to be in.

    But if its a 150 man fleet with 100 of these ships, suddenly you just might be able to kill the primary. And in a good firing solution with a big enemy fleet you'll get a nice even spread of deeps across the whole enemy fleet once their drones evaporate. If you are killing the enemy primary AND applying, lets say, 500 DPS to every ship in the enemy fleet, a few minutes into the fight their fleet will all explode in a stunningly brave coordinated fireball.

    We all know these ships are crap for solo, small gang, mid size gangs, or even a blob of only one fleet. Its the blob fights of multiple fleets where these things may be stupidly broken OP. There's just no way that a fleet of 200 people can manually pilot so that they are in range of the enemy but not within 10km of any of their allies. Which means that clumping up is actually better than manual piloting because it spreads the DPS load across the largest possible number of ships. So EDENCOM ships won't do much to stop people from being anchored. And we're left with a ship that is mostly shit, but might be horribly oppressive in big fights.

    I say might because its possible that the tracking is crap enough that the splash damage can be ignored. Fleet doctrine might develop in such a way that all fights happen directly on top of EDENCOM fleets, who are never able to fire a shot because they'll haze themselves worse than the enemy. Maybe everybody runs fleet combinations of Thunderchilds and Blaster Rohks. Maybe nobody can afford an EDENCOM ship. Maybe people develop godlike manual piloting skills, or someone figures out how to space a 200 man fleet apart just right so that the splash damage is ineffectual. This ship is so strange and finicky that I can't just look at the EFT stats and tell if it will be good or not.

    But my point is, this is a blob fest ship designed for living in the biggest fattest blob and firing at other blobs of roiling flesh. Whether it will be good or not will depend on how well it performs in that environment. And if CCP were to buff it to be a viable solo ship, it would definitely be oppressive in the environment it was intended for.

    submitted by /u/MukkBarovian
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    Blaster Marshal vs VNI, round one—FIGHT!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT


    Bored and couldn't sleep last night so I was trawling zkillboard and came across this gem. Don't AFK in Marshals I guess?

    submitted by /u/Ice_Cracker
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    Nullsec Subcapital PvE: Understanding the Root Problems

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Fair warning, this is gonna be a long post. TL:DR - I am going to try and explain some of the root problems with ratting ships currently that need to be addressed regardless of what CCP does with local, citadels, or ESSes when it comes to generating content in nullsec.

    What is the current meta?

    AFK Droneboats. The flavor varies based on region and personal preference, but with the untimely death of the VNI, you now see a variety of Myrmidons, Gilas, Ishtars, and Dominixes.

    Why is this the meta?

    There are lots of reasons, and I'll try and list out a few of the key ones.

    1. Drone Auto-aggression allows you to run sites without constantly firing on new targets. This means there is far less required input and opens up more opportunity to multi-box ratting ships.

    2. Drones do not cost ammunition and almost never die if ratting properly, making them one of the most cost-effective and laziest weapon systems outside of lasers.

    3. Drone control range is not impacted by warp core stabilizers, allowing the ratting ships an extra opportunity to escape.

    4. Signature tanking is cheap and requires minimal slots. This one does not apply to the dominix, but in the case of the other ships, you can use almost all of your available slots for additional damage and application over additional tank.

    5. Drones are very effective at ignoring rat EWAR. Being jammed, damped, or weapon disrupted does absolutely nothing to a drone boat.

    How do they stack up compared to other money-making methods?

    On a per account basis, AFK drone boat ratting is pretty terrible. With completely perfect skills, you will see ~45m/hour for a myrmidon, ~55m/hour in a gila or dominix, ~60m/hour in an ishtar. Compared to ~100m/hour doing exploration, 150m/hour running Incursions in highsec, 100-150m/hour running mid-tier Abyssal sites, or the higher rates you can pull doing faction warfare missions or C3/4 wormhole sites, not impressive.

    But, like mining, you are encouraged to run multiple accounts. Running 3 ishtars or four myrmidons allows you to get more isk than you would running a highsec incursion, and at significantly less clicking. All you need to do is pay attention to intel / local.

    HOWEVER: In order to hit even those relatively okay numbers, you need to max krab fit. 4 Drone Damage amplifiers, and at least 2, preferably 3-4, modules or rigs dedicated to tracking or speed. This is important for the next question.

    Why do these options suck for content creation?

    The classic trick of catch a ratter to draw out the response fleet simply isn't designed for ships focused on signature tank. On top of often having Warp Core Stabilizers fit for easier escape at further cost of tank because it doesn't impact their ratting ticks, the typically small and medium sized weapons of the usual roaming gang apply just fine to the cruiser that relies on signature tanking and needs to dedicate almost all of it's modules to the money-making component in order to be worth people's time. As a result, the ratting ship will be dead in 15s-a minute, depending.

    It is basically impossible to whip together a quick response in literal seconds, and needing to take even a single gate will pretty much guarantee the ship will be dead before you arrive. And "holding" it doesn't really work since most people know that it will be killed the second the response gets close anyway.

    What can change that will shift the ratting meta to ships that could survive longer when tackled, be more capable of fighting back, and encourage more active defense?

    Signature tanking as the meta is due to Battleship rats being the primary money ticks in these sites, giving 5x the isk reward received for battlecruisers/cruisers, and an order of magnitude more isk than frigate and destroyer rats. These battleship rats are also the ones most easily signature tanked, meaning sites more suitable to non-signature tanking ships pay significantly less.

    1. Changing the isk reward per rat or shifting some component of the isk reward to site completion can offer ways to make sites more suitable to heavier ships like battleships and battlecruisers which can apply better to swarms of frigates or destroyers, and are better suited to tanking the smaller overall DPS of the site since the frigates and destroyers have no trouble hitting the sig tanking cruisers.

    2. Changing spawn locations of rats is another option- AFK drone boats want to consistently be in a 20-50km range off of rates- any closer and you can't sig tank as well or run the risk of getting webs applied, and any further and the drone/rat aggression mechanics will break down and your drones will start to get targeted more frequently. Reward ships that can project to far away waves, or quickly move their close range DPS from one wave to the next. Needing to constantly reposition a drone boat removes a large portion of the AFK aspect as well.

    3. Change rat logic to switch back to drones eventually. Self explanatory.

    4. Make rat webbing frigates capable of catching ships moving 800-1000m/s. This then at least requires the drone boat pilot to be at the keyboard, primarying webbing frigates off field first. Making the webbing/tackle frigates a real threat can also be a boon to other ratting ships, who may leave webbing frigates alive in the hope that if they are tackled by other players, the webbing frigates will run down one of their opponents when they switch aggro, providing a window of opportunity.

    If you make any of these changes and as a result make Nullsec subcapital PvE an active activity again instead of a pseudo-passive one, DON'T FORGET TO BUFF THE ISK/HR for a single ship.

    Make it so someone willing to use a faction or pirate battleship to make money is competitive with mid tier wormhole sites or at least better than 100% safe HS moneymaking methods. Otherwise, why should I put myself out in space at all when I can run abyssals in HS knowing no one will bother me?


    Sig tanking ratting ships suck for generating content

    Current NS anomalies promote AFK drone sig tanking ships over all other options

    Rebalance anomaly income to promote people undocking tankier / more dangerous ships that can survive longer for reinforcements, and fight back better themselves.

    submitted by /u/SerQwaez
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    Why is the Project Discoverysubmision limit so low? CCPlease

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Hello! So I've recently been doing a lot of the project discovery, I really like the skins are the cause is freaking awesome, however, I noticed that it only took me around 10-20 min over two accounts to burn through my input limit. I was wondering why that is so low, I am aware of the need to protect against bots, but I have over a 96% accuracy and I really want to grind this, as I find it quite enjoyable!

    Sorry for the wall of text, here's me learning that battleship rats hit hard in my VNI :)


    submitted by /u/bandht
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    When project discovery gives you tutorial repeats and tells you you're doing them too fast

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Retaining Newbros

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    I was at a friends house helping him with his Fallout 76 game. I built his computer to play it on, and he has some problems related to a head injury. He's fine but it can be difficult to get stuff right.

    Anyway out of the blue he decides to start an Alpha EVE account. He gets it going and chooses Amarr and makes his char. Then he is dumped into the game in some system that has like one station. I get him to it through an Overview completely flooded with Chinese Mobile Depots etc. I scroll through to find the station. We get there and remember this is an Alpha Clone with no iSK, and there are no Agents. I find the nearest ones 7 jumps away and take him there.

    He likes it but damn that was bad.

    submitted by /u/pencilgun
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    Anyone else think the new Discovery UI could use some improvements?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed the Exoplanets Discovery game, enough that in the span of about 6-7 months of daily playing I got to about lvl 550 with max accuracy for most of the time. The rewards were good, but also was the sense that you're contributing in some small way to real life scientific progress appeals to me personally and professionally.

    As a clinical laboratory technician myself, the news that a new Discovery was coming online to address the biotech industry in regards to the COVID pandemic struck me as a grand opportunity to merge my career with my gaming experience. Scattergrams like those seen in the Flow Cytometry iteration are basically the bread-and-butter of any lab tech working in hematology, so it's no exaggeration to say I was motivated to play once I realized I had a particular set of skills to handle this. In fact, on the first day I managed to reach the solution limit before I'd finished my other activities in the game, so I literally couldn't do any more. I'd gotten to about lvl 14, with an accuracy over 90%.

    That having been said, I think I've played enough of it to say that the interface by which the game is handled is sub-par compared to the Exoplanets interface. There are problems that didn't exist before, and the overall window seems too big and busy, with some visual information missing. While there have been posts with issues regarding the scattergrams, I feel like those will be addressed in due course. My issue, from a player convenience standpoint, is more about the window itself, and given input from others, I decided to make this post to log my opinions regarding issues I see in this UI that weren't a problem in Exoplanets

    I'm told CCP reads these posts, so may this post serve as some constructive criticism so that this great and helpful game can be made better and easier to use so that more players are willing to play it. I'd like this post to be about the interface itself, and not necessarily the analysis; though feel free to log any items you think should be brought to CCP's attention.

    In summation: I think the game is great, and I plan to play it a lot, but there's several quality of life tweaks that need to happen to make it more convenient to use. In order of what I consider to be most important to least:

    1) The white noise is unnecessary, and distracts you from solving. You can also hear it when it's minimized.

    2) Much of the interface is too big and doesn't really serve any meaningful fashion; as a result, it takes up so much of the screen you can't minimize it enough to see the screen properly. Overall it's too visually busy while not conveying as much overall information at a glance as Exoplanets did. Also, at the smallest you can make the window, it easily takes up 4/5ths of the screen, which makes playing it in the background while passing the time mining an issue.

    3) The cell images and the 'next reward' images down the middle are just visual filler. They can be removed without losing any necessary or even desired information, so that the window can be snapped smaller.

    4) The line of milestones has no progress bar on it showing how far along you've come. That line running through all the Exoplanets rewards was much better.

    5) It doesn't tell new players why they get x2 xp once a day for the first 10 solves. They might be confused why sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't. Exoplanets told you that the first 10 a day get 2x xp.

    6) I have no clue by what standard the 'golden standard' zones are derived. Since your accuracy is based on your solution's similarity to them, it'd be nice to know if they're based on consensus, or determined by the game's creators.

    7) The points you mark to define the zones are very finicky at times, and you can't right click to delete the mark you're on like you could with exoplanets if you made an error.

    I suppose some of these are nit-picks, but collectively it makes the game a lot less fun than exoplanets was. A handful of convenience tweaks could clear most of this up, but does anyone else agree?

    submitted by /u/LabTech41
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    Quick change to the Gila to reduce botting income

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    • Pirate faction ships are now Omega only

    • Hull bonus removed. Each level of Caldari/Gallente cruiser now gives 50% drone damage and 20% drone durability.

    Gilas are far and away the most popular botting ships because you can get a decent Gila going for well under the 5 million alpha skill point cap. Getting banned does nothing for a gila botter, since the 1 million SP from just a referral link is enough to get a character back into a Gila and botting again. All that is lost on ban is a Gila.

    Sure botters will just swap to other ships, but those other ships have severe drawbacks compared to Gila. Vexors don't make nearly as much, Myrmidon and Dominix requires quite a lot of support skills to be cap stable, and Ishtar both requires significant SP (cost in injectors) and Omega.

    Requiring pirate faction ships to be Omega only also knocks out current worm abyss bots and astero exploration bots.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    My thoughts on Edencom ships and why they are bad. (contains Pyfa application chart porn)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    After my quick post yesterday about the stormbreaker being worse than a HML cerb I wanted to run more numbers and actually play around with them some more on Sisi to really see how bad they were. Well, they need a lot of rebalance.


    In regards to fitting room, the ship feels very balanced. With 4 mids, 3 lows, 3 rig slots, and no utility high, there is plenty of fitting room and the extra shield bonus really makes this ship feel very tanky, especially considering it's a T1 hull. As a nano platform the base speed is a little on the low end, but with the ship cost being where it is, (foreseeable future) I can't imagine someone flying it without snakes/drugs/links. To add to that, with the current mechanics of the ship, you wouldn't want to use this as a close range brawler since any other ship in similar class will out damage you, not only in raw DPS, but with application as well. The weapon system on this ship has poor application compared to any other weapon system in the game. Unbonused hulls with roughly 250 sig will take full damage from this weapon system, but the DPS is pretty damn poor. In a 1v1 scenario, most ships in the meta will catch this ship with a similar setup and you simply don't have the DPS to compete. In a group fight scenario, you will apply damage from decent range, but your DPS is so bad, and with the mechanics of the weapon system there is a good chance you can shoot your own team mate as much as you can shoot them. To use it as a ship to defang drones, it's also bad since you can possibly hit your own team mate, but also the application to drones is poor. The only use I see this ship having is maximum range sniper, with ewar in the mids, but the DPS is just bad, the cost is going to be high, and this ship/weapon requires extra skill training. You will be far more effective using something like a worm, or a hawk to have similar tank, but better damage and application. Also those hulls require far less training and are more readily available.

    • Possible fix?
      • Increase damage by 25% for all ammo types
      • Increase application by 50%
      • Weapon system only bounces to targets you have locked.
      • Reduce the bounce to a total of 3 targets.


    Once again, in regards to fitting room, the ship feels very balanced. With 6 mids, 3 lows, 3 rig slots, and no utility high, there is plenty of fitting room and the extra shield bonus really makes this ship feel very tanky, especially considering it's a T1 hull. Also, because of the range bonus, this ship along with it's 6 mids, gives you ability to be a good sniping platform with a lot of additional ewar potential for damps/TDs/GDs/Paints. As a nano platform the base speed is pretty bad. The maller is faster. I think the thing that really makes this ship shine is simply the range. Even without rigs/lows/mids that help with it's potential range, you can hit targets ranging from 36km - 131km (depending on ammo) Sadly, that range bonus comes with VERY LITTLE DAMAGE. If you look at the images linked above, your application is really bad, and the numbers are also assuming your TPs are on the primary target. Drones, tackle, and sig bonused ships will simply ignore and shed the damage you can put out. And in my earlier post, I made the point a HML cerb can split it's guns and do more damage for less cost and can be more selective of which targets you want to hit.

    • Possible fix?
      • Increase damage by 30% for all ammo types
      • Increase application by 50%
      • Weapon system only bounces to targets you have locked.
      • Reduce the bounce to a total of 4 targets.
      • Change hull bonus to 3.5% range bonus per skill level.
      • Increase base speed by 15 m/s


    Like the other 2 hulls, the slot layout is pretty good. 2 High, 7 mids, 5 lows, and 3 rig. I just wish they would have given this hull another high slot, maybe even at the expense of the 25m drone bay. Without the Shield hull bonus, the ship is far less tanky than it's counter parts, but the double damage bonus is a nice bonus. Sadly, though, the application is absolute garbage. The speed is also really really bad. You are going to be insanely slow, and your tank is "meh" at best. This is the only ship in it's class that actually has decent alpha/DPS assuming you fit it with maximum damage, but once again, the application and the mechanics of the weapons are really really bad. Any other battleship has at least double the alpha or triple the DPS, which you can focus better, and generally has better application to smaller ships. For the price of this ship, the skill training required, and the inability to control what you hit, once again, the ship is crap IMO.

    • Possible fix?
      • Increase damage by 5% for all ammo types
      • Increase application by 25%
      • Weapon system only bounces to targets you have locked.
      • Add another utility high slot.
      • Increase base speed by 10 m/s
      • Increase drone bay size and bandwidth 50
      • Increase scan resolution by 25%

    Everything here should be taken with a grain of salt, as this is just my personal opinion. Many of the arguments made are "these will fuck logi", but remember, you can't select which ship you can shoot other than the primary, and people will just use drones as a flack screen for these ships. In addition to that, these weapons don't apply well to smaller fast targets so drones won't be dying as quickly as you think. For the price and skill required to fly these, you are better off using a standard doctrine DPS ship to be more effective for applying damage in almost every single case, and in regards to disrupting logi and enemy fleets, you are better off using Damps/Jams on logi. It's more effective, cheaper, and you can focus it far better.


    All application stats for targets do not take into account fleet links, implants, or drugs, so the application is best case scenario. If the enemy had skirmish links, instinct, and overclocker, the application would be considerably less

    submitted by /u/atomdeathstroke
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    Profitable Piracy in Eve Online

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    I'm a very new player, and I joined after watching CGP Grey's piracy videos because I'd heard eve had a reputation for consequential pvp and in-game criminality (and because Naval Action is basically dead). If I want to conduct pvp piracy as a business, and make it my primary income, how would I go about it? Are there groups committed to doing such things? I've done a few exploration runs in nullsec and wh space to get familiar with the game but I haven't seen any pvp yet.

    submitted by /u/AlfonsodeAlbuquerque
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    Warning about Multibuy

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Many of you probably already knew this, but it is worth mentioning for those of you who have yet to learn another of the many essential things CCP cannot be bothered to explain to people.

    If you are using Multibuy to purchase multiple of an item then the price you pay per item is always the price of the most expensive sell order you would be taking.

    For example: Say you wanted to buy 100 of a less traded item like the Federation Fleet Colonel I Insignia. Sell orders are: 50 @ 1 mil each, 40 @ 1.1 mil each, 10 @ 10.0 mil each, and 10 @ 10.1 mil each.

    Buying the market orders one by one the old-fashioned way means you would pay 194 million. This means you spent an average of 1.94 million per insignia.

    Buying 100 insignia with Multibuy means that your 100th insignia purchased (from cheapest to more expensive of the sell orders available) would cost 10.0 mil. Multibuy will then force you to pay 10.0 mil ISK for every single Insignia. This will cost you a total of 1 billion ISK.

    This example is an extreme example, but it is not that unreasonable to find for less traded items. The difference in costs is 806 million ISK, or an extra 415% on the old-fashioned method.

    What annoys me about this is that if you used Multibuy for commonly traded items you could get used to having reasonable-seeming costs and imagine that the system worked in a sensible way. Unfortunately it does not, which once you realise the hard way makes Multibuy seem pretty useless as it does not make purchasing items easier, as it it's purpose.

    submitted by /u/maffian13579
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    Aggro Mechanics

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    So, every time I warp in on random PvE'r doing a site - the entire site generally switches to m instantly and stays on me like its protecting the guy.


    Any time I'm in a site and someone ganks me the rats continue to hammer me until I die or switches off for a moment then returns to me quickly


    Is it standing/sec status based? It's extremely frustrating to be honest

    submitted by /u/iSovereign
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