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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Eve Online It really do be like that some fleets...

    Eve Online It really do be like that some fleets...

    It really do be like that some fleets...

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Relatively new player, first time seeing cities on planets. Stared at it for a few minutes.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Multispectrum Jammer

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    Grand Theft Kikimora

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    All Praise HyperNet and The Hero Ticket!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Solitaire vibes

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Focusing on the real issues finally.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Now that we have chain lightning, when are we getting chain heal?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    The Triglavians got their own spool-up logi. Sort of makes sense to have an Edencom chain heal to help mitigate the absolute nightmare logi pilots are now going to have.

    submitted by /u/thequazi
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    Let's fight COVID-19 boys.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    The state of EVE right now...

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Jita official symbol is a rabbit?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    SRP Poetry contest

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    So the corp had a contest the last month in which your request for SRP had to be in some sort of poem form. I found some of the responses to be quiet entertaining and thought I'd share. Perhaps it will inspire some creativity in you

    Post #1:

    Gnosis and Vexors, oh my!

    Tomes shouts out "come on by!"

    9 brave WiNGSPAN souls went into that hole

    Weeb Driver in astero went to follow in tow

    Iz it bait?!? On guard for a Thermo scare.

    Twas a deception! Dead Star Syndicate came in like a bear

    Bubbles, nuets, and all things nasty.

    They snatched us up and everything blasty.

    We escaped with pods.OH MY GOD!

    Was fun but a bit shafty.

    Post #2:

    Into the breach I ran with Zam

    DPS ready for the miners again

    It was over quite quickly

    The rook landed a jam.

    And as i burned away

    Someone got scram.

    Their response fleet was fast

    They were ready for us, Damn!

    The ENI went down but,

    At least we made a Thrasher go blam!

    Post #3:

    With heavy heart, I had to impart

    Another bomber you see.

    Still more to learn - but those bastards WILL burn,

    Please grant me that SRP.

    submitted by /u/MrMWH77
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    CCP can we get a checkmark for possible false data?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Honest question about the Stormbringer.....

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Why wouldn't I just use a HML cerb and just split my guns? I can hit 6 targets that I so choose, apply better, no additional skill training, ADC, Hit further, no capacitor usage, drone bay, most likely cheaper, more availability, More focused damage, should I choose to do so....

    For real though, aside from the novelty of the zappy boi pew pew ship that looks cool and offers good role playing marvel thor fanboy cosplay opportunities, this ship feels like trash. I cannot imagine anyone using these after the novelty wears off.

    submitted by /u/atomdeathstroke
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    For the honor of the State!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Eve Online - PvP Tales Of The Hecate King (Hecate Vs Small Gang)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Do the edencom ships seem kinda lacking to anyone else?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    They look nice and are REALLY tanky but their weapon seems pretty useless. Only the battle ship has a utility high. Not a huge deal but still.

    Low dps makes them not viable for mission running and it hits even structures with it's bounce. I assume the safety will stop you from shooting other pilots I THINK (unless they are suspect in which case a suspect cloaky boi can bait you into a fight)

    You can't even use them for the trig invasion sites effectively because of how limited the ships are and the rats can out rep the dps they deal and maybe friendly fire.

    I guess you could use them for big fleet fights? But all it takes to counter the bounce gimmick is to launch a few light drones as chaff to soak up the bounces pretty much hard countering it. Or just sitting on the enemy so they shoot themselves.

    Maybe I'm missing something since they are new. What's everyone else's thoughts on them and their overall usefulness?

    submitted by /u/Holly-White
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    Lost Another VNI

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I have an old account but have only played for a couple of months. So I'm mining Ice which I am good at, well in a low rent kind of way anyway. I'm Jetcanning Ice and picking it up with my Miasmo. Its boring but quite profitable for a little guy like me. I did not even know there was Ice in my new system. I picked it, and a few surrounding systems, for its Ore, which I make quite a bit of ISK with. If I keep going like I am I will be able to afford an Orca, when I finally skill to that level. Now I'm a Covetor wiennie. ;)

    So I am Jetcanning and this guy shows up and scoops my can. I am amused, but have learned to bail so I run. Get my VNI out and come back. Menace his Miasmo a bit and he takes off. Get my Covetor back out and go back to what I was doing. He does it again. ;) I set the Medium Drones I carry on him and he bails. I realize I must fight now and go get the VNI. He shows up in a Frigate, I don't remember the name. I was not sure what it was at the time, I thought it was a Destroyer actually. We fight, I get my ass handed to me and take my Capsule to the Station.

    Asked him what I did wrong. He tells me and explains how I could have beat him, and what I was doing wrong. I will not be as easy next time. Then he gives me back what I lost! We chat for a while, and now I'm thinking about moving to a WH, he lives in one, when I get my shit a little bit more together. I'm just driving a Vexor now as its all I deserve, and I can make them. ;)

    I love the game, and this kind of thing is why.

    submitted by /u/pencilgun
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    Literally Unplayable

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Was I out of line or not?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Short version: There was a breakdown in the script I use to pull market data for the LP store. He reported it, I fixed it. Then the following exchange


    submitted by /u/Fuzzmiester
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    An artist looking for isk

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    V0LTA Ding Dong Ditches some Old Men

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Episode 1 - "Why wont you feed to us?"

    Having left the safety of their unevicatable wormhole, Volta have taken the courageous leap to Low Sec to setup shop in another unevicatable station. They had decided it was time to punch down ferociously into the newest independent sov corp they could find. The fact that is contains a newbro corp is just a bonus.

    After a mixture of wins and losses, Volta doubled down and set a string of timers across Boom and Rote structures in Vale. It was time to show these ex goons and retired old men a thing or two about sov warfare.

    On the back of a costly strategic win over a JB in IFJ that crippled the entire Boom alliance for well over 25 minutes, the combined might of Volta was summoned and made ready.

    The results from todays nail-biting encounter.

    Timer 1 - Volta no show

    Timer 2 - Volta no show

    Timer 3 - 2 Tengus and a stilleto

    Even though it may appear as if the good guys won the day without even firing their guns, victory in the end went to Volta.


    Also, an amazing, unironic "Haha made you waste fuel"

    [ 2020.06.12 02:42:30 ] Shah Pahlevi > goodnight boom eyes

    [ 2020.06.12 02:42:36 ] Sky Gunnarr > boom eyes can suck my taint

    [ 2020.06.12 02:42:39 ] dice owner > must feel good to let your peeps know they burned for nothing XD

    [ 2020.06.12 02:42:52 ] Galgarak > everyone send Backdoor Bakery some isk for their fuel :D

    [ 2020.06.12 02:43:09 ] dice owner > ^ word i wonder how much bridge fuel got wasted tonight

    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
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    ccpleas give us fleet adverts by access list

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    i think it would be cool

    submitted by /u/v_alduin
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    Project Discovery needs some UI work

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Dear CCP, could I perchance introduce you to the lasso tool ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasso_tool )?


    In the attached video (), made for demonstration purposes only, I simply hold my mouse button and a macro clicks at established intervals. Would you not agree that this is a much better way to interact with this task? This way we do not have to click dozens of times per slide.

    Also, while you're at it, could you let us cancel out of an ongoing cluster selection by right clicking? Instead of making us click outside the area, which has so far led to more accidental cancellations than intended ones for me.

    I would not normally post here over such a trivial issue, but the fact that I could hack a simple macro to improve this UI in about one minute gave me pause. I would like to do some slides of this iteration of Project Discovery now and then, but the amount clicking of in this game is becoming just a bit too much.

    EDIT: maybe this UI is a feature? While testing this crutch I immediately ran into the 5 samples per minute limit.

    submitted by /u/Aivlis_Eldelbar
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    Weird, Cylindrical Caldari Titan From 2002

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:27 PM PDT

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