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    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Eve Online friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Eve Online friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    it's time to forget about in-game standings and just be nice to each other because we're good men (◡‿◡✿)

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    I'm a really crappy painter. But I 3D printed an Astero and tried to make it look like it crash landed. Looks like crap but I still wanted to share.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Fuck zappy bois, I'm more excited for this!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    We tested the new Edencom ships. I love the concept, but these things in their current iteration are quite possibly game breaking, at least to the subcap meta.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Here is the video of us testing out the new Edencom ships. It should be stated that right before I turned recording back on, we tried to have 5 Edencom ships fire on the same target, and all of us disconnected, so hopefully that gets fixed lol. I'm assuming it will, so this video will at least give you an overview of how the ships will affect the meta:


    So I know I covered a lot of the meta implications in the video, but I'd like to expand further on why these things could be such a problem. Once again, I love the idea, and I'm all for attempts to shake up the meta, especially with brand new ideas like these arcing weapons; they're definitely exciting. But if implemented incorrectly, they could do more harm than good, and since I don't foresee a future where entire hull classes get deleted from the game (as much as I wish CCP would with some of them), I'd rather not have to nerf another ship type into complete uselessness one year down the road just to break up another stale meta. As they're right now, I see a few core design flaws that could lead them to being game breaking:

    1. With their current stats, the ships are just too good as regular fleet ships, even without their arcing damage. The Thunderchild especially will be one of the heaviest tanked battleships in the game the moment it's introduced. These ships also have high volley (very important in the current meta) and can pick their damage type between EM and Kinetic, which is ridiculous because there are no resist profiles in the game that will give you a naturally high tank against EM and Kinetic, meaning nobody can easily gimmick against these ships without making themselves too vulnerable to other damage types. For Edencom ships to be balanced, they need to be obviously worse than the alternatives in their class that get access to arcing damage, but the Thunderchild would be an excellent battleship even if it didn't have any arcing damage.
    2. They have no obvious subcap counter. I can see how these were intended to be countered, by giving it fighter damage mechanics, it was meant to have sig tanking ships be able to mitigate most of the incoming damage just by maintaining a high speed-to-sig ratio. But the application is still high enough to still apply plenty of damage, more than enough to be a problem. Additionally with T3 cruisers being nerfed into oblivion again, the only viable sig tanking ships are HACs right now. But HACs rely on their ADCs to be viable, and have very weak tanks without their ADCs. You can't have your pilots activating their ADC every time they get hit by arcing damage, they'll all be on ADC cooldown within 30 seconds of the fight starting, so these Edencom ships are actually perfect counters to the HAC meta, while still also being excellent counters to any other battleship or battlecruiser fleet. It seems to me that we are supposed to try and spread out fleets out over a large plane to prevent arcing damage. But once again, the Edencom ships do just fine killing targets with the normal applied damage without needing to arc at all, as they have high volley and decent enough DPS, so if I spread my fleet out, and the Edencom fleet doesn't spread out, then I'm just setting myself up for defeat.
    3. They do nothing to address the core problems with balance right now, which are capital ships and citadels. The biggest problem with these ships is they could potentially once again remove viable options from the subcap meta, but provide absolutely no new utility against capital fleets. They don't work at all as anti-fighter platforms, and they'll get shredded by HAW dreads while not actually doing enough DPS to kill them at any reasonable speed. So these ships might end up creating a situation where the only viable counters against Edencom fleets are for people to bring their own Edencom fleet, or just drop capitals on them. If there's one thing this game doesn't need is more reasons to drop capitals, and I don't see how creating a meta that is nothing but Edencom fleets is actually any better than a meta that is nothing but HAC fleets. At least there are 6 to 7 viable and usable HAC fleets right now.

    Once again, these ships are a really cool concept, but quite frankly the game is not designed to handle what they're trying to accomplish in their current state. With the way that broadcast windows, watchlists, fleet-wing-squad hierarchy, and everything else about the actual way you communicate in game with other fleet members works, it is not likely that these ships will have the desired effect of getting people to spread out and just be better pilots. What's more likely to happen is that people will just turtle up behind their capital fleets again, because these ships don't counter capitals. In order for these ships to actually be balanced and a positive addition to the ecosystem, I think there are two axioms that must be adhered to when deciding finally push these into game:

    1. They must be among the weakest ships in their class when not considering their arcing damage. The arcing damage is a massive advantage, so in order to balance them, they must do considerably less damage than a normal ship that gets no arcing damage. Right now on Singularity that is not the case. Their tank can still be respectable, but it can't be best in class or among the best in class. There has to be a significant trade off for fielding these ships compared to the alternatives, and in their current iteration there is very little trade off.
    2. The main levers of balance need to be turret range and ship speed. Among the main problems I see with these ships is that they require the people fighting against them to become highly skilled pilots and well trained as a team, but don't require the people using them to actually learn any new tricks. These ships hit out way too far and still move fast enough to easily handle most of the current popular fleet doctrines. What would make these ships really compelling is if their turret range was more limited, putting the commander of an Edencomm fleet into a delicate balance where they must stay far enough away from the enemy fleet not to damage themselves, but also giving enemy fleets the option to outrange any Edencom fleet that is not capable of staying on top of them. This is how the current Triglavian ships are balanced, and it works very very well. Ikitursa's would be an overpowered HAC fleet if they could hit out to the same ranges as Eagles and Muninns, but because they have shorter range than most standard HAC fleets, they occupy a viable but not game breaking niche (Please don't come in here talking about Leshaks in wormholes or Kikis, those are not large fleet doctrines, and that's not what I'm talking about right now). If the Edencomm ships have similar engagement ranges as the Triglavian ships, maybe around 60-70km with long range ammo, then they could be an interesting tool in certain situations, but not a Swiss army knife capable of defeating anything thrown at them.
    3. Price can only be so much of a balancing factor. From what I'm hearing these things could be incredibly expensive, and maybe that will be enough to keep them from being widely used. But we all know how tricky it can be to balance with price, and I'd still prefer to have them be at least somewhat balanced on the battlefield, even if they're so expensive they'll be rarely seen in large numbers.

    So that's my current hot take on the new ships. They're a really cool idea, and I love cool new ideas, but with the current design of fleets, broadcast windows, and everything related, these ships could be extremely game breaking if implemented poorly. Because of how different this new mechanic of arcing damage is to the way the current game is played, it would be better for these ships to come in a little underpowered rather than overpowered. They can definitely be a positive addition, and since they're definitely going to be added to the game, I implore people to take seriously how game breaking these could be if done incorrectly, and to be active in giving CCP proper feedback to make sure that we aren't all begging them one year down the road to finally nerf Edencom ships.

    P.S: These things would be much easier to balance if they were shooting missiles, because then their damage would be delayed, and it would be much easier for people to not panic as they'd know the damage is coming in. The primary target would have plenty of time to recognize the red boxes and know that they are the primary, while the FC could call out incoming arc damage as the missiles are approaching. This weapon system should probably just be missiles instead of a turret with instant damage application.

    P.P.S: /u/Captator put into words the problems with the arcing mechanic and what it's intended to do much better than I did, but I share this sentiment and discussed it at length in my video above. Here's his quote from below:" a primary component of how this design is empowered to confound a logi wing for a singly anchored fleet are the frankly painful limitations of the broadcast system. It seems nihilistic to design something that only works because the tools provided to the player ingame to communicate the need for remote assistance are as barebones and readily rendered useless as they are. "

    submitted by /u/CSMprogodlegend
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    They were also orphans

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Raravoss star is being more transmuted

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    Huh. Didn't realize Zuko was an Amarrian. Makes sense, really.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Okay, so EDENCOM is developing 5G-antennae weapons

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    f*ck your zappybois

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    So I learned about Black Ops cynos last night

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Brought to you by Loki gang

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    No one is ever happy, just hit send.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Fraternity ESI Scam

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Most major entities will request you to submit your full ESI when applying to join. This is perfectly normal, and will give them full access to check most of your eve activities which is used to enhance their safety. Although, one might argue that it might violates their privacy within eve, this is a two-way choice. You could always choose not to give it to them, and they could refuse to keep you in their corp/alliance.

    This is not that.

    When you are applying to join WC, they will request your full ESI via https://seat.winterco.org/auth/login. If you log in you will see this(DON'T SUBMIT ANYTHING!!!). While you are submitting your ESI to WC, it shows you are submitting your details to PYFA.

    The real PYFA ESI requests are like this.

    So, what's the big deal?

    The problem is not while you are in WC, it is when you decide to leave them. Many people will log in CCP's website to cancel their ESI. However, if one is careless enough they will think this is just a PYFA instead of WC instance of Seat. This will gives WC a chance to spy on you while you have no clue this is happening, abusing the trust you gave them should you choose another path in good faith.

    Who is responsible for this?

    One would expect that the head IT maintainer for Fraternity would be the one behind this. And probably "Noraus" himself knows about it too.

    The final question

    Is this a violation of EULA? (spoiler alert: yes) Would a person like this suitable to run for CSM?

    In the end, I am not surprised that this scam is from WC. Their CEO Noraus (whom everyone knows is using the char "Nextorian") has been "human banned" by CCP. Yet, he continues to create new characters to continue his RMT empire within eve. Never forget, their Holding Corp is still holding a negative 1 trillion isk balance for his crimes.

    I would ask that CCP address this Scam as soon as possible.

    submitted by /u/RNK_Fu1crum
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    Raravoss has progressed.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    Prototype astero

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Beware Market Traders: new structure in Perimeter with similar name to the Keepstar has 50% Broker's Fee in Market, unlike the Keepstar which has 1%. Avoid getting scammed.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    The World Ark Returns to Raravoss; Star Darkens as Final Liminality Progresses

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Vorton Gun Mechanics / FAQ

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I tested this quite extensively on SISI. Here is how it works

    Target Selection: You activate the gun on a target that you have locked, it hits that target and then bounces onto 4 additional targets that are within 10km of the initial target, you do not have to have the targets locked. The bounce targets are completely indiscriminite of size/mass/ship type or if you have them locked etc. and truly random, there is absolutely no target preference. This can also hit fleet members, drones, and deployable structures, including your own drones. The bounce can never hit you. Cloaked ships do not get hit by the Vorton.

    Despite having a 'chain lightning' visual effect, it can never bounce further than 10km from the initial ship hit and all ships are damaged at the same time. It's better to think of this as 4 additional ships/drones/things in 10km range get damaged at the same time as you shoot the intial target than it being a chain like effect. A ship can only ever be hit once by it per shot, again, it's not a 'chain' effect.

    It's not possible to shoot gates/wrecks/corpses/probes/asteroids etc. with the gun. It's impossible to activate on them, it will also never bounce to these objects.

    Ammo Types: There are 6 Ammo types total, and essentially 4 groups of ammo. with 2 different types of different damage distribution on T1 ammo (Works like EMP vs Fusion)
    T1 Short Range (-25% Optimal)
    BlastShot: 80% Kinetic, 20% EM split.
    GalvaSurge: 80% EM, 20% Kinetic split.
    T1 Long Range (+50% optimal)
    Slambolt: 80% Kinetic, 20% EM split.
    MesmerFlux: 80% EM, 20% Kinetic split.
    T2 Close range (-50% optimal, 25% explosion velocity penalty)
    ElectroPunch: 50% EM, 50% Kinetic split
    T2 Long Range (+80% optimal, 25% explosion velocity penalty)
    StrikeSnipe: 55% EM, 45% Kinetic split

    Application: Despite being a turret, the gun itself has Explosion Velocity and Explosion Radius to decide what it applies to, this works very similar to the way that fighter turret attacks work. All targets that are hit use their own sig/speed to calculate the damage that they take, this means that shooting a really big fat target like a battleship and it bouncing onto frigates will not increase how much damage the frigates will take.

    Guidance Computers/Tracking Computers DO NOT WORK You cannot increase range or application with either of them, conversely, the gun is also immune to tracking disruptors and guidance disruptors, which is fairly interesting. This may be a bug rather than intended.

    The gun functionally works the same as the Triglavian gun with 0 falloff. You cannot activate it on anything out of range.

    Highsec/lowsec/Safety Mechanics: If you have safety green it will never bounce to another player who isn't a valid target and get you CONCORDED which is really good for highsec PVE/PVP. It can bounce to suspects however so you can bait EDENCOM ships in highsec by flying next to their targets while suspect. In lowsec this is interesting because if your guys are not suspect but the enemy is or criminal, you can potentially use safety to avoid friendly fire or avoid podding players with yellow safety.

    submitted by /u/suitonia
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    EVE Online - Beauty in the Dark : based on "17-place-you-must-see-in-EVE"

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Proper way to SOLO with super.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    [Dev Blog] Gathering Storm and Lightning Strikes

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    We finally got KNONOs to undock and warp from station, but...they batphoned us???

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Evictus. "offensive mining op" goes as expected

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    TL:DR > Nothing special, just Evictus being Evictus. Stumbled across Evictus trying to ninja mine my moon during EUTZ, one jump beside our staging, while our newbro corp just started a fleet. Apparently they had pinged for this op,

    [MAC10] TheSnootyCrowd48 General Pings @ here offensive mining op going out of A24 Fleet name Operation Rockshark Leaving Shortly We do have a few mining ships to hand out Comms EE sig


    Ryba., the newbro corp tied to NSH, formed up for a roam and I decided to join with a couple of characters. I had been scouting some other weird Russians floating in a random system with drekavacs and two Iteron Mk Vs, but they suddenly disappeared from local. So I sent the other character in a pod to pick up a buzzard I left in my W4C Athanor.To my surprise, there was 8 or 9 Evictus. in system, and to my even bigger surprise, there they were in procurers mining the crumbs I left behind! The newbros were busy elsewhere, but they came as quick as they could. I tackled one procurer as the rest were warping off, but for some reason they were slow to leave system.We had a dictor take our jumpbridge and got ahead of them from the other direction. I'm not sure why they didn't have an extraction plan, but they were warping gate to gate solo, in twos, or threes. They did have a few characters in bombers, but they seemed to be scouts and not actually there to do anything. After the first proc jumped into a bubble, another one or two warped off instead of jumping, but a few more jumped into the bubbles, as Ryba landed to kill them.One proc stayed a jump behind, but we had my buzzard plus another prober conveniently there, and he was caught in short order as even as he attempted to make safe spots, the system was too small and it was very easy to get a warp in on him after a few bounces.His comment in local as he got tackled? Golden. " [19:57:33] Gud > got bored"

    Guess they mined an hour or so and helped our Industry index a little bit. Thanks?

    submitted by /u/hercules_fitch
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    Me whoring on Snuffed's faction fort.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

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