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    Eve Online All the Guristas fiction I've worked on while trying to make 6NJ-8V a trade hub for Venal

    Eve Online All the Guristas fiction I've worked on while trying to make 6NJ-8V a trade hub for Venal

    All the Guristas fiction I've worked on while trying to make 6NJ-8V a trade hub for Venal

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT


    Hi it's me again - Avio Yaken. If you remember me, I was the guy pushing to get a trade hub in 6NJ8-V established. And more or less that objective has been completed and 6NJ Serves as THE if not one of the economic centers of the region (Looking at you N5Y)

    Aside from making my mark on the EVE universe and creating something for other players to get involved with, there was a deeper motivation for why i put in the effort to make that project happen. And the answer is Roleplaying. I'm entirely motivated by RP in EVE and I'm deeply invested with the Guristas as a faction.

    While building up the trade hub I've worked to produce as much fiction as i can about the Guristas in hopes of expanding their lore and offering a new perspective, short stories averaging out at 1k words a story in a writing style I've developed over my years as a RPer in EVE online.

    After 28 stories and a couple of side nodes, I think I'm ready to compile everything and present it to the wider EVe community to check out, but first - Some context.

    My Intentions


    As stated I wanted to see more of the Guristas faction and done what i can as a player and not a dev in charge of the game's lore. Because of this, most of my fiction is very flawed in some regards, but I've hunted down every trace of official lore i could for the faction and tried to ever expand upon it or flesh it out in my work. My aim is to humanize the Guristas, I do not intended to portray them as good guys - but i also do not intend to portray them as evil scumbags as the narrative sometimes portrays them as. I did this out of love and hope that I can give people in the EVE community a more positive look at a faction that is treated as cannon fodder by the game's mechanics and maybe make some sympathizers.

    Suha Raibuya


    Anyone remember that anime girl i had as a logo for the VPN? That was Suha Raibuya, a character I designed and use as a main character throughout all the content you'll be reading. While some stories follow the perspective of random Guristas members, Suha's will have own presence in each story as she is the main character of this whole arc, she ties heavily into 6Nj becoming a trade hub.

    She's someone that has been raised in a Guristas owned farming colony and grew up desiring to join up and become a Gurista herself, only wash-out in the training process and be denied her dream. Unable to become a pirate she takes up a new life as a 'Guru" teaching a new version of Wayism (Caldari State spirituality) that goes against State teaching and given a meaning that is far more suitable to the Guristas way of life - And you'll learn more about this teaching in the various stories.

    I have a deep love for this character as she is the vessel in which i present this new perspective on the Guristas in a attempt to humanize them and make them a more morally gray faction and not just pure evil.

    Here's some small context behind her character.

    Without Suha, there never would've been a trade hub.

    Interview: 1

    Interview: 2

    News article made by me that serves as the starting point for the Trade hub story arc

    Another Article telling more about her homeworld in Venal


    Now without further ado, the stories I'd like to share with you all. All of these are found on the official Player Fiction subforum on the EVE forums.

    All of these stories have a chronological order, but will be posted in order of when they were posted. So feel free to jump around at stories you feel have the best title or summary.

    Once again these stories are mostly from the perspective of other Guristas at a non-Capsuleer level to showcase more of the organization and how the Venal Prosperity Network functions for Non-Capsuleers in Venal


    "The Capsuleer I serve isn't like the oth-"

    - Starting out in Venal, Avio Yaken tries to start working with the Guristas and clean up their space of Rogue Drone threats. Despite trying to aid the Guristas, there is still alot of distrust given his status as a Capsuleer.

    "That is the worst looking windchime I have ever seen."

    - One of the first stories looking in the Childhood of Suha Raibuya as she begins to pick up her attraction to Caldari Wayism after her own father is killed by Capsuleers while serving the Guristas

    "You wanna buy this? Really?"

    - Another look into Suha's childhood as she meets with frequent Gurista who stops by the colonly to offload and sell nick-knaks and small personal items taken in raids to the colonists

    "Only thing that's pussy here is the contact list on my Neocom."

    - Trying to peddle her spiritual teaching to other Gurista, she has to deal with the occasional heckler at talks she hosts at her shrine aboard the Logistical station in N5Y

    "Is that doubt I hear?"

    - A Gurista Production miner is fearful about being resigned to a F.O.B in Caldari space and the potential of being killed by Capsuleers or arrested by State forces

    "I'm calling it how I see it, cousin."

    - Avio's family members and previous employers begin questioning Avio's motivation after he's developed and extremely close relationship to Suha and worked heavily on boosting the Guristas' economic capabilities

    "You heard me, you're an embarrassment!"

    - Wanting to become a Gurista, Suha applies to join her colonly's militia force but washs out in record timing. therefore crushing her initial dreams of being a pirate like her father and peers

    "They're machines!"

    - A manager for a Spliterz team contacts a skilled drone technician looking for work to create a rogue Drone fighter for future spliterz matches, the drone technician however sees some ethical issues with this.

    "BOSS is always recruiting"

    - Litterally a meme post i did after my alliance Brotherhood of Spacers got done raiding Tenal of people farming Guristas sites.

    "I don't want your ship"

    - A contact of Helmatt's harriers meets with a Angel Cartel pilot string trouble in Venal and tries to recruit him into Lucash's branch of the Guristas.

    "Why? You trying to whack your dealer or something?"

    - A greenhorn from the Caldari State is in search of her sister who suddenly betrays the Caldari Navy and defected to the Guristas. Using the Venal Prosperity Network, he meets a Angel Cartel arms dealer to buy a weaponfor self defense and get some information on where to start looking

    "You could say I see him as a role-model."

    - After holding a talk at her Shrine, Suha meets a pilot of the Fatal Elite who's trying to honor a fallen comrade, Suha takes the time to express how much she admires Fatal and sees him as her role-model

    "What? I'm not a prude…"

    - Wanting more information on Ship technology, Suha chews the ear off a factory overseer of Guristas productions about frigate blueprints.

    "Hello User!"

    - Two Guristas argue over these strange pop-ups they get while browsing the Prosperity Networks for Augmentations and Drones.

    "One Name."

    - Detecting something suspicious between Lai Dai and Quafe after the Guristas make off with a bunch of Subcranial nanocontrollers, Suha tries to use her infrastructure to gain more information of whats going on

    " It's just the winds."

    - Trying to get her spritiual teaching off the ground in her home colony, she faces push back from the Commander of the militia and forms a mob to show him the support she has.

    "Don't drink that!"

    - Guristas love booze, and her colony did more than just make food with all that grain. Suha at her youngest in these stories learns a bit about the production of moonshine.

    "Sounds like an opportunity!"

    - Avio and Suha talk about the potential Morphite can bring to the markets of Venal after bringing in a giant whole of Mercxoit

    "You blackmailing me now?"

    - A Gurista spy is trying to make a run for it after a job and needs to make a pit stop at a shady dock in deadspace. The owner however tries to extort him for large amounts of cash for a small problem knowing he's a wanted man

    "Onera Koioki."

    - After reciving the dog tags of many deceased gurista, Suha talks about the flaws of Gurista strategy and how those in cahrge may be the real reason so many Gurista are being slaughtered

    "We call it free enterprise."

    - a contact of the Venal Prosperity Agency meets with a hip-hop artist living in the Federation to come out to venal to do a concert.

    "Are you a Vepas or a Lucash kinda guy?"

    - Trying to plot a raid, a veteran gurista gets into an argument about who is better, Lucash Helmatt or Minimala

    "You think I'm making this up?!"

    - After a shockign effective raid by the Guristas. an Ishukone watch commander is questioned by representatives of PKN interstellar about what happened and where the raiders were hiding

    "I want you to track down this worm."

    - A cyber attack against the scrip network in Pure Blind has happened while Intara Direct Action launched a raid against a Guristas outpost, the coallteral of this attack ruined an operation Suha was running in State space and has angered her to the point of getting invovled with finding a solution to this cyber attack.

    "Some Navy washout named Jirai Laitanen."

    - Take a strole back to YC 94 with the Guristas just starting out as leaders of an established yet obscure pirate gang talk about the damage inflected to them by these upstarts

    "Contrary to popular belief, I consider pornstars to be athletes, not actors."

    - Wanting to connect with the youth of the Guristas, Suha purposes an idea for a children show that will prepare children for a life in the Guristas. However Venal isn't full of holo-reel actors, so she must make do with what she has...

    "Oh no, I just snuck aboard a prison transport and strangled three people with a garrote just to come say hi to you…"

    - In disguise, a mercenary under Suha's employ sneaks aboard a prison transport to liberate captured operative's of Suha's failed plans

    "Our docking rights are so legit that the Amarrian Empress can swear an oath on them!"

    - Guristas smugglers run into trouble with some Customs officers while trying to offload cargo. Thankfully for them, they're dirty."


    I do hope to continue making more stories as time goes on and as i find the energy to do them. But for now


    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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