Eve Online Husband passed to covid-19 and he liked this game |
- Husband passed to covid-19 and he liked this game
- CCP has officially made it impossible to stay neutral in regards to the Triglavian Invasion (Patch Notes)
- Fan Art - Omen - Pin-up Model.
- Explanation requested for the removal of post by spouse of recently deceased capsule-er.
- Patch Notes 18.08 - 11th Aug
- FC’ed my first fight and we whelped...
- Delve won't be any different
- No, comrade Premier Jeds. It has only begun.
- CMM: Deep Space transports should be able to fit assault damage controls
- SOOO-TTTIIII-YYYYOOOO!!!! And an Azbel (Exert from "A Thief's Journal")
- [Triglavian Invasion] Otela Falls! Caldari State loses second star system to the Triglavian Collective in less than a week.
- BREAKING: Red Alert Coalition falls apart (Equinox Wanto Destroyer AD sends his regards)
- How To Abuse Brawling
- Returning player needs guide and support
- That Wormhole Life.
- 'Gallows' Light Missile Launcher
- When you start to put bounties on those who ganked you, for they think you care for money or time
- What are these warp bubble avoidance mechanics?
- Imperium Vs AOM 10.08.2020
- Why I explore in an Onyx
- Torpedo Dreams II
- Can someone play with me to help me learn the game more.
- How does it feel to be this far in and barely scratching the surface?
- official_response_to_allegations_from_Gian_Bal.pdf
- T1 or T2 PvP Frigate fits
Husband passed to covid-19 and he liked this game Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT I would like to add something and that is how outstanding and wonderful of a community you all are, have here and are for each other. I have never met you. My husband never met you and you made me smile, laugh, cry and feel comforted in a time when I wasn't even here for that or expecting it. All of you are amazing human beings and my husband was lucky to have had the chance to fly with all of you. Fly safe o7 and remember he's not gone, he just went afk. My husband passed away a few days ago from covid and while determined and optimistic to pullthrough just couldn't do it. He'd gone back to work a few weeks ago and caught it almost instantly. One of the things he talked about was how he just started a new group and wormhole space. He wasn't playing very long. Maybe a couple of months I think. His name was Nonbinary Tentacle. I remember telling him how stupid I thought that name was. I kept giving him name ideas and he would yell back that he wasn't a fictitional character from one of my romance books! Lol all my ideas were from books I had read. I don't have access to most of his personal stuff. I've tried looking for passwords for things and the effort continues. I work with someone that has played eve and he's going to help me cancel his accounts and I dont know sort out his stuff. He mentioned that eve was a big universe but in the off chance, however likely small that is if you knew him he didn't abandon us, he just got taken too soon. Again I'm sorry that I don't know the names of people he played with, I really don't remember if he mentioned it or not. I'm not going to continue because I don't really know what to say. Thanks for giving my husband annoying things to talk to me about. I'll miss jumping on the interstate and him saying warp drive engaged. Also, my only intention here is really to hope his friends find this and let them know because I don't know how to log in to his eve account yet. This isn't a main account and not looking for anything special. I have a good support system and many good memories. Edit: I'm not here to ruffle feathers. I have my feelings and opinions and they're very strong right now. Instead I'll just say, be safe out there. 2nd edit: all of your kind thoughts are worth more than any words can convey. Thank you I didn't expect this at all [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:08 PM PDT |
Fan Art - Omen - Pin-up Model. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT |
Explanation requested for the removal of post by spouse of recently deceased capsule-er. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:52 PM PDT This was posted earlier today by an individual claiming to be the spouse of a recently deceased player. The post was removed. Posts of this nature are generally understood to be exempt from petty differences that sometimes divide this community due to the seriousness of the subject matter. This individual and the community deserve an explanation for the removal.
EDIT - Original post has been restored. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:35 PM PDT |
FC’ed my first fight and we whelped... Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:43 PM PDT Pretty much as the title describes, had a frenemy fleet come to our hole and we formed to fight, we had pretty comparable numbers 15 + 4 logi for them 14 + 3 logi for us. Regular FC wasn't available so I decided to try and step up and lead the fleet. Our logi was jammed out very early on and after initially getting one of their drake navy's into deep structure but allowing him to jump the hole, it was pretty much all downhill as we lost dps ships quickly enough that we no longer had the required mass to trouble the enemy logi. The enemy sabre did well, and by the time I called the retreat it was too late, and a mere 4 ships made it back home. Final tally was 1b killed to 6b lost. Feels bad man, but the point of this post is to say, mad respect to anyone who steps up the FC, you are the real MVP's, out there leading content for all of us to enjoy! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:14 AM PDT |
No, comrade Premier Jeds. It has only begun. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:26 PM PDT |
CMM: Deep Space transports should be able to fit assault damage controls Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:38 PM PDT Yea, title says it all. I think the T2 deep space transports should be able to fit assault damage controls. It's the perfect module for the aware, alert nonafk hauler to use to help survive high sec ganks. [link] [comments] |
SOOO-TTTIIII-YYYYOOOO!!!! And an Azbel (Exert from "A Thief's Journal") Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT So I returned to the game s few months ago and began stealing structures wherever and whenever I ran across them. I have been keeping a journal in the main perspective of one of my characters Shamus. Today has been an amazing day and I thought I would share a part of it with you guys. 8/10/2020 2:43am Sotiyo owner becomes active and is out mining with a multiclone. Gendrath is stalking them. Good god though his active hours are right around when we go to bed, so we are super tired but man it's a fucking Sotiyo, it's been months since the last one unanchored in high sec. We are all pushing ourselves to the limit watching these guys and I'm really confident that we will get it if it pops while we are awake. 4:00am Man what a rush! Responded to a ping from the thieves guild and found a large defense fleet. Watched them, they were using an Occator and slow boating to it. Man I was sitting there watching them on Bika - X03 and was toying with the idea of going for it and decided to just troll with them instead. Right as I typed "Well Well Well what do we have here" into the system wide chat room it popped so I warped to and scooped it. There was anything or anyone within 2,000m of me after the computer had confirmed the compressed structure was in my cargo hold, so I cloaked up and warped off while screaming and laughing my ass off, there shouldn't have been any way for me to get that but guess they froze for a second, I didn't try for the X04 or X05 that unanchored. I had woken them up and wasn't going to get a second scoop, but man it was fun. 4:09pm So far we have gotten a Athanor, 3 Astrahus and a Raitaru One of the Astrahus' we actually found today and I hadn't even transferred the seed over to Dexter. No owner or anyone else on grid with it when it popped. Gendrath has seen the owner of the Sotiyo warping in and out of the system in a Charon class Freighter. We are all still thinking this is just a guys and his solo operation. He may be under an alliance, but so far that alliance doesn't seem to active. We have seen all 5 of the guys in the owning corporation 8/10 4:45am Getting close to the Capsuleer daily connection upload and I have a feeling the Sotiyo will pop soon. Probably right after connection reset. My big hope is that it is the Sotiyo that unanchors first and not the Azbel. I'd hate to snag the Azbel for them to cancel the Sotiyo, and I'd hate to just let them take the Azbel to ensure the Sotiyo unanchors Renyn - Forrest Advanced Manufacturing (Nieuwoudt Logistics) Found: 8/3 3:42pm Unanchored: 8/10 7:33am Structure: Sotiyo Scooped: Zaphire & Gendrath Man oh man what a rush. Gendrath had been watching 2 of the members all morning warp back and forth and in and out of system in a Nestor and a Vindicator, was thinking this might actually be a little rough. Once they went down and Drak'ma screamed into the voice coms "GO!!!!!" Gendrath had him and I warping to the Sotiyo, Gendrath landed first and decloaked waiting for me (Zaphire) to exit warp, my charon is slow as balls exiting warp but she managed, I instantly had her align out to out exit point and then scooped the structure. The moment my suspect tag went on Gendrath activated his Stasis Webbifiers on me and my Freighter entered warp not a second after. I was already leaving the grid with the prize in hand. Totally worth camping this thing for a week. Seeing as we found it the same day it started. Renyn - Nieuwoudt Logistics R&D Facility (Nieuwoudt Logistics) Found: 8/3 3:42pm Unanchored: 8/10 7:34am Structure: Azbel Scooped: Drak'ma Once Zaphire had entered warp I decloaked my Orca and was warping to the unanchored Azbel which popped like 30s after the Sotiyo unanchored. After landing next to the can I aligned and cycled my micro warp drive and then scooped the structure and initiated the auto docking sequence so it would be in the command que. 3s left on the MWD's cycle and their Vindicator just exited warp on where the Sotiyo used to be. Coast is clear. Entering warp. Man what a rush and what a steal this was!!! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT |
BREAKING: Red Alert Coalition falls apart (Equinox Wanto Destroyer AD sends his regards) Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:45 AM PDT |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:52 AM PDT |
Returning player needs guide and support Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:01 PM PDT Hello, so I was in eve since 2007 and I had to give a break because of my wife's pregnancy on 2015. I am about to return and now I am like a fish out of the water. I was in RAZOR alliance, but its been like rough years and seems my corp lef the alliance. I don't know what to do. Is there a guide or help somewhere for returning players to walk easily to? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT I don't know how you all do it. it's dangerous and full of known threats but yet you all still do it. You know you're going to get ganked eventually. There's always someone watching. You may think you're safe but it's just an illusion. If you haven't figured it out by now I'm talking about New Eden. Kspace. I started my Eve online career in Anoinkis. I have been and will remain a Wormholer. I started out in rust bucket. A ship basically slapped together with what ever I could afford. I named her Scanner Darkly and she was mine. The Probe a cheap, and in my opinion the best beginner exploration ship for any aspiring Minmatar looking for the thrill of the unknown. I knew from day one I wanted to make my home in the safety of that unknown. No local means no one knows you're there or if you can't fit a cloak they won't be able to find you as long as you know what you're doing. The amount of isk to be made is well worth the research and knowledge needed to live in Jspace. I started out with a small Corp with old players. The CEO took pity on me one day and took me under her wing and taught me how to thrive out here.It's be five years now and I haven't talked to her in quite some time. I hope she's ok. I have bounced around since then and have played with some awesome people but I now live as a nomad living out of an Orca as my mobile base as a Huffer, ganker, relic hunter, and teacher when I too feel pity. I multi box and make hundreds of milllions of ISK per hour on good days. Some days I will traverse the void and only find trouble to be made or avoided. That's the gamble of Anoinkis, some days will make you rich. Other days you could lose it all. I make plenty of isk doing what I do and free to play whenever and however I want in relative peace. Unless I chose otherwise. No longer am I a slave to a cause other than my own. I grew tired of defending holes for hours on end for nothing to happen. I was tired of being invaded by larger wormhole corps and held ransom or in a few cases evicted entirely from the hole I had called home, losing everything. Although the security such corporations provide against ganks in their system and it's statics is all well and good. It's a very volatile environment and no where is truly safe. Having juicy structures everywhere but lacking a fleet on command to defend them is basically like a beacon in space repeating a "Seed me" signal. I have done it and sold the information. I have been the spy and the spied. The Destroyed and the Destroyer. After my last Corp was sieged and eventually absorbed I left the game for a while. I returned after some time had passed, and skills improved and took up the capsuleer title once again. This time with the goal to be nomadic and never leave the deepest of black unless absolutely necessary. I have embraced the Void and she has smiled upon me. I do not believe I will ever feel at home anywhere as much as I do in Jspace. For some, living in high sec may be appealing. I'm sure many enjoy the politicing of Null. No one likes low sec except lowly gate campers and no one likes those guys so they fit right in. Me? I like the veil of the unknown its challenges within and the isk to be made. A few tips for new explorers:
[link] [comments] |
'Gallows' Light Missile Launcher Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT I cannot find anything online about where to earn/ loot these. Where/ how do I get them? Also, in general what does it mean to be a storyline module? I understand the tier system, and faction types, but don't know much about storyline versions. [link] [comments] |
When you start to put bounties on those who ganked you, for they think you care for money or time Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:49 PM PDT |
What are these warp bubble avoidance mechanics? Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT Just watched a fleet warp through a bubble camped gate, instead of landing on the bubbles, and land a few km off it to jump to safety. How does that work without getting caught? Bubbles were up well before any warps were initiated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:08 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT o7 I explore usually in HICs and it works out pretty well (high sec combat sites). They have so good resistances so you barely have to add any tank modules to tank the high tier sites eg Vigil, 5/10. This Onyx works for me really well in guristas space. Outlined this here in this "vlog" :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_651qZltJ6w [Onyx, Blackbird] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster Dread Guristas Kinetic Shield Hardener Missile Guidance Computer II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Core Probe Launcher I Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier I Medium Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II Scourge Fury Heavy Missile x3410 Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile x3566 Missile Range Script x1 Missile Precision Script x1 Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16 Shield Boost Amplifier II x3 10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner x1 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:49 AM PDT |
Can someone play with me to help me learn the game more. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:26 PM PDT Im new to the game want to do something with another player im getting bored fast but I know there is so much to do I just need someone to help me start doing more and harder activitys. [link] [comments] |
How does it feel to be this far in and barely scratching the surface? Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:38 AM PDT |
official_response_to_allegations_from_Gian_Bal.pdf Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:36 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:51 PM PDT I'm looking to roam (Lowsec) with something fairly cheap that can pull its weight in a small group roam if anyone could help me out with that. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
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