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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Eve Online In memory of our good friend and pilot Soder

    Eve Online In memory of our good friend and pilot Soder

    In memory of our good friend and pilot Soder

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:37 PM PST

    It is with deep regret that we mourn the loss of our friend and fellow EVE Online player, Branko "soder" Kabanica. Soder, or deda (grandfather) as he was known to many of us, died by COVID, on November 4, 2020 in hospital at the age of 53. As such we a looking to our player community inside and outside of CO2 to spare a few or your hard earned pennies to help the family in this very trying time.

    Soder started playing EVE in 2006 and was former CEO and member of SRBI Corporation and was an instrumental founder of Circle-Of-Two Alliance.

    In memory Soder was one of the people who are hard to say anything negative about, he was always supportive for his corporation and alliance mates, always active and giving out everything he could for group goals. Soder was there for all new members, accepting them and welcoming in BALKA style, showing them different aspects of the game, narrating old time in eve, he was always goldmine of information for newbros.

    For the Balkan part of the Alliance, he played an irreplaceable role, looking over all Balkans, he was our Deda (Grandfather in English) gathering them on comms, hosting our real-life meetings, and being a great host every time. For everyone else which he was an important face, behind the scenes he was doing a lot for the Circle-Of-Two alliance and its members. In our early Eve days, he was always playing roles which no one wanted to, or alliance needed from him, multi-boxing 5 logistics, repairing POS structures in triage carrier for hours, etc.

    As you all know the Circle-Of-Two alliance / corporation has had trouble times for the past 3 years, but no matter what Soder would be there, Tribute, Impass to our current actions. He was an instrumental player in the game and will be missed by all, no matter where in the world we come from.

    Soder leaves us with a lot of great stories, good memories for everyone who knew him, and a legacy of SRBI corporation.

    With all great things in Eve, he had a great family, 3 daughters and wife are left without him. With all the time he spent with us and everything he did for us we want to give back little bit of that to his family, nothing is enough to repay all he did but all we can do is help out as much as we can and show respect for great pilot and friend.

    Keep the memory alive, keep the tales alive, never forget Soder.

    submitted by /u/CO2-gigX
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    This is no longer spinnable

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    Look, I feel bad that Asher is dealing with a hurricane atm and cannot login for the fight tonight. Asher, I sincerly hope that everything is fine and no one gets hurt and your house is fine.

    Now as far as in game goes, the fact that goons are standing down from the keep fight tonight because Asher cannot login, kind of shows you something. The fact that you do not trust any other of the many imperium fcs to fc a titan brawl kind of explains why this war has been so easy thus far, instead of difficult like we anticipated. I feel extra bad for asher because he is in a situation where if he cannot login, goons don't form, and that is not the kind of pressure I would want in a video game.

    Feel free to spin this for me. I am curious how you goons can spin only having 1 super/titan fc in a coalition of tens of thousands of dudes.

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    Asteroid belts, Or how CCP broke 3 things with a single blow.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:44 AM PST

    A little over 3 weeks ago CCP team Eco System release their Ore redistribution patch shuffling around ores in New Eden to make certain mineral types unique to their zone of play (HS/LS/NS). This meant a large group of ore types were removed from nullsec leaving the space more barren. This in it self is not necessarily a bad thing (can be argued and has been) with the idea in mind, that Eco Systems plan for redistribution is an ongoing project and only the future will tell.

    However, when they applied this redistribution they seemed to have missed some pretty significant systems within the game that got impacted by the change to a point where they broke. The removal of ore types created a large quantity of systems within eve that has been left completely void of any ore within their asteroid belts the number of nullsec systems without ore is approximately 35.7% and are mainly distributed within the southern regions. The distribution can be see in the following chart, where the highlighted blue segments still have ore, while the none highlighted don't have a single rock within their asteroid belts. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/411624243739230208/771709380357783653/unknown.png

    As mentioned previously this breaks a couple of systems (features) within the game that are reliant upon asteroid belt ore remaining in them.

    • The first of these systems are sovindexes where after some testing on the Singularity server it has now been proven that if a system falls under a truesec level of 4 (on the chart) there is not even enough ore within asteroid belts to acquire industry index level 1 by clearing out every single belt in the system, unless the system has more than 15 belts which is not very common.

    This creates a problem where the basic means of increasing industry indexes of newly acquired systems are limited to randomly spawning ore anomalies or icebelts. (added you can moon mine)

    • The second system to be broken is Diamond rats which has had their functionality partly broken by this change.

    Firstly cause their mechanic of players killing NPC Haulers for Excavator blueprints & faction drone BPC's have been removed, as said haulers never appear as there is no ore to be collected from the miners warping around.

    Secondly due to an issue with the change (unknown why) action towards the miners make them warp to deepsafes within the systems without ore which is not a phenomenon that occurred before the change.

    • The third system to be broken from this change is NPC Sotiyos, or more specifically the method of finding them.

    The only way of finding NPC Sotiyos in New Eden is the probe the NPC Hauler that undocks from it when collection of ore from the miners is due, but as you can imagine when there is no ore, there is no mining and in turn no hauler required. This means NPC Sotiyos for the last 3weeks + have sat at a stage of being completely un-interactable meaning the Eco System team sadly has completely deleted the feature from the game until the problem is rectified.

    The easy fix to all of the above is the make all the remaining ore types allowed in nullsec to be universal in asteroid belts giving all three features some not alot but atleast a little ore so they can once again function as intended. And before players (or devs) start arguing that this is intended cause of required scarcity ask yourself, how many people today actually mine in asteroid belts, you will rapidly find that the answer is almost nobody, and it isn't a source of large scale income as there is very limited amounts of ore within them, those statements can therefore not be used as a valid argument against this being done.

    TL:DR Asteroid belts are broken and have been for >3 weeks, CCP can fix them easily if they decide to.

    Thanks for reading my wall of text, have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Choridon
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    Fax and logi

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Might be the reason they die so easily

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Goon supers currently fleeing 49-U Keepstar

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST

    After combined PAPI super fleets enter system goons undock their supers and start to evac out of system. Turns out the cowards don't actually want to fight on Keepstars.

    submitted by /u/fdmjake
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    The flood will continue until morale improves

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    All you can eat krab buffet in Delve

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Goons: “The real Delve is in our hearts!” PAPI:

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Goon Keep tries to DD a gang of 3M Thrashers, goes about as expected

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Found a friend to mine with :)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Rattlesnake has a new red hologram looking thing on the test server.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:44 PM PST

    BBC Reports About Project Discovery

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:51 AM PST

    Video Article from BBC about Project Discovery.


    submitted by /u/Triage_XIV
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    Did the Meta Show get cancelled?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

    So here I am, after having spent a long day in church, logging into twitch to watch my favourite internet spaceship tv show. But what do I see? 24h after it should have aired, it is nowhere to be found!

    All that I find on INN twitch is a 2h ASMR show where Crazy Caleb smokes a cigarette.

    Where is my boy Brisc telling me how we are winning the war?

    Where is my glorious leader telling us about the incels in test?

    Im starting to get a bit worried about our prospects in this war boys...

    submitted by /u/ClarenceSaldivar
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    More fights please

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Wanted: Eve Portal Fitting Tool

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:47 PM PST

    Neocom and Neocom II have been an incredible tools for iOS for many years. Sadly, it's not cross platform and has some serious issues at this point in time.

    A mobile fitting tool not only keeps CCP customers engaged in their game outside of Eve, it fills the gaping hole in the current Eve Portal tool.

    Do it right. Make it like Pyfa (another outstanding tool) but for moble across multiple platforms, so we can theory craft when we can't be in front of a computer.

    Do this CCP. This tool is sorely needed and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be ecstatic to be able to fit ships again while on the go.

    submitted by /u/DuxBellorium
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    GoonSwarm now using Poverty Rorq's?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Ultra HD Machariel pic

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    [BNN] Brave News Bulletin - November 8, 2020

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Corp activities with newbro

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    The wormhole problem: help me think through it.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:57 PM PST

    So much possibility in wormholes. In attempting to graduate beyond the 4-12misk/hr Method I have made some terribly costly mistakes—and I don't know how to get the shit right.

    Of course to move beyond the strategy of taking the chump changes while leaving oceans of gneiss and c32 on the table, I think (?) there has to be some combination of devastating firepower (antirat) + speed to clear a gas site of rats and Collect several venture loads of gas (ore) before some webscramming asshole shows up.

    OR...you have to have such devastating firepower that no matter who shows up-from any direction- the porpoises and ventures are safe.

    The problem with option A is there is a lot of timing based luck involved. The problems with. both options is the Misk or Bisk level muscle involved isn't compensated for by the take.

    What's option C? What's the option where you can comfortably collect the 50-200Misk available in many WH's AND that makes sense from a dock-to-dock isk/hr risk weighted perspective?

    What am I missing? I seem to either fly a ship into a WH I can afford to lose—but it takes an tedious hour to clear a token perimeter (money lost). Or I bring 70Misk gun boat and then get tackled and shot up by roaming assholes. Need guidance: can't seem to get the shit right. I can, and do, "get what you can and rabbit at the first thing in dscan". It's profitable but not nowhere near the profit margin that ends up flying Gilas.

    submitted by /u/Squids4daddy
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    Strange network connectivity with EVE

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:16 PM PST

    I recently moved to the US south east and got a new internet connection, at&t fiber. The connection has been rock solid, full days of vpn connection to works, great ping and performance for various online games, no problems with coms, it's been beautiful for everything... except EVE. I continually get random disconnects, periods of good performance then what feels like 10,000ms ping with the client lagging behind then jumping all over the place until it's caught up. Chat won't move then will load minutes of conversation all at once. One client will be fine and another will disconnect. It's seemingly random and totally infuriating and I have no idea what else I can try and troubleshoot.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue and any brilliant solutions.

    submitted by /u/epaphras
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    CCPlz - QOL Change to Notes

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    So the Notes feature on player profiles has the potential to be super useful if they weren't handicapped by how out of the way it is to get to them. I don't know about you guys, but for me there aren't many times when it's practical to sit there and open random profiles in local to check for notes.

    It would be much more useful if they popped up as we moused over names in the local sidebar, or even if you just add that damn red dot to indicate which profiles have any to read. I definitely prefer the mouse-over option, since that makes it easier to quickly get vital info (ie: this dude smartbombs gates or that dude is an enemy FC alt), but even the dot would be a big QOL improvement.

    submitted by /u/Xullister
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