• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    Eve Online CCPLS: allow keyboard shortcuts to work in the “Locations” window

    Eve Online CCPLS: allow keyboard shortcuts to work in the “Locations” window

    CCPLS: allow keyboard shortcuts to work in the “Locations” window

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:51 PM PST

    The "Locations" window, listing all the bookmarks you have in a given system is really cool. However, you can't hold your "warp to" or "align to" keybinds and click in the locations window. If you want to warp or align to a bookmark in that window you have to right-click on the bookmark.

    It would be much nicer if the locations window worked the same way it works in the overview, where if I hold my warp or align keyboard shortcut and click it just does the thing.

    submitted by /u/GwentMeUpBaby
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    [Patch notes] Resource Wars sites have stopped appearing in space for the time being while they are sent back to the workshop for some renovation and repurposing.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:27 AM PST

    Today's patch notes https://www.eveonline.com/article/qjkugs/patch-notes-for-version-18-11

    Resource Wars sites have stopped appearing in space for the time being while they are sent back to the workshop for some renovation and repurposing.

    A suprising turn of event.

    Something to do with all the mining changes? Tighten up your tritanium foil hats (I hope you haven't already reprocessed them for materials).

    submitted by /u/hirmuolio
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    Just noticed there's a floppy disk on the bottom of our astrahaus

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:02 PM PST

    It's that time. Let's have a contest. The person who reinforces 1DQ, I will pay them 1 Billion ISK, plus I'm sure my PAPI friends might throw in an isk or 2.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:49 AM PST

    If you want to send isk to the prize pool, please send it to "RonUSMC's Revenge". I dont play that character and its easy to keep track of the wallet, as I think there will be random 69s and 420s sent. Just send me a screenshot of you doing the last cycle on it at the top left. Have a good day.

    submitted by /u/RonUSMC
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    How relevant is this and are there other simplified images, pie charts, graphs, comics, and ect. to help beginners or players in general out?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:14 AM PST

    CCPlease put a ship fitting tool on Eve Portal app.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:30 PM PST

    I feel this is the main thing missing on the app. I would love to theory fit when I'm out and about. Be even cooler if you could access your in game fittings. I don't need some fancy PYFA on my phone, just something like the in game fitting tool.

    submitted by /u/Kylson-58-
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    From High Sec to Renting in Null Sec - Advice Required

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:07 AM PST


    I asked a couple of days ago about High sec to Null without renting and you gave such amazing advice I thought I would ask the question about Renting as well.

    • What are things you wish you knew about renting before doing it?
    • What do rentals cost you? We have never rented so have no idea.
    • Can you rent while still in your own 1 man corp alliance? We are very proud of what we have built and so want to keep what we have and just move this to null.

    Again any help with this would be so greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Eric_Shang
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    Still not real delve? Last constellation before 1DQ falls into PAPI hands

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Fitting Fundamentals - PvP Theorycrafting

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:49 PM PST

    Reddit is just inside joke after inside joke

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:54 PM PST

    As someone who has always wanted to be part of one, please give a bit of tl;dr / explain it like I'm 5 everytime a new thing happens. It's not fun going through 30 shit posts / memes trying to figure out what happened. Let me in on your joke friend.

    submitted by /u/DirectStreamDVR
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    The evacuation of Real Delve continues apace...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Noob questions about Abyssal Deadspace

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:38 AM PST

    1. I've read on wiki that Abyssal Deadspace contains enemies of EDENCOM, Triv and even CONCORD factions, does killing them changes standings? Sounds like its pointless to do that content if it does impact standings.

    2. How difficult(roughly) are T0 and T1 in comparison to missions?

    submitted by /u/Enger111
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    Live leak from the last Tapi townhall

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Is Horde actually carrying TAPI? An in-depth analysis

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Hello r/Eve!

    As World War Bee 2 rages on in New Eden, we are all here busy shitposting and spinning each and every Ihub lost, whether it is in Esoteria or Delve. Among the most popular spins at the moment, a particular one can be heard from the Imperium, saying that Horde is doing all the work while TAPI is busy AFKing and ratting in Eso. As data analysis is one of my passions (and kind of my job), I wanted to put this hypothesis to the test. Worst case scenario, it's good training for me. Apologies for grammatical errors, English is not my first language :(

    EDIT: some people have called me that these two battles are not representative of the whole war. That is totally true, I just picked these two ones because FWST was kind of THE battle to see which alliance has good participation and which one doesn't. As for SPNZ, it's just that I made a bait post earlier today about this battle and goons were crying about "muh Horde doing everything" so I chose this one. Sure, a real study would need dozens of battles analyzed, but if you can do better please go ahead, I would be unironically interested. Recording activity is one thing, recording battle activity is another, and I can't find zkillboard history regarding activity data otherwise I would have done it for a few more battles.


    I compared the number of active players in some of the major alliances in both PAPI and the Imperium, and compared them for two battles: the battle to destroy the second PAPI keepstar dropped in FWST-8, because it is the largest battle in Eve (and in video games history) so far, as well as the very recent battle for the SPNZ constellation next door from 1DQ.

    Active players for SPNZ: zkillboard.com/ (checked around 2 hours ago)

    Active players for FWST-8: u/NedFlanders9000 wonderful data https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/j8ns9s/10_weeks_of_war_the_big_six_zkill_activity_numbers/ (which sadly means I can't use data for some alliances such as the bastion or frat)

    Players present at FWST: https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/JZRTqKZPj56GkRdBk

    Players present at SPNZ: https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/HCAmtawQciCT7m3PX (note: the battle wasn't totally over when I made this BR)

    If you want a quick TLDR from these sources there it is: https://imgur.com/a/p74ZUEi

    Choice of alliances is somewhat arbitrary but I chose the biggest and/or most active alliances for each coalition.

    For the analysis, I have been using R and RStudio.


    FWST-8, October 6th

    First, let's do some quick piecharts.


    As we can see, numbers are somewhat constant. TAPI is a bit overrepresented, and Northern Coalition numbers are higher than you might expect (as we will see this last point is somewhat of a constant). For the Imperium, the proportions are quasi exactly similar. As I said I sadly do not have a lot of data for this battle. We can see here the proportion of players in the battle as a proportion of total active players:


    TAPI and Goonswarm activity are similar, with a bit of an under showing from Horde and Brave. But keep in mind, it's still between 40 and 60% participation! It's no small deal to align so many members in one battle, and I think both sides can be proud of their accomplishment.

    FWST-8 conclusion: Horde not carrying PAPI, both sides showed up in great numbers.

    SPNZ constellation, November 18th

    Again, some piecharts


    Here we have a much different picture. NC is massively overrepresented, and so is PL. Meanwhile, INIT and Bastion are almost invisible, but it might be unfair to them as they are now staged in Esoteria.


    We can confirm here the massive participation from NC ranks, while some alliances like Brave or Init are rather absent. Keep in mind that this battle was much shorter, so we only have EUTZ players, some alliances might not be based in these time zones. As a result, participation overall was much more limited (between ~4 and 25%).

    Conclusion for SPNZ-Z: Horde is still not carrying PAPI, but NC might as well be.


    So, as we can see here, no, Horde is not "carrying PAPI while Test is nowhere to be seen". If anything TAPI is present in greater numbers (proportionally speaking) in big battles where it matters. However some smaller, more "elite" alliances some might say, like NC and PL are showing up in numbers on these BRs.

    I hope you liked this analysis. If anything, try not to drink your alliance Koolaid and think critically (and I'm not just saying this for the Imperium but for everyone), and be nice to each other :)

    submitted by /u/Evoluxman
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    Is this the masterplan of THE MITTANI?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Games with similar industry(crafting) to Eve?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:32 PM PST

    Hi! I am one of those sorts of people that liked to build things from scratch. As in mine, refine, and make (sue me). With these new changes I am actually a bit bummed because even with a base in high, low and null making things is really quite difficult.

    Just wanting to know if you guys have suggestion for games (either SP or MP) where I can try and get that same satisfaction from creating things. It doesn't have to be scifi :)

    submitted by /u/Cannaedoitboss
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    Explosive Velocity - New Update | EVE Online

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Explosive Velocity Update - Torpedo Changes Feedback

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    With the updates provided in the Explosive Velocity update slated to be released next week (the 24th) i know i'm most likely pissing in the wind providing feedback to CCP as they've already made up their mind here.

    In the off chance this can be addressed, i'd like to talk about the proposed torpedo changes.

    Torpedoes do not need application buffs, they really only need 2 things:

    1. More range (which this update is kind of providing, but i'll touch more on that below)
    2. Better fitting on the launchers

    Torpedoes are very powerful with a lot of alpha. Their application should require either support ships (huginn/rapier/vigil/bellicose etc) or the almost entire dedication of your ship fit with application to fully utilize their damage. While the changes listed aren't entirely meta changing for torpedo application, it misses the mark on what torpedoes really need. They apply fine when you fit for it or they are supported. Just like people who complain that HAMS apply terribly when they fit a drake with no webs, the same goes for a torpedo battleship who only fits a grappler. Its not the fault of the weapon system, but the user. Fitting sacrifices should still apply to get maximum effect.

    I'd rather drop the application bonuses and focus on range and fitting.


    Reviewing the numbers, it looks like we get a 20% bonus to torpedo velocity. That means that torpedo base range (on non-bonused hulls) has gone from 20km using faction torpedoes, to 24.3km. Like, that doesn't really do anything. Its actually a little funny, because back when i made a post addressing torpedo buffs here i mentioned they should at least reach point range. Well, i guess CCP took that a little too literally and brought them to exactly cold T2 point range. It is however missing the fact that missiles have travel time, and a target that is moving at 24km, will not be hit by missiles. Which is why the minimum base range should be 30km. As i mentioned in my old post, a battleship should at least be able to project out to full point range to apply damage (its slow and mostly stationary). Even large neutron blasters with null easily project past 30km. Bombers range can be dropped down further to compensate, as CCP has already done.


    As mentioned in my old post, torpedo fitting is what primarily needs addressing. CCP's favorite topic lately is brawling. Well Torpedoes are the missile option for brawling with a missile battleship. RHML reload will kill you most of the time when trying to brawl and cruise missile RoF and volley isn't great for brawling. That leaves you with torpedoes, but most ships in the game get their fitting absolutely strangled by torpedo launcher fitting. Meaning, most ships have to use buffer fits to use torpedoes to be effective. There are exceptions with the Scorpion Navy Issue, Rattlesnake, Golem and Praxis. For everything else though, its either buffer fit, or you gimp the application/fit to try to squeeze in an active tank. The RNI is especially affected by this because it needs to fit 8 launchers. If CCP really wants to start to buff brawlers with direct buffs, reduce torpedo fitting (fitting in general on brawly weapons).

    Reduce fitting on T2 launchers down to current faction launcher values, or about a 5-8% reduction in PG and CPU. Most fits open up enough with faction launchers to be workable. But things get pricey when you need 6-8 of them just to get a fairly standard T2 fit to work.


    Side note on the Phoenix. I won't talk too much about XL torps as i've never used them (since i don't do anti-capital stuff). The application bonus to XL torps seems fine, but did they really need more damage on top of that? To talk more about the Rapid Torpedo launcher, these application and range buffs apply to it too. The rapid torp phoenix really didn't need MORE application and range. Maybe consider nerfing the siege module range bonus for only standard torpedoes (may need to create a separate stat) to keep them at the same current range?

    Just my 2 cents as your friendly torpedo aficionado

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    A new journey for all

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:49 PM PST

    Cheif, you have just arisen into a new clone a new experience but the goals are different this time.

    You appear to not be yourself, you look down realizing that you are not you and everything you do is backwards. You jump out of your capsule into a place you have never been, calling out for help. As you continue walking you realize that you are approaching a shadowy figure.

    "hello?" you say "welcome young one, today you are going to being your journey" they reply. "well what do you mean, I'm not me." You say, "I know today is a new day, a day where you will be playing through someone else, your goal make them as miserable as possible."

    - So what I am asking you guys is leave me a fit 0-100 million ISK, make the fit absolute miserable to use or borderline unusable. I will take a day or more to develop a story for you and post a story every day on here until I get through every fit. I will provide you along with a written story, pictures, clips and my perspective on the whole thing. Whether its a heron PVP ship with minimal capabilities or something else, the possibilities are endless and I want to make some cool stories and have fun doing something I personally haven't seen anyone do in ever

    submitted by /u/CobraTangent
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    Taking Quotes From Merc Corps to Remove TTT in Perimeter

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Credit card warrior was running a data site in w-space with his Raven Navy Issue

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:27 AM PST

    The unthinkable happened.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST

    Hey guys!

    I know it's a meme, but today, the unthinkable happened.

    Someone I randomly talked to yesterday in Amamake actually quit EVE and GAVE ME HIS STUFF.

    I never knew that guy before, I just had a chat with him and we had a few things in common.

    We both were people who love to help and give, even in EVE. That's about it.

    In the same night, he lost a very expensive faction frigate (not going to say which to protect his identity), followed by a mail sent to my character, telling me he'd quit, along with a,00 ISK transfer to my account.

    I wasn't there when it happened, but when I logged in today I definitely was surprised.

    Here's a screenshot.

    The mail (german) says:

    I'll now quit EvEI wish you the best, greet your friends

    INB4 "RMT cover up story" - RMTers, at least to my knowledge, wouldn't transfer ISK directly. If you still think I'm just trying to get attention over bought ISK, feel free to report me.

    submitted by /u/Psylution
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    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 19, 2020

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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