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    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    Eve Online Weird Shirt from Amazon

    Eve Online Weird Shirt from Amazon

    Weird Shirt from Amazon

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Who said blob fight wasn't a gf ?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:44 AM PST

    Who said blob fight wasn't a gf ?

    Let's get started with some elements of context.

    For almost 2 months now, Trigger Happy and Toilet Paper, with the gracious help of Quote Alliance, are seeking for content in Drone Regions. We started by poking No Value, that lead to some really good fights, even if there were a lot of blueballs, on both sides. After a few weeks, No Value wasn't undocking as much at the beginning. So we started to reinforce big stuff like Fort. We managed to kill of of them https://zkillboard.com/kill/87800400/.

    But since this fort kill, we had to face the blob from WinterCo and PanFam. On several timers, we had not enough numbers to show ourselves on field, so we started to brainstorm something that could allow us to fight the blob as Spartans !

    We had a 1st try for our new doctrine in MTO : https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/6brwhqns8Ezi2yWQM

    Earlier in the week , we had reinforced the No Value Fortizar in RZ8A for the second time, so we showed ourselves for armor timer in the afternoon. No Value formed really big for it, with carriers sitting on Fort while launching fighters, with the back up of a WinterCo subcaps fleet. We managed to stay on grid even with our lower number, and our lack of caps superiority, thanks to DarkSide : https://br.evetools.org/related/30005188/202011081800.No Value won the timer, but we started to get excited by our new doctrine.

    Next timer was a Trigger Happy POS in MTO on the evening. We tried to form pretty big for it, even if we knew, we would fight a bigger blob than in the afternoon. And then, this happened : https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/N4zMtiuJNfz9kopjK

    More will follow :)

    submitted by /u/AmbreDallOglio
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    Military professional plays EVE online and reports on how it could aid military training

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:17 AM PST

    ESS rework patch be like

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:12 PM PST


    In every nullsec since tomorrow

    submitted by /u/Sweet_Lane
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    Predictions! for how this ESS and Bounty patch will change the behavior and meta of people in null

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Hey Dudes,

    How do you guys think that the behaviour of pilots in null is going to change after this patch? What kind of things do you think groups are gonna do different or the same? Any gimmicks you are predicting to steal or defend? What do you think the meta will start to look like? Consolidating to defend easier or spreading due to the dynamic bounties? Post your predictions below!

    submitted by /u/Tel-kontar
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    Disappointed Crimson Harvest had two end times.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:02 PM PST

    Thought daily logins ended same time as event.

    Rewards until 11:00 UTC on 9 November.

    Event until 11:00 UTC on 10 November.

    Went to get my final login reward, but it's over -_-.

    At least they aren't using in game years anymore, but I swear every event has unnecessarily confusing timings.


    submitted by /u/AleksStark
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    Launching pumpkins at gate patrol because I've lost control of my life.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:20 AM PST

    CCPlz find a way to make the EVE Gear Store "affordable"

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Currently, all the apparel is, dare I say, cheap but once you go to checkout you realize how fucking expensive the shipping is. Regardless of where you are you will be paying about the same price for the apparel as in shipping.

    I don't know the business financial behind this but perhaps with some advertising and a shipping model like drop.com we wouldn't feel ripped off by buying stuff and paying more for shipping than the actual thing.

    It just feels a bit sad seeing all these cool designs sit in a shop

    ps the "view all" button on the main page doesn't go to the right place and the lacrimix bottle makes me moist

    submitted by /u/madPac34
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    Have a Jita Holding Inc issue? BLACKFLAG. solved ours free of charge. 10/10 would reccomend

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Corp taxes and the ESS

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Can anyone confirm whether the Corp ratting tax will be applied to the initial bounty? Or will it be applied to the entire pre-ESS bounty?

    Asked differently - are ratters paying taxes on 100% of the tick and getting screwed, or did corporations just get a 40% ratting tax nerf?

    If the latter, this is gonna gut SRP wallets for moon-poor small corps.

    I gotta do the maths but it's definitely budget review time.

    submitted by /u/JellelHakkim
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    Do not hire Jita Holding Inc.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    Fixed thanks to BLACKFLAG fixed

    I contacted their diplomacy contact for pricing etc on structure protection services, received no answer and then was wardec'd by them. All within 3 days, being an irrelevant highsec mining Corp.

    Don't waste your time with them, inquiring to get help from them is apparently a big earner for them and small corps. Have fun with your unfitted Raitaru and enjoy the abusive messages on the containers inside (update: ashame they never got used you absolute clowns) :))

    Update: the guy I left in the corp renamed the structure to 'Jita holding are pussies' and left

    I wanna be mad but I'm actually in tears laughing right now 😂


    Sakkikainen - jita holding are pussies

    Vulnerability - 18:00 GMT

    Ingame is Savannah Shimazu, check for yourself, Jita wouldn't have known about my existence had they not found out from my message (admitted, very naïve action)

    UPDATE: after logging in finally, it turns out I forgot to leave on resignation of CEO, so when the others left I by default became CEO again. At least I haven't lost my needless RP corp

    update: BLACKFLAG removed them :))

    submitted by /u/Savannah_Shimazu
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    Someone told me we'd never see Rorq fleets in lowsec..

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:35 AM PST

    Eve/PC Gamer Gift Help!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Ok, so I read the rules and it doesn't seem like this is against them.. So.. here goes.

    (TLDR, give recs for headsets and gaming chairs)

    My boyfriend is a huge Eve player (and PC gaming in general). I wanted to see if there was a headset and gaming chair that you all recommended as that's what I'm hoping to get him for Christmas. All of his friends have said I should just join them on Eve as his present but lets be real I'm gonna suck at that not to mention.. the time I don't have.

    I love the headset I use personally and I know he's tried them on and likes the feel and ANC, but I know it's not what he's looking for (I use a Bose, but I'm not typically an online gamer like he is). His is currently, literally, being held together with tape and he refuses to pay for a new headset which is a level of stubborn I don't think I've ever met in anyone else before. I looked it over and couldn't even find a brand or model number on it. I know if I spend too much on it he'll kill me but I also know to get a good headset you need to invest in it. What he likes about his current headset.. I think.. is that it's got a mute button on the cord and the mic can be pushed back out of the way. Around ear and not too tight on the head is important too. He's got a low voice so the mic needs to be able to pick that up- I've heard some don't pick up the bass tones as well. Noise cancellation would be nice too, as he often pauses my movies so he can hear what's going on through his headset. His... group... whatever it's called.. uses mumble and discord, both set to PTT, if that makes a difference (I know with how my headphones work, there's a delay, maybe because they're wireless, and with PTT part of what I'm saying gets cut off all. the. time.)

    Gaming chair.. he's a thick dude. His last chair he finally got rid of because if he leaned back it had a tendency to wipe out on him or go wayy too far back. It'd been broken for years. He replaced it with one his work was getting rid of but it doesn't stay up- the hydraulic is broken or something and he's using vice grips to keep it at the height it needs to be at. I know for sure with the way he sits that floating arm rests (they don't have to fold back) are a must for a new chair. Preferably all black or a dark leather.. but that's a preference of mine.. he doesn't give a shit about color.

    floating armrests

    TIA y'all. This guy needs some new gaming gear and I just wanna make sure I'm not wasting money on something that's not worth it.

    submitted by /u/forthewren
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    PSA: Positive dual standings with both trig and edencom is NOT an exploit.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Just thought I'd throw this out there since a lot of people have approached me with the misunderstanding that being able to get positive with both sides is an exploit. It is not, it is fully intended. The exploit being referenced here was related to a very specific method of raising those standings extremely quickly (7.0 in an a couple hours), and has already been fixed, and any standing gained through that method have already been rolled back. You may proceed with no fear of action against against your account.

    You can fully legitimately achieve positive standing with both sides by destroying various drone, sleeper, and drifter enemies within pochven. What's more, if you haven't participated in the invasion and/or have no pre existing standings, you'll only need to get a tiny bit of standings - very slightly positive (.01 is literally more than enough and then birth sides will show up white in overview one you dock and undock) with both to ensure neither side should shoot you unprovoked any more. (One warning: There are bugs where sometimes the rats will still shoot "friendlies", but if you lose a ship this way CCP is pretty good about reimbursing them, from what I'm told).

    The easiest way to do this is to find a place in pochven where the relevant factions are already fitting, land far away, and cycle a hostile module on something that is going to die, before quickly warping out. This can be done in t1 frigates if you fit them with sebos to boost lock range, as target painters can be cycled from very far away.

    Done right, you can do from no standing to slightly positive with very little effort (just remember, the standing tick can take up to 10-20 mins from when the relevant target dies. Y don't need to keep shooting things as only the highest value kill in each time window is counted for the tick

    As for getting into pochven, it's relatively easy now that the filaments are affordable. You can filament in and out until you get a system with the rats you want in it. Make a filter and check dscan - also, any trig system with more than one cosmic signature in the probe window is very likely to have the rats you need (all sigs are wormholes, and wormhole connections are the primary determiner of the rat types in system). If you spot trigs in hisec and the system was not a triglavian minor victory, that's another sign that a wormhole to triglavian space is probably present.

    submitted by /u/Arkamenitas
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    Constant crashing

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Ever since the update on October 28th eve has been constantly freezing up and forcing me to close it with task manager any advice on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/grimaxemorpher
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    What's the best deal you've ever gotten?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:38 AM PST

    First Carrier Hype!!!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Newb here Finally worked up enough isk for my first carrier this weekend, only to be informed about the new ESS changes coming up. Should I just sell it and go for a Rorq or are these ESS changes blown up like everything else on Reddit?

    submitted by /u/Jonnyfkncoolguy86
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    Elite small gang PVPer blobbed by Frat after being baited on a drag bubble

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:29 AM PST

    Eve-Life Balance

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:35 PM PST

    So you guys have heard of work life balance, how do you keep your EVE life and actual life balanced?

    submitted by /u/100Atrons
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    3 years out of the loop.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Trying to get re-situated without the individual who pulled me into Eve. We started off with modest industry funding faction warfare until moving to Null. Years later, gift wrapped in an island is all my goodies, dozens of ships and such from fleet doctrines and ratting.

    Looking at all the 3rd party programs is painful as the API system changed and a lot of the updates requiring manual installation.

    I rejoined my original Corp I left with, but not really attached to any people in it as it's all changed.

    What in highsec vs lowsec is still viable? I have to re-learn how to fly for incursions, move stuff without losing it and re-setup all my industry. It's fairly as fresh a start as one could think of. Not sure I want to dip into Null because I may become dormant again and don't want liability of losing everything as I've heard rumors that asset protection has changed.

    submitted by /u/ZombieLandfill
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    Some Questiones about Planetary Interaction

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Hi there,

    after some months into mining i decided to spend a few skillpoints on planet management. so i did build a "test" planet to see how this planetary interaction thing works.

    i understood the basics and a planet with some production is up and running.

    but im a player who is not happy with a meh result, i want to do it as good as i can. so i startet an excel sheet and wrote down planets and their resources in my place of space but after just a few i wondered, it cant be that a game like this with a community like this im the first one to make this shit, so i tried to find a website where i can look for planets x jumps away with resource y and z and found .... nothing. i just found a site for eve echoes ( https://eveechoes.wiki/tools ). so i came up with the following questions:

    is there a website/database where i can search for resource x which is max y jumps away from a given starting system?

    does it matter how many players are allready harvesting resources on planet x for my own results? (i dont think so)

    do all planets give the same resources for every player scanning it or is it maybe individual? ( i dont think so)

    i would help if you can get the planet data from somewhere, i heared we have around 40000 planets, via some API / json? then i could create a search system on my own...

    Thanks so far, fly safe.

    submitted by /u/Tamelon
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