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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Eve Online Slopes for the Slope God

    Eve Online Slopes for the Slope God

    Slopes for the Slope God

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:01 PM PST


    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Would be nice to have this fixed by the Q1 patch

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:21 PM PST

    [Propaganda]Goonswarm Christmas Cookies!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    The battle of 1DQ1-A Mk.II

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:02 PM PST

    So my First day in Eve was a Blast and been enjoying the game a ton!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:13 PM PST

    I been derping up and down but I feel proud and finished the Career agents for Business & First Combat and the tutorial system.

    Got these skills on training: https://i.imgur.com/2fMtL35.png

    I think I enjoyed the most was Killing Serpentis and I killed Wolf's Pod when I took out the ship!

    Profit Wise with all the ships they gave me from a GM, and the 2 Careers it was about 4.5 Million in value. https://i.imgur.com/er8BtlQ.png

    My Item Hanger a bit over 3 Million https://i.imgur.com/e3yeu9B.png

    and my Character Wallet 25.75 Million that being said 5.75mil I earned and someone did not like I had earned 2 Million in total at the time and so they sent me 20 Millions haha. People are strange and also nice. https://i.imgur.com/c7rl0Ux.png

    Tomorrow I plan on working on Careers Starting Exploring, Then either Industry or Advance Combat and then the last one. I been enjoying missions quite a bit honestly just fine chasing things around.

    Here is my current skills queued for the night. Nothing special I was just picking shorter ones for now and plan some better ones as time goes on.


    Also I think the ISK that people donate I might put towards omega's and skill injections I think they were called. I'm not sure as I kind of feel bad not using my owned earned money towards new weapons / items so I was thinking maybe I can set donated ones to something like that and that way I do lose the fun / enjoyment of my own personal goals like buying new ships / new weapons and such.

    Anyways I have to say people been so nice on Reddit, Discord, In Game heck a Random GM came to me and asked if I needed help and after when I was logged off he sent me a mail with a bunch of gifts it was insane! Remined me of Anarchy Online when ARK's use to visit new players and give them a warm welcome to the game.

    I'm so tired but I'm going go to bed now and like look up random info and read patch notes and be a bit addicted now lmao.

    Thought I just share my first days experience.

    PS: I don't know why but I wasted I bet half the day just salvaging everything I destroyed... It was such a waste of time and so fun as well. Though I fail so bloody much haha.

    submitted by /u/StoneLegionYT
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    PAPI and Goons Celebrate the start of the Xmas Truce in style in 1DQ

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:36 PM PST

    The truth about T2 Salvage Drones

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:06 AM PST

    ZRule v1.3.0 - Fast Search, Support For Regions, Constellation, FW, etc

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Good Afternoon Eve Online,

    I want to thank everyone who responded to my previous post introducing you to ZRule, ZRule: A Killmail Rules Engine For Eve Online, and the messages I received via Slack and Discord.

    Today's post capitalizes on the feedback that i received. So let's get started

    Stop being so sloppy

    ZRule changed how it handles the JSON Payload that we received from ZKillboard. This change allows us to "hydrate" the killmail with additional metadata (i.e. Constellation/Region/Weapon and/or Ship Group, etc) prior to us sending the kilmail off to our rules engine.

    Search Faster Damnit

    We received some feedback around how slow search was in our initial release. We've updated the frontend so that specific searches go directly to the ESI API, and other go to a custom search endpoint on our backend. This allows for faster search results. Previously, these requests were all being proxied through the ZRule API which attributed to the latency of the results

    Moar Rulez

    As previously mentioned, we've expanded the allowed rules set to touch just about every property on the Killmail. See below for a list of added rules:

    • Region/Constellation
    • FactionID - I believe this allows for Faction Warfare folks to do their thing, but I don't mess around with Faction Warfare at all, so let me know
    • WarID - You need to provide the ID for the War which can be retrieve from this page on ZKillboard
    • Ship/Weapon Groups - The groups are hydrated prior to the rules engine, so now you can create policies based just on Capital Kills, or something else. Up to you
    • DamageDone/DamageTaken - This is the amount of Damage that was sustained by the victim and dealt by the Attacker(s). Create a policy on this to filter out the smaller kills without having to worry about ship groups. That is one thing I can think that this can be used for.

    Pausing a Policy

    Another thing that we didn't receive feedback on but that i noticed might become a problem is the overall policy itself and how it either existed or it didn't. There was no way to tell the policy to hold for a second so that you can think about what whether the policy you created was delivering the results that you wanted. So I added the ability to pause a policy. This will tell our backend dispatcher to not pull the policy so we won't be comparing any inbound killmails to the policy. You can utilize this feature to ensure that you are getting the killmail that you want without having to delete the killmail to stop the flow of messages to your actions. This feature will be accessible via the Pause/Play button in the list of policies on your dashboard when you log in.

    Updates to the ZRule UI

    UI for Pause Play Button

    As mentioned above, we introduced a new button to the policy list on the dashboard that allows you to pause/play a policy when. This looks like the following:


    Policy Summary

    I had a few people reach out to me with feedback about the Policy UI and how the conditions we being displayed. The feedback stated that it was confusing how the conditions were being display and whether or not a condition was an AND or an OR, so at the top of each policy, you will now see a Policy Summary Section. It is not the prettiest thing in the world, and I'll continue to work on it, but this takes the current rules associated with the policy and tries to convert them to plain english to make it clearer what the rules that the killmails will be evaluated against will be. I'm eager to know if this helps some understand the UI better. I'm also open to a redesign of the UI to make it easier to understand if someone would like to help with that.

    Thank You for everybody for the valuable feedback. It really did help with making these changes. Feel free to leave additional feedback here. I'll be posting a link to this thread in the popular #zkillboard channel on Tweetfleet Slack. You can also join me in the #eveisesi channel on Tweetfleet as well.

    submitted by /u/DevOverlord
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    CCP please!!! make High sec markets good again

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:02 PM PST

    CCP. Please reduce the taxes in NPC stations "market hubs" to something that the player owned structures would struggle to compete against. High sec markets should be a great place for everyone to buy and sell goods. Right now the null power blocks have a very strong strangle hold on any competition in high sec. Simply reducing the taxes in NPC stations and making them competitive with player owned structures would be a great start.

    Player controlled markets should be in "player controlled space"

    CCP, you spent a lot of time and effort to make Jita look great. It would be amazing if it was worth doing business there :)

    I am sure this will get a lot of hate and down votes but i am sure some people would agree the TTT is not something that should even exist.

    submitted by /u/tapiisweak
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    Checked out the wiki, is it as complicated as it looks?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:25 PM PST

    I saw some videos, saw some posts, saw a review and thought this game looked fun.

    Then I looked on something called the Eve university wiki and went "oh cool it's a little rp larper thing for teaching new players" and then went to their list of classes and saw something that filled an entire page with course numbers -.-

    So is this game legitimately complicated enough to require an entire course? If so I'd rather spend my time taking real classes instead of fake video game classes.

    submitted by /u/DukeDankins
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    Pandemic Horde Out Played By Blood Raiders

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Blood raiders doing what goons could never do.

    submitted by /u/JesterMan42
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    Ideas for a Solid Duo Gang Comp

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    My buddy and I have been theory crafting duo gang comps for low sec and null pvp roams. However, we haven't really decided on anything solid. My buddy does like the RHML raven or nanophoon, and myself I am pretty flexible We both have some experience, so we have a decent amount of SP and isk to blow.

    So what do yall think would be a good duo gang comp?

    submitted by /u/ComradeTWS
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    How does Isk get "printed" in Eve?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Just curious from an economics standpoint the ones I have so far are: - Bounties on rats - standing NPC buy orders - Project discovery - Missions - Incursions - Pirate Strongholds

    Am I missing any others? Any other money printers? And semi-related, is there an Eve equivalent to precious metals (limited known supply, value keeps up with inflation)?

    submitted by /u/CecondPercon
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    Things that you would want for the game?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    What Ships/Modules/Weapons/Structures/Gameplay Mechanics would you love to see added to the game?
    Asked this question 4 months ago and saw a few intresting ideas.
    Am Intrested what will be posted now with the war and the current situation of the game.

    For me it is of course still SoE Capitals :p

    submitted by /u/JesusOnToilet
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    Is it ever too early to get Omega?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I have 1.7m skill points trained. I've done more than 100 L3 missions. I have 140m ISK liquid.

    Yet I still feel like I'd be cheating myself out of a proper experience if I don't have every alpha skill trained, especially if I can buy skill injectors. I've also never been part of a Corp, and I've never killed a player ship.

    Is my character too green for omega, or am I selling myself short?

    submitted by /u/ImposterDaniel
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    What was your unexpected surprise moment?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Hello, capsuleers.
    I've seen many things in game:big fights and some other stuff, like when I looted smb else's wreck for 400M worth! It was just lying around and pilotis ignored it for some reason.
    But most unexpected scenario I've seen in Old Man Star. There were many spots to kill NPCs several days ago. I took Jackdaw, loaded with light missles and so on.
    Algos appeared on scan. It was getting towards my ship. I checked again +Federation Navy Comet in scan range. So gang huh? Well fine. Let them have it.

    I dropped NPCs and loaded different missles, activated propulsion mode to get close.

    Algos and Comet warped mostly in the same time in the same place. I decided to take out Comet first, Algos the second.

    I've managed to approach at them at about 40km, turned on sharpshooter mode, then I've seen message:"Warp disruption attempt [Algos] Source:[Federation Navy comet]

    They satrted PvP with each other, I was just watching from the side. Comet took out Algos in 4-5 seconds, warped out, missles were out to hit Comet, but no effect: it was in warp-mode.

    I could't stop laughing: I was going out to destroy them, but the problem resolved by itself.

    How Qui-Gon Jinn said... "There always will be a bigger fish"... Or something like that?

    What unexpected things have you seen?

    submitted by /u/Alaviton
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    <10 Smallgang Podcast Ep37 - Leading in small gang feat Jokastis

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Returning to game after 8 years with less time and will power. Is it possible?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I played EvE a lot around 2012 and enjoyed it very much. There was a time where i lived in wormhole and pull some ridiculous shit with my very committed corporation. Some of my most fond memories are from that time.

    Later on I did some fucking around in Red vs Blue and finally i found a warm home in FW. It was perfect as it was cheap and fast way to get some PvP.

    Later on FW became more and more specialized with faction frigates and destroyers or small fleets dominating with some farmers thrown in into the mix which made finding fun PvP in FW hard and expensive.

    So finally I switched to nullsec/wormhole exploration. Which was very chill and I loved it but due to inability of reasonably priced scanning ship to defend itself it got boring as there was literally no interaction with other players if i didn't want to lose my ship.

    Now I'd like to return to game and would love to do some exploration but I'd really love to mix it up with PvP. Is there any viable way to do this without much time commitment? Don't get me wrong hours long fleets were fun but now I mostly have an hour maybe two to jump in get some gameplay and log out. I can't wait for fleet to form and then roam for hours before some bigger fleet form and wipe us out.

    submitted by /u/_disturbed_mind_
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    Mining ores - understanding profitability of selling unrefined ores

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:27 AM PST

    When I recently started playing EVE, mining seemed like a decent way to make ISK. Mining ores was the most accesible thing, so I only recently looked at mining ice (sounds like it's similar profit to ores, just more work), and have not even considered mining planetary materials. The more I learned about the game, the more I realized that mining was not really worth your time unless you optimized it greatly. Like with ratting, you need bigger and better ships and sometimes you need to do it with others to really make ISK.

    Since I was semi-AFK mining, my first priority get sufficient ore hold, while not suffering too much in terms of mining efficiency. So, I settled for an Endurance and I'm currently transitioning into a Retriever. Right now, I am learning towards mining in high sec, since the higher efficiency I get from barges mean I earn more than I would mining more valuable stuff in a venture in low sec (as often as I get ganked, doing it in a more expensive ship wouldn't be profitable). However, I would like to ultimately find a more profitable niche once I establish which.

    And if I was going to fill my cargo with something while AFK, it might as well be as profitable as possible. So, naturally, I looked up the ISK per m3 chart on Fuzzwork. When I did a comparison of market prices for the resources with that chart, I was surprised how much reality deviated from the chart that I was using to pick which resources to mine. Then I learned about different factors; prizes for some uncompressed ores being bloated due to courier missions (initially, I was awed by being able to fill up a venture with 5M worth of kernite in low sec).

    Since I don't have the skills, nor the facilities or market to reprocess the resources efficiently and sell them, my main concern was the price that I could sell the compressed resources for. So, I would never mine anywhere without first establishing that it was a system that would allow me to compress the ores I mined.

    So, which ores to mine to sell? Well, if I didn't want to do too much market speculation, I would go for the current buy orders. But that's hardly the best way to profit long to. Your mining is defined by volume (m3), so the volume of an ore determined how quickly you can mine a unit of it. So, I used EVEMARKET to get the 20d moving average of all the compressed ores and compared it to their volume in this chart:

    ISK to m3 comparison of all ores (compressed prices)

    This definitely has some important deviations compared to the Fuzzwork chart. Of course, I'm sure my chart doesn't tell all. On top of my head, I can think of some important deviations, for instance: You won't be able to mine Mercoxit at the same speed, so profitability might be misleading. Pyroxeres yields Nocxium when refined in null, so you might make more from selling it directly in null.

    Can anybody fill in important details of things I've overlooked? :)

    submitted by /u/Asjo
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    Seems my Praxis thinks it's funny to eat Hurricanes

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Just another Eve Video

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Tri shows bastion how to fly a fleet, Outer Ring Secured

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:10 PM PST

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