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    Saturday, January 23, 2021

    Eve Online The M2- Bubble Hydra stands strong

    Eve Online The M2- Bubble Hydra stands strong

    The M2- Bubble Hydra stands strong

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:35 PM PST

    EVE's new Pen and Paper mode really makes these tidi fights run a lot better, thank you CCP!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:08 PM PST

    papi (6 caps) tried to break out again, pings and says they are here to stay. Got 6 supers out, lost 2 and fed 99 bil.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:52 PM PST

    [CCPlease] Dear CCP: Please give marauders t2 resists so they aren't absolutely worthless, tia.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:25 PM PST

    I small, yet important, change request for the forgotten crowned jewel of battleships: the Marauder. These expensive lossmails have been degraded and neglected to the point that they are essentially useless vs. anything with a pulse and more than 4 dudes (& dudettes). Please give back some resists to their tank so they can be useful once again.

    Thank you for your time,


    Poster Extraordinaire, Goonswarm Public Relations & Reddit Representative

    submitted by /u/BBTB2
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    How CCP screws with High Sec pilots. Jumped through a gate, no time given to try and warp off, insta locked by trigs, scramed, webbed, boned, popped, insta locked pod and same result. Broken mechanic by CCP to not even allow people who wish not to engage a chance to flee.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:52 AM PST

    Snuff Attacks Sixth Empire Keepstar

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST

    Greetings and Salutations,

    I am at a loss for words at what to really put in a post, part of me just wants to say "HEY EVE COMMUNITY MOVE YOUR SHIT" or "I hope you didn't have much in that keepstar...." The Sixth Empire has operated around and in Basgerin for about 4 years now, and kudos to Snuff for attacking at the opportune time to get us when we cant get help from our bigger friends.

    We tried diploing as we normally do, We were told to pay 45b and they would leave - but lets be real - you give someone isk in eve and then they shoot you anyways, so jita scams aren't so quick here! We were told this was because we scammed them in the past... but I'd really like to see those logs to prove their point - so far nothing has been sent forward it's just their word against ours, so I guess it is what it is. They're bigger then we are, and have bigger toys - I get it I do.

    In regards to our Sotoyio Fight yesterday - Charles White aka Max Singularity had this to say
    " I want to give a big shout out to all the friends of the Sixth Empire, and the Space Pope that have come face impossible odds against the snuffleupagus that took down our Sotiyo, and now after our Keepstar in the Basgerin 0.4 system. The amount of good will sent to me in private messages (even from some Snuffers) is actually worth the cost of the Sotiyo. Without asking, donations are coming in, with a special shout out to Manic Velocity who sent his entire wallet of a very undisclosed generous amount. We have also other donations that have offered to rebuild our structures, but more about that later. This just has helped the Sixth Empire because while we are losing internet pixels on screen, we are gaining new allies and friends to our cause. Max Singularity very humbly sends his Blessings and Charles White (me) thanks the EVE community yet again for being the best in the gaming world."

    THANK YOU COMMUNITY! I cannot express this enough - the amount of love and support you have shown us was staggering - we had about 1400 pilots in system yesterday and it surpassed anything I thought was going to happen. You showed us so much love and support (even if you shot us) we thank you AGAIN for anyone who showed up.

    This may be the end of the Basgerin Keepstar - I strongly suggest that if you have anything in it and you dont want it to go into asset safety you move it out be it to another system or just over to the NPC station in system.

    While our Structures are getting destroyed, just remember what the Sixth Empire stands for is not getting destroyed. We may have no stuff but what we do will continue. We WILL continue to help the little guys, the people who need a home, WE will be the New Eden Coast Guard - WE will PREVAIL.

    /s/ Pandora Singularity - House Singularity
    Chief Diplomat for Sixth Empire

    p.s - Anyone wondering the Keepstar Timer is Tomorrow Jan 23 at 17:30UTC

    submitted by /u/Pandora_Singularity
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    Hopping back on the bandwagon after 10 years. o7 fellas!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:44 AM PST

    Brothuhbob @everyone WE are absolutely shredding these guys and pings will continue until goons either stop us or every titan is freed. There are two overflow fleets up that need pilots. Pour yourself a drink and get in the fight, we are here to stay!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:56 PM PST

    Almost made it boys.

    submitted by /u/PlexasAideron
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    Fix your trig standings in under 30 minutes AKA I got into another argument in game again and made a video to prove my point!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:28 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    So I got into a debate with a bitter vet, who insisted that there is no way to have positive standings with Edencom AND Trig.

    Simply, that is not true. You can, and should have positive with both. So I proved how easy it is.


    Basically all you have to do is use a Pochven filament then get on the KM of a drone rat. Then either leave via a WH or exit filament.

    I got a little lucky, but there are two ways to do it:

    1. Go in with something that can kill the drone rats (boring)
    2. bring in something long range that can tag a drone rat (even a painter works) and then another player will either kill it or Trig rats will.

    That's it, do one of those, wait 15 minutes, and Trig shouldn't shoot at you anymore.

    Maybe if people stop getting killed by Trig they'll do something interesting with them. But yeah no one should be shot at by trigs when it takes half an hour and 5 million isk to fix.

    Seems I'm going to continue to post videos to win arguments, so hopefully someone finds these helpful!

    submitted by /u/ericbomb
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    The Bastion 101

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 06:59 PM PST

    For those that do not know what those masks are about, they represent facepaints called "Kumadori". These face paints are being used in japanese stage performances or "Kabuki". It is a very old and respected art, and still thriving in Japan nowadays after 400 years of existence.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:50 AM PST

    Shortly about Solo PvP in EVE Online

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:44 PM PST

    Delta After Dark: We Were Really Feeling It Tonight

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:32 PM PST

    tonight was a wonderful example of what happens when a couple of cheeky lads really believe in themselves


    we started off the evening leaving our querious homebase for southern delve aka afgoonistan. took us a bit to figure out our hackers were all off in m2- doing dingus things. still managed to kill a praxis and a frigate w/ a t2 entosis. those are kinda expensive right now

    the remainder of the evening was comprised of the w-ix ihub node event. the shitty stars alliance is our next eternal enemy. it kinda felt like their alliance was like 2 dudes trying to multibox badly. its kinda what i expected from some bob alts

    we killed a whole lot of expensive stuff while only losing some tackle and a scythe. the w-ix ihub died and our blood is up. this is going to be a fun constellation to extirpate

    shouts out to the zungen hive mind. rock over jita. rock on yulai. quafe, breakfast of champions

    submitted by /u/dalmutidangus
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    So what does an M2 PAPI cored fortizar have in common with an M2 PAPI coreless?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:34 PM PST

    Neither can provide tether to a bubbled supercapital fleet.

    submitted by /u/BBTB2
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    FC Chat #59 - Elise Randolph & Hy Wanto Destroyer

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    One True Official History of the Countdown at the Children’s Orphanage

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:54 AM PST

    21/22 January 2021

    It all began when Snuffed Out was allegedly scammed of 45 billion ISK by someone pretending to represent the Sixth Empire. The reasonable gentlemen that they are, Snuff decided that the logical response would be to wardec the Space Pope and bash their strutures. Following the uncontested shield and armour bashes of the Children's Orphanage Sotiyo in Basgerin, the Hull timer was set for 21:39 UTC, 21 January 2021.

    Snuff's dastardly deeds were duly delivered to the r/eve subreddit, where the court of public opinion quickly found them guilty. Multiple attempts were made to assemble a defence fleet, with varying levels of success. Just to give an idea, the most common type of ship on the attacking side was Carriers (101). The most common types on the defending side were Frigates (204), Corvettes (126) and Cruisers (95).

    Example defensive fleet undergoing inspection by FC. (Warning: Some parts of this video may be considered offensive and / or inappropriate. The linked part (till 3:26) is probably fine.)

    Snuffed Out, being Snuffed Out, formed a fleet of carriers and Avatars. Wishing to make assurance doubly sure, they spread very believable rumours that they were standing down / using this as a distraction to anchor their own structure. (Surprisingly, some people fell for it. Or maybe they were also part of the act?) And then they made the 200 IQ decision of arriving several minutes late, giving the various fleets in Basgerin enough time to notice their mortal enemies within blaster range. The BR tool either went mad trying to make sense of this crap or has been listening to too much spin on the subreddit.

    Symbolic depiction of the Countdown at the Children's Orphanage

    When the few attempts to actully fight Snuff resulted in the death of a Snuff FAX (by a mostly Tengu fleet), the attackers responded by using their spies to call primaries on their own relatively safe ships. One spai also warped a defender group into fighter range of a waiting Snuff carrier fleet.

    Once the various groups had been blown up / distracted / frustrated into leaving, Snuff destroyed the Sotiyo, collecting 18 billion in loot. Ninja looters had a field day clearing up the grid.

    Yours truly was able to rescue 53 orphaned drones made homeless by Snuff's atrocities. They will definitely be sent to loving, caring homes, and totally not sold to the highest bidder in Dodixie.

    r/eve reacts to the destruction of the Children's Orphanage

    (Why is this picture so big?)

    submitted by /u/god-nose
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    Man, they're really going all in on the impulse buy marketing...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:05 AM PST


    Looks like when you make a new character, this is what it shows you before the "Download EVE client" page. It kinda feels like, all the budget is going to marketing now or something.

    submitted by /u/Hehaw5
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    When all you want is to fight but your enemies keep hiding

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:47 AM PST

    How to be a good scout?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Got to be a fleet scout today, watching and crossing gates ahead of the fleet. It was terrible good fun!

    I want to do this on the regular, and be the best damn scout out there! What's some tips/tricks? Was flying a Helios today, should I train to a different ship? I'm excited!

    submitted by /u/Ok-Brilliant-1737
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    Cormorant fitting to rat

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:09 PM PST

    I am one week old in eve. I tried exploration in null sec area but thats kinda boring so i decided to try combat this path. I got 40M ISK in my wallet now, and i bought cormorant. Any suggestion on cormorant fitting to earn ISK in low/null sec area? Isit possible to earn 20M ISK/h? Or any ship recommendation to earn ISK in low/null sec? If got please list down the ship fitting that I can afford :) One last question: ratting in mining belt or combat anomly is better to earn ISK? Thank You! (sorry for my bad language)

    submitted by /u/Grand-Implement-2077
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    How to make that semi-passive Isk in 2021.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST


    I'm looking for some information on how to make some cash (not the by and sell plex option)

    I'm a new player, have been in game about a month now and I love it. I think this is really quit possibly my next 10-years +.

    I live in a WH and have access to decent PI with 2 Omega accounts and some decent mining from time to time. I don't know if I'm ready to tackle Industry yet ; maybe baby steps...

    I was reading about BPO and BPC's, is that still a relevant and legit money maker or has that time come and gone and now the privy of select few?

    How can a new capsuleer break into the complex economics of Eve and carve out their own piece of fortune in 2021?

    Thank you for your time.


    submitted by /u/Eve-Skarlin
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    Alpha wanting to grind first Omega, any suggestions?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:30 AM PST

    Im an Alpha who has been trying to grind enough ISK to PLEX my account, but none of the activities that Im currently doing seem to make ISK, or just get too repetitive after a while.

    I've done mining, hauling, station trading, missioning, and even FW, but none of them seem to make me ISK

    If you have any suggestions on what I can do, pls share them with me

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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    Advice please for a new player: There seems to be very little ISK in manufacturing compared to mining/missions/exploration.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:20 PM PST

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/King-PotatoPeople
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    Palatine update from Yodik

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST

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