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    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - January 23, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - January 23, 2021

    Shameless Saturday - January 23, 2021

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Hello and welcome to Shameless Saturday.

    Today you're welcome to shamelessly self promote your site/video/stream/product etc provided that it's related to EVE Online and your self-promotion to interaction ratio is 10:1 (1 self promotion link for every 10 normal interactions.) Accounts should also be a month old and have prior interactions with /r/eve.

    Now what are you waiting for? Go out there and sell your ~~soul~~ self!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Want out of M2-? Get your Golden Ticket home right now, from Mr. Fountain Frank!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:24 PM PST

    Frat vs The Freemen of the North - Week 3

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Bonjour les amis, je vous apporte la mise à jour de la semaine 3!

    And that is the extent of my French after my relatively limited 'cultural exchange' with our French allies. I've requested their sisters' phone numbers to get some tutoring but they haven't taken me up on the deal.

    Week 3

    Week 3 has been punctuated by multiple small skirmishes as both sides continue to reinforce jump bridges and beacons, with subsequent responses for their respective defenses. Frat has focused heavily on TP for this week, hitting them in AUTZ before they are awake, mostly in response to TP hitting them in EUTZ when the pandas sleep. This has led to some overlap into Rote (Read: Late US) timezone and we were able to help defend TP bridges against the relative kitchen sink that was thrown against them. BOSS and the Venal boys have been busy with their own harrassment campaign, and while not quite reaching the mad frenchmen's level of reinforcing all of the things, they've done a bang up job forcing WinterCo B team to feed relentlessly.

    Previously, in Week 2, Nullsechnaya Sholupen had anchored a Fortizar in the border system of KQK1-2 in Pure Blind. Since they are incapable of subtlety, we reckoned that their next play would be to try to bait out fights in Tribute. We've been allies in the past so there was a small chance they'd come to take the fight to Frat, but without any communication, that seemed unlikely.

    Their first push was on 20 Jan, around 0130. We were busy fleeting up with BOSS to kill a Frat Azbel that was entirely undefended, and during our time gone NSH was able to net some kills before our fleet could make it back.

    Rote/Boss/Cone Sacs vs NSH Cerbs. We mostly fought for positioning initially, before NSH committed and we started the fight proper. As most HAC engagements go, it was quick and brutal, with a slew of losses on one side or the other before it's called off. NSH would break off the engagement after it was clear that they were not making further progress once we got our pants on and remembered how to ADC. We harassed them all the way back to KQK, mostly trading evenly on light tackle. We walked back home and reset the bait beacon (bacon) and got lucky 20 minutes later when a NSH JF decided to take the bait.

    Shortly following this, xXNemXx of BOSS was contacted by /u/MrChuckNorris to establish some diplomatic ties and left this voicemail. Seems a bit premature, but in line with the JF coming in early.

    These events would repeat the next day and the next next day with similar, but unsurprising, results. Week 3 has been 'wild'.

    However, I would be remiss to not mention the D7-ZAC Fortizar loss by Frat in the early hours of Saturday morning. Understand that this sits outside the time period of 'week 3' but going forward I'll keep the isk/damage tally on hard 7 day periods and fit what makes a good story into the 'weekly' updates.

    The Beachhead Attempt

    As previously reported, Frat's first big move of the war was to attempt to establish a beachhead in the TP capital of D7-ZAC. This did not end well with the loss of a JF and the Fortizar. They would be able to successfully get one in place, that would see itself pushed into Hull timer and saved initially at the end of Week 2. Not to be deterred, TP would reinforce the structure again, pushing it to a Hull timer for just prior to downtime on 23 Jan. I personally was asleep (0330 Local time) but getting the debrief from the Roo-Crew of Rote the battle boiled down to Frat bringing their latest fleet comp, Tempest Fleet Issues and being subsequently countered by their arch nemesis, long range bombers. The Fort would get pushed down to near death when downtime hit, and after a short reset, the boys logged back in to finish the job.

    I'll let the FCs and gentlemen involved give a better AAR, as I don't think I could do it the justice that it deserves, but the breakdown as I understand it is:

    Frat showed in Tempest Fleet Issues

    Snuff came with them in 10mn Tengus

    Freemen were in LR Bombers, Muninns, Hacs, Talos.

    We kept the Fort paused and ticking down as the very slow TFI fleet worked its way towards D7. Upon arrival, engagement and subsequent retreat, the TFI's inherent immobility made things a mess for Frat as picks were made, and implant sets pulled. All in all a successful defense, as the field was looted and the Fort core secured by the Freemen.

    Not to be outdone however, Frat decided to bring another Fort down to the area via Rorqual. It didn't quite make it as it was spotted jumping in on the world's worst Arazu pilot's cyno, subsequently bumped and killed.

    The Scorecard

    Week 3 - 15-21 Jan 2021

    Current Hubris Tax Level for Frat V Rote Kapelle: 834%, for TP: 868%

    Current tallies are:

    Team Frat Freemen
    Isk Lost 394b 169b
    Ships Lost 2070 1267
    Supers 1
    Dreads 12 7
    Fax 5 1
    Carrier 3
    JFs 1
    Rorqs 2
    Forts 1
    Azbel 2
    Athanor 1
    Ansiblex 7
    Tenebrex 4 2
    Battleships 72 27
    HACs 73 51
    Botters 129

    And some graphs to go along with it:

    Rote V Frat

    TP V Frat

    These numbers don't capture the entirety of the forces as that would detrimentally skew the numbers in our favor of 1:5 vs 1:15 and give Noraus even more of a reason to pull all heavy assets from Delve in order to secure Vale/Tribute from a bunch of Dads and Bread Enthusiasts.

    Here is a translated transcript of a Fraternity meeting. If you don't care to read through the entire thing, I can point out key phrases that should stick out to you:

    1. Then the most important thing for us is the more important war, the more important war, and the more important war that takes place near Low An, which is P3EN, where we fight every day in Silent Valley
    2. we can't just rely on Silent Valley and the FC here, so we need more FCs and more members. First, get our combat preparations to Silent Valley and go to H-5
    3. During the Spring Festival, we are going to tell him why we should bring the Jedi Titans back, right? During the Spring Festival, I plan to take down all of them in one Spring Festival
    4. The most important battles are with Toilet Paper., Rote Kapelle, Quote Alliance, No Visual., Brotherhood of Spacers, Trigger Happy., DarkSide

    Combine this with a move op (happening today!) curiously named "Trail of Tears" (real classy guys) and it becomes pretty clear that Frat no longer has any real intentions to support the Southern War in a serious capacity and is choosing to focus up north. Anyway, I'll leave those kinds of questions to my fellow space nerds in PAPI.

    If you have any further questions for us feel free to hit us up here or on Discord as usual.

    The biggest of thanks to the following:

    • We Form V0lta
    • United Federation of Conifers
    • No Vacancies
    • Odin's Call (all 600 of them)
    • Triumvirate
    • Pen Is Out
    • Brotherhood of Spacers
    • Arkhos Core
    • /u/_DJtanner for these slick visuals
    • Anyone I missed: I love you
    submitted by /u/Savanted
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    CCP When?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Pulled a little sneaky on you

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:08 PM PST

    A Guide to Pochven and its NPC's - EDENCOM Defense Initiative

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Siberian squad leaving legacy

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Goons take the bait on a Rorq, and feed Carriers into TAPI

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:49 PM PST



    Integratus fleet(Dreddit PvP under The POP) got Carriers to come into the defend the M0O Goon fort. A rorq was then tackled on the L-Y gate in 1-2J4P about 5 minutes later. The carriers then gated into 1-2J4P from M0O, and onto the L-Y gate, where they proceeded to get follow by dreddit tackle and bubbled up. This let the small dreddit fleet that had come for the fort hold them down until Alliance could bring eagles down the pipe to clean up.

    submitted by /u/Xaoc000
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    Officer roll went as expected

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:14 AM PST

    We are tired of your crap!!!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:37 PM PST

    D R E A D B O I S #8 - Reciprocity

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Local pepegas feed leshaks to kill streamer

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:48 AM PST

    How much isk did the War Bonds raise?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Title says it all. Mittani claims that 21,000 shares of war bonds were sold but I have no idea how much each was worth. Can anyone say?

    submitted by /u/cravic
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    FRT batphones Snuff, still loses Fort and Rorq

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:27 AM PST

    IHUB fight in PDE- ends up with some classical HAC fleets colliding

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    Goonswarm ended up defending the IHUB timer, costing them a bloody nose overall.

    Was good fun and some of the systems were even without TIDI <3

    Battlereport: https://br.evetools.org/br/600c704263b1ed001b2f2cff

    Goonswarm PR, welcome to brigade!

    submitted by /u/Hoder_
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    A Hi-Sec player's first BLOPs hotdrop

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:52 AM PST


    some of you on the subreddit may remember some of my prior posts titled "A Hi-Sec player's first... In NS" from a few months back. Been a while since i posted because i didnt rly want to constantly post about stuff that is pretty normal for a lot of the people here.

    However, i couldnt resist posting about this.

    I trained into a Nemesis a few weeks back. I dont have many T2 ships out in NS, mostly since i cant fly most of them, but the Nemesis was a must have for me. i LOVED the concept of stealth bombers since my days of browsing HS markets for ships that, i thought back then at least, that i would never own.

    A ping went out for a BLOPs fleet to gather, so i quickly hopped in comms and fleet and went to the muster. Our FC had found a fairly large mining floatilla that we could potentially hotdrop. But just as we were about to drop, an INIT drop of 4 bombers scatter our FC's prey (they failed to kill anything, which we all had a good laugh at). So the fleet was about to be stood down.

    Then another floatilla of ships came out, a Porpoise and a few mining barges. FC decided that if we were gonna get any content, now was the time.

    We drop into the system at 15k off of the miners. A Gnosis quickly warps onto us but not before the Porp is called as primary and our points are spread across the barges. The Porpoise gets taken down, by this point im orbiting the Gnosis, trying to get my Target painter and point onto the miners to get on the KMs while slapping the Gnosis with torps. We had one bomber lost who was caught out of position by the Gnosis' drones before we managed to take it down. The remaining barges are cleaned up, we drop a GF in local and bridge back home. It was over before i could even empty my capacitor with my MWD

    While we were waiting for the bridge ship to be cynoed in, one of the pilots linked their KM on a pod from one of the barges https://zkillboard.com/kill/90164633/. I am pretty sure we all had to do a double take on this. 2B isk in a 30-40m isk ship. we all absolutely pissed ourselves.

    GF to all involved, especially that Gnosis for trying to cover his comrades' failed escapes. Never had an adrenaline rush like this, looking forward to more!

    submitted by /u/TheSting117
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    The Claysson system - one planet of each type

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:30 AM PST

    Timers change idea. What if the location of your alliance capitol actually did matter?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    In current sov mechanics timing your structures and ihubs matter.
    You cannot also split your alliance easily to multiple smaller groups as they will simply lose all sov defensive contest due to lack of numbers.
    In current eve your alliance capitol just grants you free ADM, but what if it also defined timers in the region you have your capitol, but in all other regions you hold space or have structures the timers would work in a 24h period based of a timer generated by the enemy.

    This alone could solve so many issues current eve have.

    What about corporations and WH space that all of you forgot?

    I have no issue with adding stront into the structure timers that let you modify timer a bit.


    Your alliance capitol now defines also timers in the region it is located in.
    In any other region timers are working in a matter of a 24h cycles from the moment timer is generated.

    submitted by /u/GruuMasterofMinions
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    Where do I go?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:10 PM PST

    So right now, I live in Amarr (pasha 0.9) and I have around 19 million isk. I have an exploration ship and am working to get a combat ship(both tier 1) what can I do as an alpha player to progress? Thanks

    submitted by /u/filer5000
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    Freemen of north. papi is pulling part of leftover capital forces from Delve and sending them against you.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 12:49 PM PST

    Move ops are happening.
    Forces are not significant but big enough to change the battlefields you fight on.
    Stay strong and fight the common enemy of New Eden.
    If you fail other groups across nullsec will be put in the same situation.

    For context majority of the current papi leadership are people who 6-7 years ago turned majority of the New Eden into huge renting ground slowly kicking non affiliated to them groups and later on turning all small blue alliances in the renters in their own space.

    Same people, same situation.
    It is happening again.
    This is their goal , again : https://evenews24.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/before-after-sov1.jpg
    (leaving visible link for clear date mark)

    This was under a context of war with goons and need of recovery after B-R fight.
    The M2 fight was already few times bigger and it is not over yet.

    If you are not blue to papi you will be kicked out to make space for renters.
    If you are small group inside of papi then the same fate is planned for you.

    submitted by /u/SynthiaGreey
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    What happens if I die while in my capsule?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:34 AM PST

    I got killed while in a Probe and ended up in my capsule back at my home base. If I get killed while in that, what happens?

    submitted by /u/Available_Dream_9764
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    What am I missing about the market?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    If there's a bunch of sell orders close together, why does someone put in a sell order WAY cheaper?

    I mean clearly they'll get the buys, but when the sell orders are all at X, why bother putting in a sell at X/10, when you could just sell at X-1 ?

    submitted by /u/edthesmokebeard
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    Hey guys! Eve noob here just wondering how to get the buttons to the left of the ship health bar thing to re appear? not sure if it’s a settings thing or a glitch but help would be appreciated!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Started making videos, feedback appreciated :)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

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