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    Monday, February 8, 2021

    Eve Online Fleet warp is an exploit

    Eve Online Fleet warp is an exploit

    Fleet warp is an exploit

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:46 PM PST

    Why is my Sunesis unhappy?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:02 PM PST

    Alright I heard ya, here are some minnie skins.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:38 PM PST

    CCP: The game is constantly DCing on some accounts, but not others. The issue has been horrible for the last week or more. What is going on?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 06:43 PM PST

    Title. So many people getting DC'd randomly for no reason at all.

    Please give us some indication you actually care.

    submitted by /u/Ikuorai
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    PAPI Coalition takes 9 Northern Delve Ihubs, 3 Cyno Jammers. routes two Imperium fleets and camps one into a Raitaru for several hours. 3 more Ihubs and a Sotiyos expected to go down as USTZ begins

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    At 17:30 EVE Time, several Infrastructure Hub timers in northern Delve - owned by the Imperium - came out.


    PAPI formed a combined five subcapital fleets with two full capital fleets primed. The Imperium countered with three fleets of its own, including a jackdaw fleet and a HAC fleet, while its capital and supercapital forces focused on holding control of the M2-XFE keepstar grid.


    • Horde formed a Skybreaker fleet designed explicitly to counter the highly-mobile Jackdaw fleet, and the Imperium jackdaw fleet quickly became camped in the system of R5-MM8. After about an hour, a breakout was attempted, and the jackdaws were quickly routed by the combined Horde Skybreaker and TEST Muninn fleet.
    • An unknown Goonswarm pilot attempted to solo drop his buffer/anticap-fit phoenix on an active tanking entosis Apostle, and quickly learned how much an Apostle can tank.
    • After briefly engaging with his HACs, a Mister Vee fleet was camped into a Raitaru for several hours while PAPI entosisers wanded unopposed. Several escapes were attempted involving terrible bombing attempts and a poorly piloted slippery pete fleet.

    More Ihubs are presently falling, and several structures are coming out this USTZ evening.

    Furthermore, military experts are calling the skybreaker fleet concept "dope as hell."

    Full BR

    Edit: fixed BR link

    submitted by /u/tony-mke
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    Sure, Edencom sucks, but their chain heal logistics cruiser is dope.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:49 PM PST

    .... oh wait.

    The inverse of single ramped point dps and ramped reps from trigs I guess is chain lightening and chain logistics one would think. They are the Shamen of New Eden.

    But i guess there is no Logi that jumps from Ship to Ship repping shields. Would be a great way to make f1 logi, or more importantly assist with structure PDS or help with counter assisting with bomber op recovery

    Man, CCP really wiffed with Edencom. No logi, No Dread, No Carriers on either side.

    Did they put a shelf in that Trig stuff entirely after the Pochven split too? They spent like a year releasing that content, and it has nothing but hurt the new player. New bros dont know how to grind the trig rep. New bro gets his first 10m or 100m isk ship, and gets welped at a gate and then quits. Fuck i still see 1b isk ships dying every day from gate rats. Needless deaths.

    Thanks for the logi edencom ship.

    Thanks for helping new bros.


    Ill have another scotch.

    submitted by /u/fallenreaper
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    Started playing around with skins again, here are a few

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:58 AM PST

    Space beggar got 1 billion within a month and wrote a blog about it

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:13 AM PST

    TL;DR - Brave capsuleer collected 1 billion ISK in 1 month by begging

    Dear moderators: I am very sorry for breaking rule number 4 of this subreddit. I my reddit account is more than 1 month old but I did not post anything before :(

    Hi all, made a reddit account just to be able to post my endeavor. It may not look epic or important like all the wars going on right now but it is something that made my day almost every day.

    Some backstory:

    So I played this game many years ago for a tiny bit but it didn't draw me closer. However, I was always a lurker on the events that were happening and how the game was being reshaped every year. During this pandemic, with things running out to do, I decided to give it a try and made an alpha account. Finished the tutorial, did the starter agent missions, then registered for factional warfare on Caldari side. I lost like 2 or 3 ships and was really let down by either my lack of understanding how to fight other players properly or just simply the other players had a really big edge with the modules and skills they have. This + hungover brain on January 1st this year birthed the idea to simply beg for ISK and see how it goes. I understood this game is a sandbox, so whatever I do is true gameplay.

    I made a blog page (link to the page HERE) to track my progress. Just a little problem - never ever wrote something non-business/technical related about anything in any shape or form, so I really hated myself to be lacking any writing/imagination skills in making my text at least a bit entertaining. Feel free to read and criticize!

    What did I do:

    Decided to collect 1 billion ISK by begging. First I thought I would spam in Jita local chat but all I got was two 0 ISK donations from a single player. Then I found out that spamming in Jita actually sucks and you're a terrible person if you're doing it. Thus another idea came to light - why not fly around different regions and beg for ISK that way. I made a spreadsheet to track which systems I already visited and begged in and a list of players that donated a certain lump of ISK. It did work way better and was a start of my little journey. The actual begging was to simply post a message with a lure to my Bio where it had everything I needed to ensnare my "victims" to local chat in every system. I visited most of Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar space with a little sliver of Amarr. at first I was a bit afraid of low security space but the fear was gone after learning it almost always empty minus some systems with seemingly higher traffic. My journey ended in Genesis region, right after my pilgrimage to New Eden system to see the EVE Gate (I was not planning on it though and it was a huge for me to actually see it )


    - Got donations from 178 capsuleers. Ranging from 0 to 200 million ISK, reaching a total of 1,012,427,882 ISK (averagely, 5.7 million ISK per player)

    - Visited 818 systems (number might be off by 1 or 2)

    - Besides begging did exploration sites to make my own money! I made around 300 million liquid ISK after some expenses (also have a bunch of blueprints from Ghost sites and a Sleeper site)

    - Did not lose a single ship. I did this all in my Heron I got from a starter agent

    - Spent around 2.5 hours per session of play (sometimes more, sometimes less) in 25 days of active playing. So I guess ~16 million ISK per hour

    - Returned all of the donated ISK to my benefactors + 1 ISK as gratitude

    What is next for me:

    a. Get back to factional warfare I guess. Trained up some skills which will probably give a tiny better edge. I really want to brag to myself to be able to solo defeat another ship!

    b. Try these abyssal filaments collected from exploration

    c. Go to a wormhole!

    submitted by /u/levygaze
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    Recently Stated Dreddit Objectives

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 11:01 AM PST

    Who here started this gulag in Elite Dangerous?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:43 PM PST

    CASE STUDY : An in-depth analysis of The Imperium's defensive strategy since June 2020

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    WWBeeII Losses Tally to date: Some zero-bullshit loss numbers to digest - Should be pretty eye-opening and hopefully put to bed some of the constant sperge we see in local by members on both sides. Enjoy!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:50 AM PST

    Capital Class Exploration Resurrected in M2

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:13 AM PST

    This will be my first actual attempt at a reddit post with any sort of sustenance so bear with me here.

    Before I begin with today's adventure, I implore you to read this thread here https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/b8z6ha/capital_class_exploration_activity_needs_a_revamp/

    This was always one of my favorite stories from r/Eve. It's unique, crazy, and wildly stupid all at the same time. As someone that has always enjoyed exploration in eve, I've always been drawn to the craziness that comes with it (See: Going South). So when my friend Micr0mancer made mention that there were a lot of cosmic sigs in M2, and casually posted This Thanatos Fit into our corp chat, I jumped at the opportunity to help scan the system.

    Fit up a scanning Stiletto and off I went. Oh right, T5Z session changing instalockers, forgot about that.

    Oh well, off we go again. This time I just use our handy dandy mobile jump bridges and have a titan just drop me straight into M2-XFE. Now let's get this this Thanatos in a site.

    As most of you probably know by now, Scanning that many signatures in a system can be hilariously disappointing. 2 Wormholes (not taking this thing in that) and 6 Combat sites later a new signature pops up. Boom, Level 2 Relic site. I warp in and cloak up, ping micro and get a response "Fck, Reshipping" A couple minutes later we were Officially running a relic site in a Thanexplos . Was this dangerous? Yes. Was this risky? Yes. Did we expect Papi to drop on him and kill him? absolutely. That was kind of the fun of it.

    I'm not going to say this was the most thrilling of sites I've run or watched anyone run. Normally your Zooming to cans in your fit of choice. However, this was no normal circumstance and to my surprise, it can actually get up and go (Example). So, as you do in any normal capital class exploration, you wait, and you wait, and you wait, and then you Finish. First site down, no sign of the enemy and I've helped become part of the history of this silly ass game mechanic. Oh, wait. There's a level 4 Relic site that just spawned. WE GO AGAIN!!

    This time I become a little more creative and have my friend warp Directly to me. Fortunately for us this site had near perfect can placement. So I positioned myself right between the 2 groupings and have him Warp. At this point we've spent probably 25-30 minutes inside of a site and surely Papi is ready to drop. To push the envelope a little more, Micro posts a pic of his loot in m2 in a public channel just to see if it piqued any interest. This turned out to be bait no one took. Maybe next time.

    3 Cans down and we're burning to the last 4 cans. No sign of the enemy anywhere. This is either going to end very badly, or go so well that we'll be able to continue this adventure another day. That's can 4, 3, 2, and 1. Done. All in all, this didn't turn out into the most profitable run, but holy shit was it fun. A huge shout out to my new exploration friend Micr0mancer. May we forever be able to bond over this absolutely ridiculous endeavor, or see this abomination blown to smithereens in spectacular fashion.

    submitted by /u/XavierVTM
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    The "gold standard" doesn't look accurate at all. What am I missing?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Check it out:

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 05:17 PM PST

    Tribute To The Pilots Of The Imperium From Five Months of Battle Footage

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    How Caedes actually died

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 10:48 AM PST

    New Player

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:23 PM PST

    I have been looking for a new game, Eve looks both fun and challenging is there a good resource to how to start out and what factions excel at each thing. Also does anyone have a recruit a friend link? I read I get like alot of skill points from that?

    submitted by /u/No-Interaction1806
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    FI.RE retre.....attacks in another direction

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:58 AM PST

    As always, another PAPI alliance attacks in another direction. Totally NOT retreating to Wicked Creek.

    AR FI.RE co SOTA:

    - breaking news SBSQ joined Imperium.

    - they killing their alliance (means Red Alliance and Hanzo SBSQ), joined goons when they losing war its a suicide.

    - shit talk about Mittani and russians collectives who joined to Imperium, about how many he paying them and etc.

    - "Volta deployed. We need fighting with Volta"

    - shit talk about Mittani. Mittani not god..mittani bad...mittani...mittani cringe(x10)

    - war with Goons its a moral war and Goons lose that war when 130 titans escaped

    - "If Goons win that war - EVE is over"

    - https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Wicked\_Creek/C0O6-K#npc new deploy FIRE co, full (supers, capitals, all doctrines) deploy with death clones. System with keepstar. Should be moving supers from Delve aswell.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLPh3ltUFTk - FI.RE SOTA in russian.

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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    Back after 7 years, and have a question about manufacturing.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:22 PM PST

    It's been 7 years since I've played, and I remember nothing.

    I got all my old accounts back, and wanted to get back into manufacturing. I was able to locate my old excel spreadsheet to find out what I used to produce (I gave all the BPOs to a friend before I quit). My spreadsheets used APIs to pull market prices for everything, and told me how much I would make an hour.

    I made ships in high sec, specifically:

    Dominix, Myrmidon, Noctis, Retriver, Talos, Tornado, Raven, Oracle, and Drakes.

    I profited about 2 bil isk/day over my 5 accounts.

    However, I just ran the prices on the Dominix versus what it would cost, and before fees, I would lose money. After fees, I would be down millions for each sold.

    Is there a piece I'm not remembering? Did I somehow get minerals that I needed cheaper?

    submitted by /u/Cancer-Cheater
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    If reddit lead the imperium Defense

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:52 AM PST

    Hello capsuler!

    I see to many spin on this reddit recently by people who 'know how to win the war if they was the imperium". Or "imperium is stuck in M2". Or "imperium don't fight".

    So no spin : How did you will win this defensive war if you was the chief of imperium forces. I m curious to see the reddit wisdom.

    submitted by /u/Dictateur_Imperator
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    Small Upwell Stations?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:31 AM PST

    Basically title. Are there Plans to add in a small line of Stations or Are the size classifications of the Stations just to Force on You how massive These Things Are? Edit: I dont want to have them, I am just asking about what ccp might have said about it

    submitted by /u/MarsColonist334
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    Literally unplayable...CCPlease fix

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:36 AM PST

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