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    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Eve Online He's coming for ya

    Eve Online He's coming for ya

    He's coming for ya

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:04 PM PST

    My desires

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:34 PM PST

    Make friends, shoot reds

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:06 AM PST

    I ordered a poster of the corpse of a player I love/hate. PS he loves it too

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:47 PM PST


    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:26 AM PST

    It is what it is

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 05:31 PM PST

    Make Armor Rigs Nerf Inertia Instead of Speed

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:30 PM PST

    Most armor rigs (excluding nano pumps and accelerators) apply a speed reduction as the rig penalty. Armor ships are normally already slower than shield ships from a baseline (unless comparing fastest armor to slowest shield), then you add in plates, trimarks or resistance rigs and it penalizes armor speed even more by just using the preferred tanking method of the ship.

    In most cases, a single plate does not massively affect speed. Even the most hated nanoboi's will put 800 plates on kitey ships and lose only a negligible amount of speed. The main speed debuff for armor is in the rigs.

    Why does this matter?

    To create better diversity between armor/shield engagements where 1 isn't more preferred due to raw mobility and the other can be kited indefinitely just for using its main tank. I think in the current meta, involving HACs, an easy example to make is between the zealot and eagle. The eagle is arguably one of the slowest shield cruisers in the game, yet once you put plate/rigs on the zealot (or sac), the eagle is faster than it. So the eagle can project farther and can just kite away from the zealot, meaning the zealot is really not viable in this fight. I know the zealot has more issues than this, but its just an example.

    Eagle speed w/ MWD = 1582

    Zealot speed w/ MWD = 1676

    Zealot speed w/ MWD (1600 plate/trimarks) = 1356

    Zealot speed w/ MWD (1600 plate only) = 1493

    By changing the rigs, the Eagle is still faster, but instead of a 200m/s+ difference, its less than 100m/s. This could be tweaked by buffing zealot speed or nerfing eagle speed pretty easily to make them more competitive.

    This same comparison occurs to things like harb vs ferox

    Ferox speed w/ MWD = 1073

    Harbinger speed w/ MWD = 1229

    Harb speed w/ MWD (plate/trimaks) = 1013 m/s (would actually be even slower with 3rd trimark, but heavy beam fit only uses 2 trimarks+1 ACR).

    Harb speed w/ MWD (plate only) = 1114 m/s

    With plate speed penalty only, the harb is now faster than the Ferox and can actually get into range with heavy beams and not get slowly kited to death.

    These similarities occur through pretty much the entire EVE ship line. There are exceptions of course, but they are limited.


    The agility penalty would still provide a reasonable drawback to fitting trimarks/resist rigs, but doesn't nerf an armor ship's ability to catch up to a shield ship completely. It would mean the armor ship can't react as quickly to sudden changes (warp-ins or bombs), but still be competitive in speed. It also means if the shield ship is more active and purposely burns perpendicular to the armor ship, it can still shake off an armor ship.

    This changes the dynamic to shield vs armor and can affect how they engage each other. Where armor you want to try to move around on them to keep them working with their low agility, but if they need to reposition or burn out, they can still achieve reasonable speed to do so.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    400 guristas HS anoms (preliminary data)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:34 AM PST

    You know the drill : Do a lot of anoms, write them ALL in a spreadsheet, including the system, the presence of a commander, and the escalation you received along the destination. Then work your sheet like there was no tomorrow, to have interesting data

    Here are the preliminary results (need like 5 times as many to have a correct idea) of the escalation and commander rate, per site and per site+secstatus


    loot for 12 ded4s : https://evepraisal.com/a/yl5p7 (43M/ escalation)

    only did one ded5, no loot but not enough anyhow.

    same for commander,s I have a can for their loot but it looks like 22 is not enough .

    Notes :

    • only hideway, refuge and den seem to escalate.
    • the guristas HS regions are much more active than the angel HS regions, so anoms respawn very fast. So it's much faster to find anoms
    • I therefore selected a few systems that have high HS % escalation chance. Still was sent to notoras, tama, etc.
    • I have one specific system with 22 hideways and 16 refuges and zero escalation.
    • ATM I am using a drake navy for ded4s, ishtar for ded5s. I guess astartes would be better for first and vulture for second ?
    • You can have escalations from Jita ;) From hideway and refuge ^_^
    submitted by /u/guigui_lechat
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    pos kills fortizar

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:26 AM PST

    nice bug / expoild that you can shoot a foritzar with a pos!

    submitted by /u/PinkFatRabbit1
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    I thought I won Eve

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:43 PM PST

    I got busy with IRL stuff and took a break from Eve in 2020. Weeks turned into months and then I figured I had won. Soon about a year had passed but now I'm feeling the desire download and play again.

    I've looked. There is no replacement to the space-based player-ran economy that is Eve Online. I love the production capabilities and the vast economy ran by the players for the players.

    I love the thrill of gathering resources and working the market while under the threat of PVP.

    But why do I want to come back? When I left, most of you hated players like me. I liked ratting and mining in Rorquals. I loved watching Netflix, chatting in corp, and keeping an eye on local. I loved the thrill that someone might come in and attempt to destroy my expensive ship at any moment. Maybe I'll be on the ball and survive but just barely, or maybe I'll fuck up, be surprised, and/or overwhelmed. Maybe I'll dock up, form up, and help my buddies chase the reds out of the region. That was a lot of fun for me.

    In early 2020 I felt like my way of play was under attack by CCP and players alike. Is the game getting better for players like me? Or should I just stay away?

    submitted by /u/Air-Tech
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Pete is waiting...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:16 AM PST

    CCP's hotdog conspiracy

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:25 PM PST

    I recently posted something about hotdogs and it was removed, claiming it was encouraging breaking eve's eula. So the question has to be asked... What is CCP doing with these hotdogs? Is the next precursor ship a hotdog? Do the servers run off buns? Is hotdog code for something that is over my head? Pls we deserve to know about this greasy pink conspiracy.

    Evidence: https://youtu.be/ci_ASUpfLSo

    submitted by /u/CheekyHooligan
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    I got my ass handed to me low sec mining, advice?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:09 AM PST

    So, on the last step of the industry career path thingy, I had to complete a blueprint from which requires zydrine. I could buy everything else required on the markets, but zydrine. I also wanted to have the experience of going out and finding it myself. So, I wondered about the internet and found it could be refined from Jaspet. Then I found that Jaspet could only be mined from certain low sec systems. So I outfitted my venture with a couple of lasers, a micro warp drive and some other stuff and jumped my way out there.

    I dropped into the field, started mining and got my ass handed to me by npc rats. Thankfully I did have the forethought to bring some hobgoblins with me so took out a couple but wasn't paying attention to my lovely knew uninsured venture got blown to bits. I thought oh, this must be a fluke oh well, so travelled back, found a station selling more ventures at a reasonable price, outfitted it and headed back out again. This time, I got my ass handed to me by an even bigger ship, which took me out in a couple of hits before I could ever start flying away or launch my drones.

    Any advice on how to get my damn Jaspet without getting blown to bits? Also, I have kinda been wondering how much worth it is to start playing from scratch in this day an age at all.

    submitted by /u/Fox-Among-Deli
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    I’ve Been Playing Eve All Day And Now I Have Auditory Hallucinations Of The Music

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:11 PM PST

    So I played Eve all day with headphones on, and now I hear the space music quietly from my left ear (I usually leave my right without a headphone to hear people calling me in the house etc.)

    There is no source, I shut all my devices down. I even plugged my ears.

    But I still hear the music.

    Did anyone have similar expieriences?

    submitted by /u/MarFinitor
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    The Wormhole Police - 2020 Petty Crimes Wrapup

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Are Edencom ships worth a damn? If not, is there any way CCP could make them worth a damn?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Outside of the Stormbringer (cruiser) being somewhat useful for farming DED sites, these ships seem to have little to no actual, practical use.

    They seem to be very tanky, but their primary weapons system doesn't really lend itself to anything but a support role, at best. This is weird because, according to the lore, these ships were designed by Edencom to be their mainline combat vessels and go toe-to-toe with their Trig counterparts.

    As far as I know, their DPS is modest to decent, but their application (is that what you'd call it?) seems to be too random and inconsistent to be useful for anything besides, what? Clearing Drones and Fighters?

    But these weapons systems also cause a TON of lag, from the tests that I have seen. So, besides being rather impractical, bringing them into big fleet fights is just absolutely cancerous to that system's node.

    They're a really cool concept that simply had a really poor execution, from what I can tell. So how do you make them useful and practical? Could you give them two different ammo types? One that turns the Vorton Projectors into high-damage directed-energy weapons that apply to one ship, like other weapons systems, while the other has the arcing effect with lower damage?

    The weapons are also stupidly expensive, so that really doesn't help them.

    I don't know. Y'all are surely smarter than I am. I just hate seeing CCP spend all the time to make and hype ships, just for them to fall flat on their face and wallow in obscurity.

    submitted by /u/Thayden_R_Nordic
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    CCP quietly updates trade windows with new anti-scam feature, kills gold brick scams

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:33 PM PST

    Within the last couple days, CCP's added a fun new feature to trade windows: if you place an assembled, renamed ship in a trade window, it now displays the ship type with the ship name in parenthesis, instead of just the ship name. This kills the old "my friend quit and left me a guardian-vexor, I'm selling it cheap" jita scam (AKA the gold brick), which has been in game forever and was one of the easiest entry-level local scams for rookie scammers to attempt.

    Ship in hangar

    Ship in trade window

    Another shot

    This follows on to CCP's change to isk in trade windows, 'locking in' money so you can no longer reduce the amount of money you've offered in a trade window.

    I don't really have a strong opinion on this. Gold bricks were always a low-effort, low-imagination scam, similar to the original trade window price switch scam. The world will keep turning, and ambitious con men will always find ways to bilk people. I just want people to be aware CCP continues to change game mechanics to make it harder to scam people, and that we should keep an eye on this to make sure they don't push to disallow scamming more broadly.

    submitted by /u/Casmeron
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    Eve Online War Update - HELM'S DEEP INVADED, BRAVE Under Pressure & more..

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:46 PM PST

    Hello I have a question

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 05:10 PM PST

    Dear nullsec players,

    Why do you think anyone needs to read your daily, bad morale- posts about this war?

    Id really prefer it if we wouldnt have to sift through all the threads of nullblobbers calling each other noobs in this subreddit and could instead enjoy the other content. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Trottel11
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    Charon build to order

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:25 PM PST

    Does anyone want to build me a Charon to order? I can take delivery in any NPC station in high or lowsec.

    Anyone care to offer me a price?

    submitted by /u/iconza001
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    I messed up Help. So like I deleted this agent mission at the beginning and I was planning to go back to do it later. But now I can’t. Doe the starter agents reset over time?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:14 AM PST

    The [REDACTED] truth about Bob as recently leaked by CCP Aurora. Object class KETER.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 05:53 AM PST

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