• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 23, 2021

    Eve Online The Holy Crusade continues!

    Eve Online The Holy Crusade continues!

    The Holy Crusade continues!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:58 AM PST

    Baltrom and Tau AD EXPOSED - Another Message to Snuffed Out

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:11 AM PST

    In recent weeks "420 MLG TWINTURBO 3000 EMPIRE ALLIANCE RELOADED" has been upgrading its spysec infrastructure to detect intel relays and burn spies within our ranks, manipulating the intel they have access to for the security of all of us, along with our dictatorship's personal amusement. We've been fucking with Snuff/SC and Dock Workers via their own intel relays (hi guys LeMAOOO)

    Firstly, we have discovered that the best way to get a snuff spy is to apply to various corps with application texts like "Stepbro I'm stuck" or "UwU I'm a Simp". Apparently, their CEOs are stupid as fuck, because no less then TWELVE of them accepted applications without even checking who's 'alt' was applying. A low effort intel grab, but I present to you, 1 out of 1 pages of +10 blues lists:


    Secondly our Alliance Leadership had been compromised by Snuffed Out.

    420 MLG's dictatorship holds no quarter when it comes to spies, even the ones we've used as quadruple agents without their knowledge. Each's use comes to an end, and this evening we bid farewell to SNUFF's 420 Alliance Director level spy: BALTROM.

    A few weeks back, we've noticed that Baltrom and Tau AD are hanging out together. We did some research with the help of our top notch spysec infrastructure and what we've found was shocking. We slowly got the suspicion that our beloved Austrian Führer Leader "Baltrom" was actually a Snuffed Out Spy. But before confronting him, we needed to be 100% sure. So we upped our game even more, made some calls and managed to get the ENTIRE WINDOWS ARSENAL AT OUR DISPOSAL.

    After confronting him, he immediately took all ISK out of our Auga Keepstar fund, disbanded the Alliance and joined Snuffed Out. Apparently, he already spend all of our ISK on a new Imp.

    So, with our Alliance disbanded by the Austrian traitor, we have decided to move back to our old Alliance "No Handlebars."

    To those of you reading this via relays (and reddit now), I now speak for all of 420 MLG: 1) We have by far the biggest and best Intel network in the fucking game. We have no less then TWELVE Snuffed Out Spies. TWELVE! 2) Go fuck yourselves

    submitted by /u/Douche_Baag
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    Can we please put the highlight on 'OK' instead of 'Cancel' ?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:19 AM PST

    HAC and rev nerf hits live weeks before expected.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:25 AM PST

    Leaked Sansha's assault frigate footage

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:48 PM PST

    Fraternity continue their expansion after taking Tribute and move towards Deklein and Fade

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:09 AM PST

    Large scale deployment in the works, every single system in both regions camped with an Arazu each and supers being dropped in V0LTA staging.

    Is there any end to the greed? To the RMT empire?

    Will the PAPI and Goonswarm members somehow make this about themselves again?

    Find out next time. Serenity 2.0 seems to be making a strong headway in 2021.

    submitted by /u/Screwdriver_man
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    Our Newbro corp had our first "real" fight (including a major FC error by me)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Our post last week about our shitty first kill! got a lot of attention so I thought you guys might like a follow-up and provide me some good insight like last time!

    Bolstered in recruiting by our last post, our now 3 man gang went out to null looking for some pew. I had wanted to try out ECM since it seemed like it could be a decent force multiplier for us so I threw together a blackbird and fleeted up with the boys. One was in a manticore and one a Tristan with tackle.

    Before we went out I tried to piece together an engagement profile for us and figured with my combined ECM modules I had around a 75% chance to scram most battleships and below (but I may be way off on that), and with our manticore having over a 3k alpha along with the Tristan dps I figured we should be able to take anything battlecruiser and below if everything went according to plan.

    In an ideal world our manticore would scout out systems and find targets and we would warp in, get point and get scram, then the manticore would uncloak and we would pounce. We searched around null and almost had a couple of fights, but were unsuccessful in locking them down, but still had a good time and got some good practice in regardless.

    As we were heading back home a Sabre dropped on us at a gate and dropped two bubbles. We stayed calm and locked it down like we had planned and went to town. Unfortunately, this is where my lack of FC experience screwed us. We all had so much tunnel vision on the Sabre that we didn't notice the Vegabond drop on grid. He locked me and started taking me down, and before I realized it was the Vegabond killing me and not the Sabre it was too late and I was already dying.

    But I can say with pride we took out the Sabre before we all died!


    If I had realized the Sabre wasn't doing damage and that another ship had just dropped on grid, I could have instantly redirected my scram to it and we might have had a legit shot at getting the Vegabond. But now I know to stay calm and actually ask if anyone is being damaged by a ship before we go ham on it lol. It turned out to be one guy and his alt that killed us. He said something along the lines of "sabre for three T1s not bad" or something like that and I wasn't sure if he was praising his kills or ours (and we technically had the manticore which is T2), but I sent him a mail afterward trying to figure out how he spotted us and got the drop on us trying to find some ways to improve. He said he started coming for us when he got intel (I'm assuming from his corp channels). He seemed pretty experienced so overall I'm happy we got something.

    Killboard put it at a 3m isk negative trade for us but we walked away feeling like winners. Ready to refit and go out again.

    I think I may take a griffin instead of a blackbird next time but I haven't decided. It'd be way cheaper, but man that blackbird felt fun to fly.

    Thanks for reading. On to the next one o7

    submitted by /u/horsewitnoname
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    Thank you for your service

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:37 AM PST

    A message to Snuffed Out / Tau AD

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:34 AM PST

    Based on my nullsec experiences, this is what's actually going on in nullsec [low effort garbage]

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:55 AM PST

    Those of you who left nullsec, why?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:53 AM PST

    Bear with me for a minute, I need to just kinda vent a little bit...

    I'm just debating what I wanna do with my EVE-life. I live in Delve, and quite frankly, I don't care if it burns. I don't care who wins this war one way or the other, because it never felt like my war, like I don't feel like I have any stake in it one way or another. But even if there was, this whole thing's just stupid. Yet another campaign of purgation/extermination/castigation against Goonswarm, because that has totally worked in the past. And only because grrr gonz, I don't think I've ever heard any other entity that had such language used against them, "we're going to wipe them out of the game". Which is inherently stupid, because no matter how many times Goonswarm has been defeated, their entire playerbase has never committed seppuku at their keyboards afterwards. But yet again, "ohhh hurr durr we're gonna exterminate them from new eden lmaooooo" You mean the way BoB tried that? Or the first time EVE's "entire playerbase" united against them in the Casino War/WWB? Or when they forgot to pay their bills one time? Bruh. And I mean I get it, for a lot of people, there needs to be a legitimate "enemy" and Goons fill that role happily because we like being the Underdog or whatever but do you see anybody saying they're going to "exterminate" any other alliance from the entire game?

    Or maybe it's just because there doesn't seem to be an end. Shit reads like America's wars, it's war for war's sake, so someone, somewhere, who has nothing to do with me and doesn't know my name, much less care about if I live or die can become richer and/or more powerful. Now obviously the "live or die" part doesn't pertain to EVE, but I hope you understand me anyway. It's why I got out the Army after one tour in Afghanistan. But it's like, is there ever going to be an end? If so, when? A lot of us thought M2- would be the nail in the coffin, yet here we are. And some of you don't want it to end, because you don't care about any higher strategic objectives, for you, there's always a fleet going out, there's always something to shoot. And you know what, if that's how you wanna play, fine. Enjoy yourself. I hope it doesn't come across as this, but I'm not here to bash one player type or play style over another. Some of you, as long as there's something to shoot and SRP for whatever you lose, you'll do this shit all day. Good for you. But otherwise, is there even a point to this shit anymore? When will it be enough? When will one side blink and throw in the towel so we can all get on with life?

    So that's where I'm at. Just over it, man...I don't hate Goons. I don't hate PAPI. I don't hate anybody in this game, and can't understand why so many people hate over space pixels and an internet connection like we all didn't inherit quite a few more important things to worry about in the last year or so. I don't care about the pings, not even the MAX D00DS ones, couldn't even tell you when's the last time I went on a fleet. I just....why. Literally, why. What does my ship's presence, for better or for worse, affect the outcome of yet another battle in our never-ending battle against Eurasia. Or was it Eastasia? It's like you don't even get the "We love Eastasia! We hate Eurasia!" part, you just get told to undock and get on the fucking titan.

    I know I'm not the first nor last person to feel such a way, hence the title: those of you who walked away from null life, or from the endless Bloc power struggles, the structure bashing, the F1 monkeying...how'd you do it? Why? Tell me your stories, what was it for you that made you decide you'd had enough?

    I don't know what I wanna do yet. I know there's plenty to do in Goons, but then there's plenty to do outside of Goons. I have half a mind to just go to highsec and run level 4 missions for a while and just...vibe. Like don't worry about your wallet, don't worry about how many millions or billions you have, just treat EVE as a space MMO, nothing more, nothing less. "Fall in love with it again", if you will. Remember why you started playing way back in 2008. But then I don't know, there's also wormholes, which I've never done, there's mining and PI which I've never done, Sleepers, Triglavians, EDENCOMM, I know they exist but that's it. Never cared much for them, usually because they would drop while I was away from the game, and anyone who's taken a months/years-long EVE break will tell you how daunting it can be to re-learn the game sometimes.

    But then tbh, I don't know about where yall are in the world (I'm in Germany) but our weather jumped up like 20 degrees (C) in the course of a week. Like half our Lockdown restrictions went away, you don't have to wear a mask in the city center ffs (from 6:30 - 19:00). Kinda reminded me "hey man, the sun's coming out, the weather's warming up, and you're definitely not spending summer, of all seasons, sat at home playing video games, especially after you spent every waking moment indoors because everything outside was frozen or illegal". I might win EVE altogether for a while. So funny, EVE is the only game I've ever heard of where to "win" is to quit. But yeah, all my alts have 30+ day skills queued (my main has Cap Ships 5, so 60), might PLEX them all one good time and just walk away for a bit. Come back in May/June and see what life's like then.

    But for now, give me some ideas, or maybe I just wanna hear some other stories like mine for some reassurance. Those of you in my shoes, call it apathetic, call it burnt out, what have you, where did you go? What did you do to enhance your playing experience after you realized nullsec life wasn't for you?

    And either way, thanks for reading. I've been wanting to get this off my chest for weeks now. Thanks for hearing it out.

    submitted by /u/GuyTiberiusKirk
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    4 Months of Multiboxxing Progession

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:04 PM PST

    Mother of all Veldspar

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:24 AM PST

    The Life of a PAPI Line Member

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:43 AM PST

    RocketX RC message to Snuff/INIT

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:50 AM PST

    In recent weeks RC has been upgrading its spysec infrastructure to detect intel relays and burn spies within our ranks, manipulating the intel they have access to for the security of all of us, along with our directorship's personal amusement. We've been fucking with Snuff/INIT/Brave and Frat via their own intel relays (hi guys LMAO)

    Firstly, we have discovered that the best way to get a snuff spy is to apply to various corps with the application text of 'Dread Alt'. Apparently, their CEOs are stupid as fuck, because TWO of them accepted applications without even checking who's 'alt' was applying. A low effort intel grab, but i present to you, 10 out of 11 pages of +10 blues, and snuffs +5 blue lists:

    Summary (chars only): https://dscan.info/v/a0f0bab634db
    +5: https://i.imgur.com/0CDI8LE.png

    Not all our chars have been kicked yet - but I am sure your leadership will have a good time setting them all red. We will also be adding all their doctrine fits to our auth for you to look at when you're taking your morning shit.

    Secondly our FC channel had been compromised by INIT. So we have been pinging our FC channel to go RF INIT sov (despite having no intention of doing so).

    A week back, we formed alongside Legacy last week and shot INIT specifically to burn the spy, killing the anchoring INIT fort in EX6 in the process. They lost their major objectives in Catch as a result of our presence; had they not been spying, we'd have stayed out of it.

    RC's directorship holds no quarter when it comes to spies, even the ones we've used as double agents without their knowledge. Each's use comes to an end, and this evening we bid farewell to INIT's RC FC level spy: Gideon Zendikar. We're done with you, thanks for your service.

    To those of you reading this via relays(and reddit now), I now speak for all of RC: 1) We know. 2) Go fuck yourselves

    submitted by /u/gwyndolin_mcgee
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    Story time ?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:08 AM PST

    Was casually minding my business while suddenly Zkill feed went crazy :


    Any story ?

    submitted by /u/Anders_Tryce
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    Stats are hard

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:45 AM PST

    Happy DeathVersary Darkness or How i killed you

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:11 PM PST

    PSA: I am not the person behind this story. i am mere a messenger, here to bring you this delightfull story.
    Link to the story in pdf can be found at the end!

    TLDR: I played EVE

    As a TEST spy, I achieved being head of intelligence in DARKNESS., turned some Black Hand spies, burnt others. Oh, and we strike the coup de grace on DARKNESS.

    My handlers and I did some crazy stuff over these past 3 years. So much happened, some still in motion and therefore redacted, but I tried to sum up the wildest bits.

    A.M.AA\ : Meyiah#7947*

    \Almost anything*

    The girl with the french accent

    A(nother) spy story.

    In 2017, I was back after a long time off from the game in a high-sec corp and met a few months later an old friend in an event who told me he was also playing EVE.
    He was in TEST at the time, and spoke to me enthusiastically about the null-sec.
    I decided to take the necessary steps to leave my current corporation and join him at TEST. It was summer, his CEO agreed to take me in, and we decided it was best to join in September, past the holidays.
    But days before I was about to join, the corporation I was in had exploded, and the people I played with, offered me to follow them into DARKNESS.
    I warned my friend IRL, who told me to contact the TIA (Test Intelligence Agency), for him this turnaround was an excellent opportunity.

    September 2017, I joined DARKNESS., as a spy for TEST.

    From Newbie spy to Director

    2017 - December

    Looking back, I was very far from imagining the adventure that I was about to live.
    I didn't realise what I was getting myself into, I was noob and naive : weirdly it happened to also be my strength as a spy.
    TIA Handlers Canenald and Cornak trained me over the years and provided me with almost weekly "how-to spy 101 lessons". (I truly sympathize for them, they had an unfailing patience with me...and they know I can talk spam a lot),


    At this time names like Mittani, Gobbins,... (and yes, even PGL) were names that didn't ring any bell for me.

    I was in what my handlers would call the "long game" which fitted my morals (no stealing, and other weird stuff), and shy by nature, I was at first mostly lurking more than participating and pointed out to TIA, people that I felt could be turned, at least momentarily.
    The corporation I was in at the time had a CEO who did not speak English, which allowed me from the beginning to take advantage of a gap to receive information I shouldn't have, translating pings and messages from CEO / Director channels on Darkness Discord.
    And, for obvious reasons, my CEO was ordered a month later to appoint me as director, since the messages were transiting through me.

    At this point, Cornak was daily-reading the Darkness Director Channel chatlog. And I feel I have to apologize to Dreddit members if his sanity was compromised...


    From Director to Triple-Agent

    2018 - April

    After a few months, the confidence within my corporation as Director had become unwavering, it was now necessary to make oneself indispensable on an alliance level.
    The life of a corporation is uncertain within an alliance and I had to make sure that whatever happens to the corp I was in, I could survive in DARKNESS. (my mission)
    There are many paths for that asking for alliance-level space jobs (FCing, SRPteam, Logi lead) but I thought I might as well take the one that I knew a bit already, and in which TIA could support me : providing information.
    The TIA was warned and validated another crazy long-term plan : To work in the Darkness Intelligence services.


    First things first, I had to make sure to gather enough intel to be somehow an asset for GotG.

    So "Naturally" , few weeks later I found myself in addition to TEST and DARKNESS. into PH and GOONS in order to provide information to Darkness.
    Obviously, all these alliances are the ones where getting in is the easy part, but staying in and gaining useful information are much harder and require lots of 'work'.
    Especially when you're sure to get noticed as soon as you'll need to talk in coms (basically, my voice/pitch/accent could easily be recognized by any other spy / counter-intel).

    The TIA had given me carte blanche about divulging anything that I find in any of the alliances I was in (even TEST, although it was not much a risk for us, since I had access to pretty much nothing but to read Dreddit' war Updates channel , and Cornak's funny AARs in Horde fleets)

    Being at GOONS and supposedly "TEST" allowed me to gain usefulness for the DARKNESS alliance. And my time in goons was a great wake-up call, about what we call "alliance culture " as I read, a few weeks after joining, this "Pidgin's ping" calling for denunciation : anything that looked shady had to be reported directly to HC and not corp directors. -

    Quite the scary welcome in goon lands, but a beautiful reminder that I was on the right side of this story. – however, it ends –

    On a Side Note: Horde was actually useless for me since all the alliance FCs (now in INIT.) had their doppelganger' accounts into PANFAM . (non-TEST spies, see footnotes we can talk business)\** .


    Anyway, accessing even basic information from the whole top alliances was interesting to understand the timetable of events, And therefore getting a more truthful story - We don't want to believe neither Goon nor Northern propaganda, right . !

    During these few months, I managed to gain ranks within my goon's corporation and to access interesting SIGs, (And here I thought Black Hand would've detected me in less than two weeks, for so many reasons). Thanks to SiGs, the in-goon corp promotion, and with the help of the TIA we turnt and burnt some spies of Black Hand free of charge.

    (We even found a resilient one with more than 32 spy-alts on 5 distinct big alliances. He got kicked in the end from goons too - well mostly. I'm so curious as to what happened with Black Hand? He's still a bit of a mystery for me).

    It's also during this time that Goon launched their "NGSA" (national goon surveillance agency) - in short "hey guys, let's cloaky camp whole Deklein for paps" -, Resulting in allowing me to link easily neutral accounts to their rightful main Goon account as they reported stuff on the dedicated chat. (Hey, we never know, these neutrals could be the next spies joining. better have them on record). And it's also thanks to the NGSA chat, that I could link a spy that was providing intel to Goon about my darkness corpmates, - As the corp director, I was annoyed and had to discover his identity. Which I did easily.


    Oh no! No more jabber reports…

    At this point, - as a spy for Darkness - I didn't have any authority over GotG HR decisions, I couldn't tell them to kick the guy, since I wasn't able to provide a proof that wouldn't give me away at the same time. So instead, as a strategy, I used a proxy person to create a drama with his corp' CEO who had no choice but to defend his guy – even a mercenary one -. This resulted in the corp getting bitter and bitter against GOTG while Darkness HC was trusting less and less a CEO defending a mercenary. Until they finally left the alliance.

    1 corp left, how many to go?

    Anyway, aside from "home" drama, maintaining multiple accounts that required playing time was not sustainable with my real life, I had to quickly find a plan to re-focus on my main mission. TIA and I decided I would get legitimately caught by Goon intelligence, as an excuse to focus back on Darkness. I decided to start being more and more carefree to test Black Hand. A month later, my Goon corp directors received a message to kick-ban me with no further infos. But, the next step of the TIA plan was already in motion, and my time in Goons was just one stepping-stone to access to higher ranks within DARKNESS.

    My space-job being well paid (by TEST, but also by Darkness.), In few months I was able to get dreads, supcaps, titans, (crazy thing : I've never played with them, they were just means to another end) ... all these ships allowed me to access special discord or SIG channels and therefor collecting more information. The virtuous circle was on, with information I got money, with money I got even more channels of information.


    From Agent to Spymaster

    2018 - November

    I've seen a lot of information passed through, A LOT, but rarely the S+ /strategic information from the alliance. DARKNESS alliance was first and foremost "the secrets of Sort", quite possibly inherited from his spy background, or was it just the usual way to deal for experienced EVE players? Sort's kindness was easier to gain than his trust.
    Which worked for me, I rather have not his entire trust, for selfish reasons such as my moral balance.

    To run the intel office within Darkness. I had to come forward with the right tools and ideas, and for that, another goon IT - recruited as a spy-, and the TIA helped me. The rest was obviously up to me, but with a year now studying the alliance, I knew how to come forward :

    November 2018, I'm appointed GOTG Spymaster (well "dead-co spymaster" )


    I had in my care, GOTG spies' network, HR recruitment, "counter-intel" and more.
    As a funniest result: GOTG. spies were actually working unknowingly for… TEST.


    At the same time, From March 2019 to November 2019 I had to plan my corp-transition. My corporation didn't survive war after war just as I expected and anticipated a year before, and I had to get myself invited into Sort's corporation, Resilience, while I knew I might lose my Director's access in the process. The goal was to lose a little as possible in the process without looking over-asking.

    Dominos folding ...

    ...where TEST wanted them to

    At one point, I could shout from the rooftops "I'm a spy" that it wouldn't have changed a thing. As head of the intel, I could turn the situation on pretty much anyone. And I had TIA behind to push-out the person if needed.

    I was also appointed a few months later as director of Resilience for my services within the alliance and had my voice and right to vote on the most critical decisions ...

    Such as whether or not to kill DARKNESS. In February 2020


    Running intel and working as a spy requires patience and to plant ideas. You nurture seeds, growing them carefully depending on the time-gap you have to complete your agenda.


    Obviously, I did more than just try, within the next days I nurtured the Idea over, and TIA got involved too,


    And, with carefully seeds nurtured, Leaks shared and among other things I still can't talk about,

    We Changed the vote.


    The conclusion

    Spycraft is a lot of rumours but even more patience, and creativity ! Scanning and taking opportunities where they are to achieve funny things.

    It's also a lot of research, and lots of leaks to control the narrative, (and obviously fake ones). - i'm not talking about propaganda , but other kinds of narrative -

    And finally, a lot of gardening, to plant and nurture seeds in people's minds, without raising suspicion that you're the voice. The few things I've said on public coms was most always serving an agenda.

    I took advantage of internal dramas, (especially between FCs)

    I was able to proxy-create drama between Directors and CEOs.

    I regulated some FC/directors careers, (they were upsetting people anyway...)

    I prevented recruitments, (meh, why grow them?)

    I got people kicked from corporations, (I can assure you they were only spies…)

    I tried to not kick every-other spies (unless spotted by high rank people… sorry , test-mate guys that got caught )


    \ Hey you! Fake test-member, make sure to Copy/Paste the part below too when leaking -*
    Also, contact me if you want to work for us, it's never too late to come clean and to get on the right side. Up your game being a double agent !

    \* INIT Intel guys , make your bidding for keeping TIA quiet*

    And for those who feel "betrayed" while reading these lines : (hey, I get it, don't lie) No, I didn't do it to hurt YOU. It never was about you.
    - You can stop registering my mail account to dating websites - 😃

    To the people I have met while in all these alliances, under my different nicknames, I loved playing with all of you. (no matter the grudge you can have now) -
    And most of you have always been lovely, no matter what.

    Special thanks for the CEO and directors of the Goon's corp I was in, that took the time to listen to my story before we parted ways, understanding this is also a game mechanic that makes this game unique - unlike the INIT one -

    This is Eve.

    Yes, HOME.

    Full Story as PDF with embedded pictures:


    We're holding a AMA on tapi-forums, so we might include good questions/answers in the comments


    Have you considered the fact that goonswarm must be destroyed?

    submitted by /u/TheBieratBay
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    (Real) current status of r/Eve

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:58 AM PST

    How to install Eve on external SSD?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:14 AM PST

    I've just started playing on a Macbook, I've trawled through the settings in the launcher and I can't seem to find a way to move the SharedCache to a different SSD and have the game recognise it in a new location. Any advice on how I could do this? It doesn't seem to want to live anywhere other than the system file directories, (specifically ~/Library/Application Support)

    submitted by /u/obviouslittle
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    Weekly War Update - THE BIG PICTURE - Who, Where and Why

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:36 PM PST

    Which flavour do you like most?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:57 AM PST

    WWBII in 30 Seconds

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:57 AM PST

    Kill of the Week!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST

    o7 Capsuleers

    In this thread tell us about your kill of the week. It may be a kill you were involved in or one you heard about. Comments should include a killmail link and ideally a story about what happened and why it's noteworthy.

    Feel free to also post about the one that got away - maybe your point burnt out or your guns were dry, but you would have got him you swear!

    No shame here, just pure bragging rights and toasts to the victors!

    Please give this post some love with your up arrow to increase visibility!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    EVE Online Guide: Ship Capacitor

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:33 AM PST

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