• Breaking News

    Monday, February 22, 2021

    Eve Online I was bored so I made a low effort meme of current war

    Eve Online I was bored so I made a low effort meme of current war

    I was bored so I made a low effort meme of current war

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:11 PM PST

    FCs toying with the new fleet formation feature

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:00 PM PST

    Repost because grrr rules. INIT wants to bash Dead alliance Sotiyo.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:51 AM PST

    Goes as expected

    AAR: Init brings muninn fleet to bash a Sotiyo. Dude wants to be a baller and drops a Hel at 0. Gets tackled and brings in two ninazus to rep the Hel. One eats shit, then so does the Hel thanks to hero sabre pilots

    submitted by /u/humanshield51
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    Congratulations to Ratborn, AKA Reasercher on his world record breaking 30 button presses in 1 second

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:59 PM PST

    2021 - teaching tapi how shield animations work

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:22 PM PST

    Marauder Fanboy here I won’t lie.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    CCP, it is 2021, why, for the love of Bob, is this shit still a thing ? And why does that even exist in the first place ?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 01:35 AM PST

    4600 DPS Golem with 124KM optimal is not real, it can't hurt you.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:14 AM PST

    TAPI tries to get someone they don't like banned while not knowing how the game works

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:58 PM PST

    In attempt #1111 to get globby/kun'mi/GrandeGuillermoElJefe/Ratborn/anyone they don't like banned for "input broadcasting", TAPI made this meme post, and then gave themselves gold in a celebratory circlejerk for finally nailing Ratborn with ironclad evidence that he was input broadcasting. Said evidence? 30 of his ships with the shield hardener animation playing at once, implying that he broadcasted 30 inputs in one tick.

    Unfortunately that's not how the game works. Shield hardener animations are client side. The animation starts cycling on a ship the moment your client is sent information on when a ship first starts cycling it's hardener. If you were on grid and looking within LOD distance of the ships, you would see the animation play as the pilot pushes the module button. However, if you arrived later or was out of LOD range, your client would get the information that all these ships have their hardener on, and play the animations at at once. The next time you jump into a hac fleet on a gate, hold your cloak and look at their hardener animations for a moment.


    I put this together to demonstrate. I got 3 of my alts (a shamefully low number), and had them cycling their shield hardener at different times. To the alt that was on field at the start, the animations played asynchronously. I then jumped in another alt and warped to my 3 alts, and all the hardener animations played at once. I cropped the hardener module from each client the moment the SS was taken to show their cycle status.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    Minmatar Militia: the logistical backbone of Amarr Militia

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:09 PM PST

    It comes as no surprise to most people when I admit that I have very few, if any, actually original thoughts. Most of the doctrines I use are stolen from other entities. One such doctrine, the CTRLV (recruiting btw) gila/basi comp, I stole shamelessly from Templis CALSF (recruiting btw). When not feeding to double their numbers in battleships or getting memed by smartbombs, the gilas punch above their weight and are a pretty good go-to doctrine.


    Unsurprisingly, minmatar militia, who also seem to struggle with originality, imported the comp as well for the recent system siege of Arzad (OUR-ZAD). The battle for Arzad and adjacent systems have been fierce, claiming T E N S of isk across multiple engagements over the last few weeks. Seeking to better the militia, one enterprising minmil militia member was apparently very very fond of the secondhand gila comp, importing some ~30 gilas, 10 basis, and 10 broadswords to hand out to minmil fleet mates to contest amarr.


    For reasons to which I am not privy, the minmil member that imported the gilas decided yesterday that he no longer favoured the comp, and tried to dump it harder than southern states are dumping hydroxychloroquine


    [R E D A C T E D] Selling 10 Broadswoards, 29 Gilas, 3 rooks & 12 basis in Tararan, 180mil each or all for 6.6bil! Let me know. All are fitted too.


    For reference, the approximated value of the ships and fit was 14.03 bil isk.


    Eager to help minmatar deplete their assets in their forward staging system of Tararan while simultaneously helping amarr restock doctrines at half price, a extremely sneaky and not-at-all obivious spy alt eagerly volunteered to assist in helping with the liquidation, soliciting a direct contract of the fitted ships.


    Needless to say, the ships are now in our hands, and are being asset safetied within system at almost no cost. To be fair, they are ships formerly owned and operated by minmil, meaning that some effort needs be expended to clean the saliva off the bridge windows before we can begin licking them ourselves. Just as soon as that is done though, we'll be agressively feeding plexing in them.


    Thanks for the ships minmil. At the end of the day it's just more ships for me to feed into the gaping maw of your typhoon doctrine anyway, so it's kindof a win for both sides <3


    See you in the plexes o/

    submitted by /u/Mikal_Vexor
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    At this point its the GME of Eve Online

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:49 AM PST

    The Battle of Made You Form 2021-02-21

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:47 PM PST


    Papi formed carriers and jumped onto their fort in M2 and started boating fighters towards the top bubbles. Imperium counter formed carriers and jumped onto the M2 Keepstar to deploy SS fighters. Most Papi fighters were recalled, but some were caught in bubbles and killed. At this point the Papi Carriers jumped back to T5Z while Imperium Carriers stayed to cover anchoring of replacement bubbles.



    • 26 fighter wings worth 1.1 billion isk

    • Topes worth ~750 million isk

    • Jump Fatigue


    • 16 bubbles worth 600 million isk

    • Topes worth ~1.3 billion isk

    • Jump Fatigue

    At the very last moment, a SUAD nidhoggr decided to log into the top bubbles and was popped, giving Imperium the isk war victory.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    Another high res shot of another handsome ship!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:48 AM PST

    Is nullsec mining still shit?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:26 AM PST

    Read title

    submitted by /u/Pepsiman6391
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    Ignoitton TTT Keepstar destroyed without a fight

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    I found a relic from a time long ago

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Worlds that could have been: Half-cooked projects of 2020

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:23 AM PST

    I've written about some of the suggestions i've made to CCP during development, that unfortunately went absolutely nowhere and so left the features lacklustre or even harmful to the game. I hope it reveals a little of the development proccess.

    You can read it here https://www.whispo.us/blog/csm2020/worlds-that-could-have-been/

    Or, to save you a click, here's my post.

    It's usually impossible to post to the public my opinions on unannounced features, due to the NDA.

    Here's some ways I tried to redirect features which have since been announced/released. Unfortunately, CCP rarely comes back to new (or even old) features to change their design, even if they're DOA.

    Metaliminal Storms

    The storms are, in my mind, a wasted opportunity. The limited impact of the storms is the greatest failing. I pushed for storms to primarily affect the infrstructure in the areas they hit. Here are some of my suggestions I made at the time which CCP didn't act upon, as they had already decided on the scope before asking for our opinions.

    • Ansiblex, Pharolux and Tenebrex structures would be disrupted or disabled
    • Upwell structures would lose functions such as tether and defences
    • System indexes would be hampered
    • Inability to anchor new Upwell structures in the storm

    In my mind, this would have genuinely enticed attack, and required that citizens of the affected systems "batten down the hatches".

    As for effects on ship combat, I pushed for certain storms to have a lockrange cap affect – forcing close(r) range combat.

    Combat Arenas

    I'm strongly against CCP creating areas of the game strongly defined for specific activities, but I was pleased to see that the addition of Arenas didn't detract from the pvp frequency elsewhere. I feel that, functionally, Arenas are in a good place.

    A disappointment with the very first iteration was the lack of module and implant limitations – although they were quickly added after the first event, the fact that CCP didn't act upon the advice to develop them immediately made the first event one that left a bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths.

    While certain pilots who exercised their wealth definitely had piloting skill to compete at a high level, the overwhelming force of pure isk was too much to bear. Such a shame that this product was launched on schedule rather than slightly delayed to have the best first impressions.

    Mineral redistribution: Valuable Lowsec Ores

    This one hurts deep inside of me.

    The addition of further reasons to use Rorquals in lowsec is a poison upon the area.

    Rorquals are an accellerator of very large group formation. Mining is an activity where, with the current mechanics, you are encouraged to sit stationary in one location for long periods of time.

    When you do this, it requires that you have a defensive force ready to assist. Having a defensive force ready to assist encourages more mining. This snowballs to constantly grow the size of groups to facilitate and profit from (largely) uninterrupted mining.

    I begged for CCP to redesign mining to comprise almost entirely of exploration and other forms of research, with onyl a very small portion of the time dedicated to cycling mining lasers or drones on a rock. I call this concept Prospecting rather than mining.

    Nothing happened, even after I explained what mining encourages people to do in it's current form.

    As a result, a few months later we're already seeing large groups band together defensively to protect Rorqual mining in Lowsec.

    Thanks, CCP.

    submitted by /u/whispous
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    Brave is a dead alliance. Mittans said Brave wouldn't take Querious for a second time... More Dank Leaks

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:32 PM PST

    a story that has happened to more than one

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:28 AM PST

    WTB Revenant 30B

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:53 PM PST

    Fax The answer please

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:09 PM PST

    MWD Caracals + ESS: The Auraus + 404HD Saturday Night Fragfest

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:58 PM PST

    Your Meta Show TL;DR for 2/20/21

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Mittens is the Space Emperor of the Ages

    Mittens is still Eve's fact checker, even though he forgot his Anderson Cooper glasses.

    PAPI is trying to hide the facts from you.

    You will hear no lies on The Meta Show.

    We know you are but what are we?

    Chinese Players bring the evil Blue Donut. Bad.

    PAPI has lost all of their momentum.

    PAPI members constantly accuse Imperium of wanting to create a "blue donut".

    If you play EvE and you're not friendly to Imperium you are either a pubbie slum lord, a chinese botter, or renter scum.

    Didn't want that galaxy anyway.

    Mittens is not the Space Emperor of the Ages

    We've managed to reduce Brave's morale to "Not Bad".

    Brisc: Brave's Numbers were even with ours even though they're 2.5 times our size. FC: Their numbers were 3 times ours.

    Legacy isn't going to be able to keep that space that they've already announced they are moving out of. Checkmate.

    We tried to anchor an Azbel but the dirty blobbers called their pets and blobbed us.

    They blobbed us again but we killed an iHub before they stomped us.

    Shattered Armor is stupid.

    Panfam and Legacy worked together to kill Provi so why is ex-provi blobbing us? Stop it!

    PGL is a con man.

    Legacy membership is a gaggle of idiots.

    Brave is fucked and their leaders are still lying about it.

    Look at all these abandoned structures that Bastion is killing!

    Bastion is scrounging salvage to be able to afford Leshaks.

    PAPI is desperate to break out of M2. They shot bubbles twice in one day. Facts from the fact checker.

    Something something pubbie hypocritical blue donut horseshit.


    It's not fair when we're being fair and honest and everyone else lies.

    Test still owes Titan SRP from M2 because their Warbonds failed.

    PGL and Vily are hypocritical idiots.

    We managed to buy one Titan from M2 after spamming everyone's inbox and local for weeks. Cracks are forming.

    Asking your gaming friends for a loan works just like asking a bank for a loan.

    Snuff is just a small group of space pirates.

    Pirates in the 17th century didn't dare burn the King of England's stuff.

    ... and many unskippable ads 3 at a time. Multi-dollar media empire.

    There you go. Another hour saved for you.

    This public service announcement has been brought to you by Uncle Brisc's Country Chitlins and Rice. When you are in the mood for a moist, tender, conduit for pig shit, think Uncle Brisc.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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