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    Saturday, February 20, 2021

    Eve Online How many blowjobs could YOU buy with your ISK? - a study

    Eve Online How many blowjobs could YOU buy with your ISK? - a study

    How many blowjobs could YOU buy with your ISK? - a study

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:43 PM PST

    As we all know, a blowjob is priced at $20. This comes from the saying "I'm not gay, but $20 is $20". This is reinforced by countless references to this specific phrase and oral sex in pop culture, but how does this relate to EVE Online? How much isk would a blowjob cost, and more importantly, could it get you banned?

    Based on the assumption that a blowjob is priced at $20, and using PLEX prices from the time of writing (23:00 Febuary 19,2021), PLEX can be priced at about 2.5 million ISK per unit. This is slightly below Perimeter sell, and also makes calculations much easier. In addition, PLEX is at a historic low price at the moment; this is a reasonable "middle price" to use for our purposes.

    The money used to buy one blowjob could also buy 500 PLEX, which would pin the price of one blowjob at 1.25 billion ISK. However, if one buys PLEX in bulk, you can obtain 15400 PLEX for $500, which at that price would buy you 31 blowjobs for 38.5 billion ISK; much better than the 25 that buying $20 packs would be. I will assume use of $20 PLEX packs; after all, one does not buy oral sex in bulk.

    Now that we have the price of one blowjob in ISK via PLEX, we can determine how many blowjobs any one player can purchase by taking their wallet balance, discarding 9 zeroes, and dividing by 5/4. Now the fun part: comparing who can buy what!

    The richest player in EVE is unknown, as is the amount of their wealth. However, we can take an educated guess: Chribba, famed Amarr revelation miner and trade broker, is a good shot at being able to claim the highest wealth in the game. So does Entity, with the only Megathron Federate Issue to ever exist in the game. While doing research, I came across stories of people with 39 trillion ISK liquid, and other claims amounting to 164 trillion.

    Needless to say, these are incredible claims, and although I would love to be able to determine their validity, I simply have no way to know. However, there's another way to determine the wealthiest individual in existence: The MER and some math.

    A fundemental theorem of statistics is the Pareto Principle - namely, 80% of an action is performed by 20% of the participants. This holds true in a variety of fields: buisness, sex, and, critically, GDP. Numerous studies have shown that this 80/20 rule not only holds in regards to populations and their wealth, but also holds true recursively! As such, we can make an educated guess as to the amount of ISK held by the richest individual in EVE.

    According to the most recent MER, which states that approximatley 1062 trillion isk is available to players, and to an interview with CCP Hilmar from March of last year that states there are 300,000 active players in EVE Online, we can use this rule to determine the amount of money held by the richest person in the game.

    We can model 2 equations for this: first, 300,000*(1/5)^r = 1, which tells us the number of recursions, r, needed to get to the richest individual, and (1062)(4/5)^r = w, where taking .8 to the rth power gives w, the wealth of the richest individual (in trillions of liquid ISK) in the game. The value of r is a little less than 8, or 7.83 to be more precise, which makes w a whopping 185 trillion ISK! Maybe those claims were more substantiated than I thought. In any case, we have a maximum wealth, which means it's time for the fun part: blowjobs!

    185 trillion ISK would purchase 148,000 blowjobs, enough to give someone 4 a day for 100 years! More realistically, it could buy half of EVE's entire playerbase one blowjob, with the other half presumably selling this service. This does raise an important question, however: could you get banned for selling or buying a blowjob for ISK?

    As per section 6B of the EVE Online EULA, "You may not transfer, sell or auction, or buy or accept any offer to transfer, sell or auction (or offer to do any of the foregoing), any content appearing within the Game environment, including without limitation characters, character attributes, items, currency, and objects." To take it out of lawyer talk, no RMT for ANYTHING in EVE. Specifically, since the phrasing states you may not transfer any content in EVE, including liquid ISK, in relation to selling and buying, it is made clear that one may not use ISK as a proxy for any real-life transaction.

    In conclusion: the richest player in EVE Online could purchase almost 150,000 blowjobs with their ISK if it was accepted at market value as payment. Actually doing this would result in a ban.

    submitted by /u/Blueshoes317
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    Did a little editing of the coalition sov map to show the current state of nullsec. Enjoy.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:03 PM PST

    Shoutout to eve-pi.com

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 05:36 PM PST

    eve-pi.com (a really useful visual PI simulator) went offline a few days ago. I took a chance and emailed the registered domain admin and voila!

    " Sorry, i didnt see it stopeed working, fixed. "

    Thanks for keeping the site up and running!

    submitted by /u/Xafenn
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    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:07 PM PST

    FC Chat #62 - CCP Rise & CCP Signal

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:21 PM PST

    Thanks Salt Farmers!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Connected (wormholer btw) to a BRAVE Fortizar in final timer with Simple Farmers bashing, brought in a snatch Confessor fleet to boosh apart their composition and burn down some Leshaks. They decided to keep shooting the Fortizar, when it died we brought in a DST for the most epic game of fumble.

    1. Simple Farmers scooped the core
    2. Simple Farmers lost the core
    3. Fortizar Core secured

    Battle Report

    Always try to crash an op!

    submitted by /u/BearThatCares
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    Virile agitur™

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 05:46 AM PST

    EVE Lore : Super Titans (Iaptens)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    The Age of Pete is Upon Us

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:44 PM PST

    Supposedly relative fleet warp will work out to 200 km, so if you have a yacht 151 km away from you, you can relative fleet warp to it which will also warp the yacht so it stays 151 km away. This can be chained indefinitely. If you fleet warp to 100 km off the yacht, your fleet will only move 51 km. Add a bunch of Petes and a couple more yachts and you now have a fleet that can't be bubbled and can warp 51-200 km in any direction at any time.

    This sounds like a fun and engaging meta!

    submitted by /u/Tikktokk
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    Fleet Formations Update

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:04 AM PST

    CSM 15 Month(s)-in-Review - Month 5, 6 and 7

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 09:05 AM PST

    The last three months straddled the holiday period in Iceland and many parts of the world. As a result, the CSM had fewer meetings than our previous pace, so I felt it would be better to do three full months of notes, rather than one or two with fewer meetings, as we had been doing up to now.

    As part of our continuing effort in transparency, here's a brief synopsis of the meetings that were held.

    The duration noted for the meeting is exact for those that were recorded, approximate for those that weren't.

    NOTE: Maria Taylor is precluded from attending most weekly meetings because of time zone issues.

    As with all of our review posts, this information was reviewed by the whole CSM and cleared by CCP for release.

    Meeting 27 – November 5 – CSM Week 20 – Team Talos

    Duration: 1 hour, 20 minutes

    The CSM met with Team Talos. All CSM members were present except Brisc Rubal (election week) and Merkelchen.

    The primary point of the meeting was to discuss a number of proposed ideas for future Talos releases, including the fleet formations as well as other ideas that have not yet been released. This was primarily a chance for Talos to discuss with the CSM the various proposals, talk about potential upsides and downsides, and likely use cases. The CSM had a number of questions and concerns about the various things presented, and provided their feedback.

    Special Meeting – November 10 – CSM Presentation Faction Warfare/Lowsec

    Duration: 1 hour, 22 minutes

    This was the first time the CSM provided a formal presentation to CCP on a topic that members wanted to put before the company in a formal way. Phantomite, Gobbins and Torvald attended on behalf of the CSM and led the presentation. CCP Burger, CCP Goodfella, CCP Muppet Hunter and other CCP leadership were present.

    Torvald made public his portion of the presentation, which you can review here: CSM FW Presentation - Google Slides

    Meeting 28 – November 12 – CSM Week 21 – Weekly Meeting

    Duration: ~1 hour

    This was the regular weekly meeting of the CSM. This meeting was primarily housekeeping, with the CSM meeting with CCP Dopamine alone. All CSM members were present except for Merkelchen, Maria Taylor and Mike Azariah. The CSM expressed concern about the fact that there would be no summits this year, and that this was sub-optimal, since much of the work done in past CSMs was done at the summits. There was discussion of a potential CSM/CCP stream on the CCP Twitch feed, similar to the CSM panels that have been done at Fanfest/EVE Vegas in the past. Brisc asked that, because we aren't getting a CSM summit, can we at least get the Red Dot toggle. There was also a discussion of the rest of Quadrant 4, as well as CSM priorities for the coming year.

    Meeting 29 – November 19 – CSM Week 22 – Team Ecosystem

    Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

    The CSM met with the Ecosystem team at the CSM's request to get an update on the status of scarcity and the economy, to highlight the issue with certain system belt respawning rates and concurrent ADM problems, and to get a better of idea of what was coming up in the future in terms of the game's overall economic outlook. All CSM members except Maria Taylor and Kenneth Feld were present. The CSM provided frank feedback about many players growing unhappiness with scarcity and made clear that players were expecting "carrots" after a year of "sticks." CCP confirmed that there was an issue with belts spawning and that they were working to address it, with the expectation that it would be resolved in the December release. A larger discussion of ADMs in general and using them as a proxy for activity within a system was had between the CSM and Team Ecosystem. The team also provided their priority list of things they wanted to see addressed in order, which include both announced and unannounced changes, so we can't be more specific here. The CSM also brought up a number of other concerns, including income generation in general, EDENCOMM ship and skillbook sourcing, the DBS/ESS changes and how best to get information out to the players on these changes.

    Meeting 30 – November 26 – CSM Week 24 – NPE Team

    Duration: 57 minutes

    The CSM met with the team working on the New Player Experience, who wanted to lay out their long-term plan for the NPE and get CSM feedback. The CSM, except for Gobbins, Kenneth Feld, Merkelchen, and Maria Taylor were present. CCP asked about potential concerns with the existing NPE, and the CSM highlighted a number of issues, including the wide array of things that you can do in the game that can present too many choices for new players to absorb, as well as the ever-present PvE vs. PvP discussion, the desire of new players to immediately begin making money, and then how to find friends, fleets and future corporations. The Team discussed a variety of issues with the CSM, including what newer players find the most fun in EVE, lists of potential sightseeing and important non-lore locations that could have monuments or information added, as well as other things like UI changes and other "look and feel" changes that could increase new player engagement. The CSM also, as we always do, noted that most of us are veteran players so we may not be the best people to ask for feedback from in regards to the NPE.

    Meeting 31 – December 3 – CSM Week 24 – Cloaking Meeting

    Duration: 1 hour, 19 minutes

    The CSM met with CCP Rattati for an in-depth discussion of cloaking and potential changes to address some player issues with cloaking, as well as continued discussion of ecosystem issues with him, in his role as Ecosystem team lead. CCP made it clear that this was a high-level, nothing-imminent discussion of potential changes to cloaking. At the same time, they confirmed they were exploring this issue and would be continuing to discuss cloaking with the CSM over the coming months. CCP assured the CSM that they recognized there were many different use cases for cloaking, and they were well aware that this was a controversial issue for the community for a variety of reasons.

    After the discussion on cloaking, there was further discussion on the state of the economy. A number of CSM members highlighted their concerns with the current state of the economy, scarcity and player dissatisfaction with the continued nerfs to income generation. CCP acknowledged the concerns but reiterated their view that the changes were necessary and in the best long-term health of the game.

    Meeting 32 – December 11 – CSM Week 25 – Chat Meeting

    Duration: 45 minutes

    The CSM met with CCP Chimichanga and CCP Muppet Hunter at the CSM's request to discuss the continuing issues with the chat servers, to get a better understanding of what the issues were and what CCP was doing to resolve player concerns. Most of the CSM was present, except for Maria Taylor, Mike Azariah and Torvald. CCP walked through the history of the changes to the chat servers and what CCP had been doing to fix issues. The CSM stressed that players were fed up with the issues with the chat server and wanted more detailed information both about what was wrong and how and when they could expect them to be resolved. The CSM also brought up potential additions to the chat servers, including things like emojis (this resulted in mass groaning), that have been requested. The CSM also took the opportunity to discuss a variety of other ideas with CCP Muppet Hunter for his consideration when looking at future quadrant development.

    This was the last CSM meeting until January 14th.

    Meeting 33 – January 14 – CSM Week 30 – Weekly Meeting

    Duration: 55 minutes

    This week the CSM met for their weekly meeting with the Community Team. This was the first meeting since December 11th, and the first meeting since the record-breaking fights in M2-XFE. Most CSM members, except Vily, Maria Taylor and Merkelchen were present. Because this was the first meeting after a long break, there were a variety of topics the CSM wanted to address and put on the list for potential meetings with the various teams. These issues included Pochven and issues surrounding the current state of the new region and concerns with content and future iteration, the issues surrounding server performance during the second M2-XFE fight, a request for comment on the CSM's FW/Lowsec presentation, MASS OUTRAGE over the fact that Echoes got Citadel skins before EVE proper has, and requests for meetings. The requests for meetings included requests for Team Talos, the leadership team including CCP Hellmar, the Ecosystem team, and a Roadmap meeting for Quadrants 1 and 2.

    Meeting 34 – January 21 – CSM Week 31 – Team Ecosystem + Team NPE and Leadership

    Duration: 1 hour, 2 minutes

    The CSM met with a large group of CCP luminaries, including CCP Rattati, CCP Goodfella, and more than a dozen others on the Community, Ecosystem and NPE teams to discuss a new proposal being worked on for the first quadrant. All CSM members except Maria Taylor, Vily, Gobbins and Kenneth Feld were present. This is a feature that has not yet been announced, so we can't go into too many details until it is released. The CSM made a number of suggestions, including messaging around the proposal.

    Meeting 35 – January 28 – CSM Week 32 – Team Ecosystem

    Duration: 1 hour, 18 minutes

    The CSM, except for Vily, Merklechen and Maria Taylor, met with CCP to discuss additional changes to the economy being worked on by Team Ecosystem. This is another change that is still in being developed and has not yet been announced, and thus we can't go into detail.

    Slack Conversations

    Slack was relatively quiet during the holiday season, although there were a number of conversations in real time with CCP about issues that were occurring during the break, including the fights in M2-XFE, the teaser from CCP during one of their streams about potential changes to AFK cloaking and the Ecosystem dev post/update in late December. Slack was also used for CSM members to raise issues presented from the players – especially pressing bug reports – to the various teams working on those issues.

    As always, if there are any specific questions about the info I've provided, I or any of the other CSM members here will be happy to answer them, within the NDA and COC.

    submitted by /u/deltaxi65
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    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 02:41 AM PST

    AAR: TEST Feeds phantasms

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    Battle Report Tool (evetools.org)


    The sun hang low in the keepstar's sky. It was always there. For some reason the planets stopped spinning around the sun some time ago.

    Hoed, being the incompetent fool that they are, decided to feed goons some spikey shellfish.

    Good fun was had. I didn't see the Harpies until it was waaaaay too late XD (I saw 10 or so ares and thought that was it, didn't see the 30 harpies my fleet was referring too)

    I pinged for some jackdaws to save the surviving phantasms, and to maybe get a fight from the harpies.

    I FCed the phantasms and another TEST (actual FC) led the jacks.

    No fight came out of the extraction effort but it was exciting running for our lives XD

    GF goony freinds.

    Hopefully someday I'll learn how to not whelp.

    submitted by /u/Peaceful_Whale
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    Aegon Forces Meltdown - How to get your directors to quit 101

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 10:15 PM PST

    Cannot find anyone to PVP even in the highly contested FW plexes?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:37 AM PST

    Anyone have any ideas on how to find anyone?

    submitted by /u/antonio_cool
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    An other Corp left Warped Intentions

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    TEST attempts defence of Esoteria - promptly feeds 500bn into Bastion woodchipper

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 05:19 AM PST


    Battle Report

    Yesterday evening, aware that multiple structures were coming out in hull timer across Esoteria, TEST attempted to mount a defence of the region against the insurgents - Bastion.

    An initial engagement to defend a Tatara in CR-0E5 would determine the course of events - a win for TEST could have resulted in successful defence of multiple structures.

    TEST engaged in CR-0E5 with their Hurricane fleet against a slightly smaller Bastion fleet of Sacrileges and Cerbs - and quickly found themselves unable to break the extremely capable Bastion logistics squad.

    With their own Osprey-class logistics ships melting fast, TEST found themselves exposed to the furious volleys of missiles from Bastion. The result was a resounding victory for Bastion - with the TEST fleet entirely destroyed for minimal Bastion losses.

    This set the stage for further smaller skirmishes across the region, but the outcome had already been determined - TEST would lose the other structures, and Bastion would emerge triumphant, with what can surely be regarded a significant win for an opponent barely 1/9th of TEST's size.

    Time will tell if TEST will devote more resources to future Esoteria defence operations, or if they are willing to let the region burn as they continue to focus on operations in Delve.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    Launcher crashes?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 10:10 PM PST

    I open EVE from steam, the launcher opens and then crashes after 2 seconds. Any fix?

    submitted by /u/NovakidPrime
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    Guiding Hand Social Club

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 10:08 AM PST

    What ever happened to those guys? Did they become obsolete with the rise of spy networks in every alliance? Did they stop playing? What happened?

    submitted by /u/GreyIgnis
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    Analytical Vedmak Theorycrafting: Plated vs No Plate

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:00 PM PST

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    hello friends, i didn't see a thread so i'm going to be your "emergency backup windsigh" today. your regularly scheduled friendship threads will hopefully resume next week. ily windsigh <3

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Graksan
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    Anyone wants to play with me?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:15 PM PST

    I am not looking for corps, rather lone wolves. I have a dump idea and need some back up in order to do it. So if you are not in a Corp and rather play casualy and don't realy like grinding pls dm

    submitted by /u/MostEpicPolishGamer
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    Upcomiong Marauder changes shown from the test server

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 01:51 PM PST

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