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    Friday, February 19, 2021

    Eve Online Update from CCP on the issue of server resource allocation

    Eve Online Update from CCP on the issue of server resource allocation

    Update from CCP on the issue of server resource allocation

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:01 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Posting here since /r/EVE has been the focal point of conversations about this matter.

    The position articulated in the GM correspondence shared on this subreddit is regrettably incorrect.

    We do discuss matters related to server management with the community to a degree we feel comfortable sharing. For example, we have just recently held a meeting with the CSM to talk about the second battle of M2-XFE which involved detail about how various server resources were allocated when the fight took place. You might have also caught one of our streams on CCPTV on that topic in the past.

    Furthermore, players who have submitted fleet fight notifications can and occasionally do contact us to confirm that their requested systems were reinforced at downtime, however only information pertaining to the status of systems requested by the player in question is provided. Due to the sensitive nature of these requests, we never disclose any information about the status of systems which may have been requested by other players.

    To make sure that everyone is aligned on this, we will be adding an article to the Help Centre so that this policy is public facing to avoid future misunderstandings. Thanks for your understanding!

    submitted by /u/CCP-Convict
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    Custom built Naglfar PC case

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:07 AM PST


    (Yes I knooooooow. The cable management is terrible right now. After I finish the little cosmetics I promise I'll clean it up)

    So last year I set out with the intention of building a pc case for my tenth year playing the game and I settled on using a Nag model. I got in touch with a ton of companies looking for quotes, and ideas, and research into materials that would with stand average heat from my pc under load. I got in touch with a company in Toronto called Dimensional 3d printing and Design and the guy I spoke to was super hyped on the project. And the company was absolutely amazing to work with and helped me realize this project to the fullest extent.
    We worked on the STL file for about a week to make sure it was what I needed (I ended up giving him some wrong information and I was an inch and a half short on the back end but made it work) 4 weeks of print time later it they shipped it over and 2 pieces arrived cracked cause of the cold we were having canada but he offered to reprint and ship the broken pieces for free <3 After it got here it was a matter of painting it and carving out the inside to mount everything. Now it's all built and running (Still some cosmetic things to do on the outside like adding fins on the top and painting some hard lines.)

    TL;DR I had a naglfar printed at 53 inches tall and put my PC in it

    submitted by /u/DmitryWizard
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    My newbro friend and I started a corp and got a shitty kill tonight...and it feels so damn good

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:10 PM PST

    I'm a returning player (hadn't played in 4 years) and I got my friend to join last week. We started our own corp and have mostly just been grinding SOE missions and duo deadspace.

    Tonight I took him out to pop his null cherry, fully expecting us to get slaughtered. In one system we came up on a hauler that was next to a cyno (not sure what that meant) but we jumped on it, scrammed, webbed it, then blew the dude away. Was no effort and pretty dirty but honestly it felt awesome. Ship was empty save for one attachment that I let my buddy keep.

    Doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but I will always treasure our Corp's first kill and we wanted to share it with someone.


    submitted by /u/horsewitnoname
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    Bastion aborting titans in eso

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 01:52 PM PST

    Today I learned that the Revelation is an Interdictor...

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:18 PM PST

    CCP OpSec

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:24 AM PST

    Anyone else notice that one of the the old Jove regions just gained Sov? What is CCP up to?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:27 PM PST

    New Pirate Faction Ships

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Why are there no pirate factions ships that use Caldari and Minmatar? It would finally give us an excuse to use have a pirate Nag. CCPLEASE?

    submitted by /u/vita_bjornen
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    Marauder Feedback - Kronos and marauder HP distribution

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:43 AM PST

    As per CCP Rise's post about marauders here for feedback and since there is no EVE forum post, i'm going to put this all in here.

    As i suspected when i first saw the changes, these are more PVE focused, because a main complaint for PVE was "why fly a marauder, when a [insert pirate battleship here] can do nearly the same thing cheaper and better?". With these changes, its a pretty big buff to PVE'ing in a marauder and certainly places them ahead of any other battleship for PVE. I'm not really going to talk about my thoughts on those changes as CCP Rise made it pretty clear their intent. It does suck for some pvp applications, but in other ways is a buff for other pvp applications (mainly ESS cheese).

    What i primarily wanted to discuss here was the Kronos and marauder HP distribution. A chronic issue with Kronos is over-repping (meaning some/most of your rep is wasted because only a portion is needed to get back to 100% HP).

    To start, as this horse has been beaten to death already, i think most/all of us can agree that the Kronos would really shine with a 5th mid and -1 low. It diversifies the marauder armor line-up and follows with the existing Gallente battleship theme (more mids than amarr), with things like the Hyperion, Domi, Navy Domi all having more mids than everything in the amarr line-up. Would be cool if CCP finally made this change to make the Kronos a bit more viable for PVP, and doesn't really affect PVE.

    Hitpoint Distribution

    Anyway, going back to the main meat and potatoes for this post. Marauder HP distribution. Keep in mind, this discussion is about raw HP values, NOT EHP values.

    The Kronos, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the marauders all have issues with overrepping. I'm going to list the raw HP values of each marauder for shield, armor and hull to give you an idea on current distributions.


    Shield: 9.12k

    Armor: 9.88k

    Hull: 11.9k

    Total Raw HP = 30.9k


    Shield: 8.62k

    Armor: 11k

    Hull: 10.6k

    Total Raw HP = 30.22k


    Shield: 10.4k

    Armor: 9.12k

    Hull: 8.62k

    Total Raw HP = 28.14


    Shield: 11k

    Armor: 8.38k

    Hull: 9.62k

    Total Raw HP = 29k

    As you can see, marauder RAW HP values are all roughly the same with some fluctuation due to "lore flavoring" (Such as minmatar being the lowest).

    The main thing i wanted to point out was the Kronos' HP distribution, take a good look at how its distributed. Keep in mind, the Kronos has an active armor rep bonus. Its HP distribution does not do its active tank bonus any justice because it has the lowest primary HP pool out of any of the marauders at 9.88k armor HP.

    Why is it so low you might ask?

    Because for "lore reasons", it has nearly 12k raw HP in hull tank (Gallente have higher hull buffers). Now ask yourself, are you ever going to hull tank a marauder that has a god tier active rep bonus? No. The answer using any logical train of thought is no.

    If we go a step farther and think about their use in PVE, no one is going to use hull tanking in PVE either. So it serves no benefit either way.

    The entire design of the ship class is active tanking and in the case of the Kronos, armor active tanking.

    We can still keep with gallente "lore reasons" of having higher hull HP, but you can strip some of that hull hp back into armor or strip some shield hp into armor to at least keep the kronos competitive in raw primary tank buffer.

    The Kronos is the poster child for this imbalance, but also just in general, all the marauders could see some redistribution as they all can suffer from this same issue. Not to mention, having some extra buffer does help those juicy reps actually land and get a full rep out under heavier alpha/pressure.

    To end this, i'll just throw out an example so you see what i mean with the redistribution:

    Kronos changes from this:


    Shield: 9.12k

    Armor: 9.88k

    Hull: 11.9k

    To this (mild example):


    Shield: 8.62k (-500 HP)

    Armor: 10.88k (+1000 HP)

    Hull: 11.4k (-500 HP)

    Raw HP stays the same, but armor HP went up by 1k HP by removing 500 HP from hull and shield. It still keeps the "lore flavor" by having the highest hull HP, but now has a better usable armor tank for its rep bonus but its raw armor HP is still lower than the Paladin.

    This same principle can be applied to all the other marauders to give them a passive buff to buffer for their primary tank to get the full benefit of their active reps when in bastion.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Perfectly Balanced

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 01:56 PM PST

    Today the PApi (some caps) coalition killed a sotiyo in Delve, then promptly failed to defend a t2 rigged sotiyo (worth triple the one they killed in Delve) in their own home space. Looks like the plan of holding both their old space and their new homes in Delve is going great!

    GSF Sotiyo: https://zkillboard.com/kill/90832774/

    TAPI Sotiyo (literally the most expensive sotiyo loss ever): https://zkillboard.com/kill/90834035/

    Edit courtesy of u/angry-mustache:

    I was in the middle of class while shitposting can you please shut up about my laziness

    submitted by /u/_stnick
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    Deployable cyno beacon

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:11 AM PST

    give navy bs some love also

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:55 PM PST

    Hey CCP how about giving some navy battleships some love like the pirate bs are in great use we need see more navy battleships

    submitted by /u/doomdoshu
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    WWB2 PApi pilot writes home

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Hello most dear wife,

    I am well. We are docked in T5Z, a system that is but a jump distance from the ebil goonies. The conditions are not great, but after a while you get used to NC/PL farts as they pass you on the halls of the station (these guys don't undock). The iskies you sent me have almost ran out. I tried to share some with some IOU, W4RP and FED UP members. They were begging on the undock and promised to pay me back in 2 months, when their SRP is paid.

    There is not ratting to be done here as I must stand guard on the gate. I try to loot the enemy ships but somehow there is always a BRAVE crucifier or vigil close. I didn't even know that they can fit tractor beams. Anyway, please send more iskies so I can buy ships for my toonies.

    Do not listen to the goon propaganda. We are winning this war. PGL told us that goons are evacuating, and it must be so. The Legend (that's what we call him between vets) knows everything that there is to know in this universe. He is a skilled FC that once pushed a fleet through a wormhole that was collapsing. He noticed red ships go faster if they don't have rigs, so we're all doing that in his honor. And to top it all, he has deep inside CCP knowledge so that every time we lose, we can be certain it is not the goonies that are winning, but CCP losing for us.

    I could not have asked for a greater FC, leader, and friend. I am at times afraid that I will forget you as I look into his blue eyes. He speaks as fast as you. But he has no boobs, so I am safe.

    Forever yours,

    Clone number 89 of Farash "Dino" Dinesh

    P.S. Don't forget to sell all Consumer Electronics we have in the house. That might buy me a few Spike M rounds.

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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    [Dev BLog] Bastion of War

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Amateur work, however, was quite successful.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:08 AM PST

    What were the biggest mistakes CCP ever made?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:34 PM PST

    I forgot them all because none of that shit matters, the only thing memorable about this game are close fights and my Eve family.

    Some of us own better computer hardware than CCP, who cares?

    CSM is cool but CCP hosts the CSM because it's profitable, not because they think the CSM members are expert game developers who have their hand on the pulse of the line members.

    All of the FCs fucking rock, thank you all for taking so much bullshit from thoughtless players so we can have a fun time together.

    Less than 8% of players trust game statistics and spin we've been given in game or on Reddit. It's all lies. I.e. The Moros is 100% better than the Phoenix.

    Relax. Go mining, it's soothing.

    submitted by /u/tinman_44
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    All our Texas EVE peeps

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:41 AM PST

    To all our EVE players in the state of Texas, I hope you and your loved ones are all well and able to stay warm during this horrible time. We are all praying for you and your families as well as the entire state of Texas.

    submitted by /u/cmoody474
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    [CCPlz] group dscan NPC entities.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:05 AM PST

    ATM if there are several eg NPC venture on dscan I have one line for each of them.


    Please add a "number" column on the dscan, and group each entity type id . for example in that case I should only have one line for ventures, with number eg 10. Items not in the "entity" category should not be grouped of course since they can be named.

    Of course when the distance is known (eg on grid) you don't group.

    submitted by /u/guigui_lechat
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    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:20 PM PST

    Account is banned for no reason

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:38 PM PST

    I'm a Chinese player, My 6 accounts were banned half a month ago.
    One of my most used accounts has been playing for 6 years and has 190,000,000 skill points. I spent at least $10,000 to purchase PLEX from the official website. I basically don't make any income through PVE in the game, mainly PVP activities.
    I filed an appeal and waited for half a month.
    Then get the following information:



    You were detected as using a modified client; the accounts involved have been permanently banned.

    Your continued access to the System and license to play the Game is subject to proper conduct. Without limiting CCP's rights to control the Game environment, and the conduct of the players within that environment, CCP prohibits the following practices that CCP has determined detract from the overall user experience of the users playing the Game.


    Section 6. CONDUCT

    A. Specifically Restricted Conduct

    "3. You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game."

    "4. You may not use the Software, or any information accessible through the System, to bypass the System login architecture or create or provide any other means through which the System may be accessed and/or the Game may be played by others, as, for example, through server emulators."


    "21. You will not attempt to decipher, hack into or interfere with any transmissions to or from the EVE Online servers, nor will you try to create or use any third party add-ons, extras or tools for the game. "

    Unfortunately, the bans will not be lifted.

    Best Regards,
    Senior GM Aisling
    CCP Player Experience | EVE Online


    The only thing I use is Chinese Hanization. Because as far as I know, all Chinese players use this Chinese translation.
    If you say that this Chinese translation cannot be used, will all players who have used this Chinese translation be banned in the near future?
    If so, I will persuade them not to visit this server anymore. This can reduce losses for other Chinese players.

    Because all Chinese players are not sure whether they will be banned due to Chinese translation in the near future. All our efforts will be in vain.


    submitted by /u/KeJin4547
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    Not Mentioned in the Dev Blog: The DPS Will Stay the Same

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:36 AM PST

    Slightly updated GM Baldur's statement to be more in line with CCP's marketing team

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:03 AM PST

    CCPlease change webble to scrabble

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:52 PM PST

    Radius 5km, disables all MWD for 2 seconds but does not prevent warp off.

    Webbles are arguably bad for the game, as they are very much a "win more" tool and they are oppressive to things that are already marginal/underused (slow things). Scrabble provides a hard counter for things that are currently at the top of the meta (fast things).

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    I Have No Memory of This Place...

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    They have taken the Jump Bridge to M2-XFE. We have bubbled the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The Keepstar shakes... Drums. Drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark... We cannot get out... They are coming.

    submitted by /u/JimbawbsGaming
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    REVEALED: How 5000 <90 day alts prevailed in the battle for 8WA

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:52 AM PST

    Dear inquisitive eve pilots,

    No doubt many of you are wondering 'how did theimperium (no space) prevail in the battle for 8WA, when some pie charts assured me they are failcascading'.


    The Imperium Ministry for Masking Failurecascade did indeed create 5000 alts to mask the failcascade. But that is only a small piece of a larger conspiracy.

    Some of the more observant among you may have asked "why did theimperium need to raise so much war bond ISK?'. A very good question indeed. Why so much? 21tn ISK is more than could possibly be needed. What it is for?

    The truth, my dear fellow eve pilot, may shock you.

    I can now reveal that theimperium invested 10tn of war bond ISK to SP inject these <90 day alts into hundreds of supercarriers, who were fielded for the first time yesterday in great numbers in the battle for 8WA.


    But this alone was not enough to be assured of victory.

    An additional 5tn of war bond ISK was transferred to GM Baldur to 'accidentally' place the T5Z node on the same node as 8WA, thus ensuring that the army of <90 day alts would emerge victorious.

    Can the Ministry for Masking Failurecascade sustain this level of investment as morale in theimperium plummets to new lows? Time will tell, but for now this army of <90 day alts has more than proven their worth.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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