• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - February 20, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - February 20, 2021

    Shameless Saturday - February 20, 2021

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Hello and welcome to Shameless Saturday.

    Today you're welcome to shamelessly self promote your site/video/stream/product etc provided that it's related to EVE Online and your self-promotion to interaction ratio is 10:1 (1 self promotion link for every 10 normal interactions.) Accounts should also be a month old and have prior interactions with /r/eve.

    Now what are you waiting for? Go out there and sell your ~~soul~~ self!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Leaked photos show lost Stargate to Stain has been found on Mars by Perseverance rover - CCP declined to comment at this time

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 02:52 PM PST

    Winterco VS Freemen of the North : Final baguette update.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:09 PM PST

    After a bit more than 7 weeks of epic fights and a lot of fun, I'm sad to let you know that this post will be the last update from Toilet Paper. . We've agreed to a cease fire with FRT, all structures will be unanchored and sovs will be destroyed within a couple weeks.
    In short, Tribute has fallen.

    We always knew this time would come, whether it was through isks or motivation this war wouldn't last for months on our side. We've reached a point where despite winning crucial objectives like our staging hub or killing the FRT fortizar of D7-ZAC a few weeks ago, we must ask ourselves if throwing all efforts and isk in a war where the known outcome is ultimately getting evicted is the right thing to do for our alliance. FRT has nearly infinite funds and overwhelming numbers, resisting the attack for a short period was manageable but keeping this war going will slowly but surely drain our forces and wallet. During these weeks we fought hard on a daily basis with close to no turnover and the more the war last, the more FRT numbers matters. We can't expect our dudes to do 4h, 6h or even 8h fleets on weekend for 3 more months, after all Eve is still a n+1 game. We also need motivation/freshness/isk for our future projects, waiting too long could have a disastrous impact on the alliance.
    Considering all of this, why not end this war after an epic win on our staging hub instead of a long and tedious conflict ? We made our choice yesterday.

    This wasn't an easy decision, those last two months were a tense but challenging and fun time, we've achieved things that were far beyond what I imagined when this war started. In full honesty, we thought it would take about two weeks for FRT to push us out of D7-ZAC. The goal was to last roughly until 15 januari, any day after this date was just a bonus and I'm still amazed we lasted that long. We fought outnumbered all the time, we fought out of our timezone and won countless times, with the help of our allies we won objectives that helped us keep morale up high when things weren't looking good. We had to find new doctrines and adapt to our opponents to win the engagements we had to take. We have asked our FC team, directors, recons, seeders and all of our members to do their best to keep this war going. I'm fucking proud of them. They did even more than we could have asked for, bless them <3 This was all very challenging and very rewarding, we can close this chapter with our heads up high.

    In this adventure we've met good people that were not only trustworthy allies but also ferocious warriors. Seeing all alliances working together to counter the FRT menace was really really cool. The narrative, the propaganda, the emulation between people of all horizons, the fights... every part of it was awesome.
    Rote boys, Quote alliance, BOSS, Arkhos core, Volta, the 600 Odin's call, PO NY, Rekking Crew, TRI, ex-TH boys and all people/individuals that showed up and helped us : big thanks to you guys.
    Nothing would have been possible without you all, you're the best allies we could have wished for.

    To FRT :

    GF boys. All in all, this is probably the best couple of months I've lived on Eve in a long time. The outcome isn't what we could have hoped for, in an ideal movie the Freemen push the invaders back and win! But in the end you offered us a real war, an epic narrative with a few achievements that many will remember for a long time. David vs Goliath but with spaceships, awesome.Thx for that and see you around!

    My humble conclusion as an Eve player :

    Judging by the overwhelming support we received on every media (discord/in game/reddit), the war in the North has been something a lot of you enjoyed. I personnaly feel like I've lived a real adventure "a la Eve Online" with epic engagements, narrative and adrenalin like the game is supposed to be. This wouldn't have been possible if some people didn't got out of the blob meta to write their own story on Eve online, even if it's only a tiny spark in the raging fire that Eve has been since it's creation. All of you that followed the conflict asking yourselves what it was like to be part of something like this, take this leap into the unknown, you won't regret it.Some may say I'm preaching for my choir here but that's my honest opinion, more alliances, more conflicts, more dreams.


    (again, accept my apologies for all grammar issues!)

    submitted by /u/Frank_LeTank
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    I was asked to do a follow up on my last post. Here you go.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:24 PM PST

    Literally got out with 0 seconds on the clock in the abyss

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:49 PM PST

    Mind1 ft. PGL - Short End

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:13 AM PST

    How to tell you've joined the right WH RP Corp

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:21 PM PST

    TIKLE, FARMD, & POSTY | Revenge of the Tengu [Video 1080p60 HD]

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:20 AM PST

    Winter/NSH vs Freemen Dreadbrawl in Aunenen

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:45 PM PST

    Winterco and NSH formed a nightmare and TFI fleet for the armor timer on a Rote fort used to house supers(as far as I know). Freemen formed a raven fleet with fax support and sat them on the undock waiting for the besieging forces to engage. Winter and NSH warped in, almost at 0 and started reffing the fort under heavy pds and bombs. Freemen untethered after a few minutes and started fragging winter support and a few TFIs while they hemorrhaged ravens. After suffering heavy casualties, they de-aggressed and NSH and winter finished off 2 of their untethered faxes. After 4 or 5 minutes of reshipping freemen undocked once more with 5 or 6 faxes and reengaged, trading fairly favorably with the winterco fleet. NSH was eventually primaried and started losing nightmares, NSH then dropped dreads onto the faxes taking most of them down while losing a few dreads to the fort. Freemen escalated with dreads of their own and began a dreadbrawl underneath the fort. Aside from a few caps being able to dock up, both sides dreads and faxes were annihilated, with winter subs killing off the remaining freemen dreads and the fort clearing the NSH dreads. With all the caps on grid dead or docked and the freemen subcaps pushed off, winter destroyed all the wrecks and put the fort into final reinforce. https://br.evetools.org/related/30001398/202102210300 GF was fun

    submitted by /u/Sir_Tristan
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    Born to die. 410,757,864,530 Dead Griffins.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:42 PM PST

    When you roam into a system and leave sad... Thanks .RHP for making me have bad feels...

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:58 AM PST

    So a couple of buddies roamed into some space through a wormhole and ended up killing a ratter. They left and came back a little bit later and ended up having this convo in local. They decided to share it with a few of us, and one comment made me wonder what the rest of eve would think about this."Dude I still feel so bad for that dude, alliance forces him in one system, lies about rolling the hole, yet he stays in it." So here it is, for all of Reddit to talk about.*re-uploaded after a small mistake in photoshop*


    submitted by /u/Tough_Coach
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    HACs just lost their MWD Sig role bonus on SiSi

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 07:05 AM PST

    HAC nerfs

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:51 PM PST

    Gank me, I DARE YA!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:33 PM PST

    Why fleet formations will usher in a new age of fleet tactics and strategies

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:00 AM PST


    Hi Team,

    last night ccp gave us the details on how the upcoming fleet formations would work. Responses to this from the community have been mixed, mostly part because trying to understand how this will actually work and what will be possible is to put it lightly, beyond the scope or comprehension of most players when only presented with the base mechanics of how it will work. In this post i'll try to explain what this new feature entails and what will be possible with some examples so that you can try to have a better understanding of this new feature.

    Pretty much all of this post will be about the relative warp since that's the one that allows you to do cool stuff

    In pure mechanical talk what the relative warp essentially does is;

    Allow for you to warp to -+ X

    currently you are bound to -+ Z/Y

    picture for referenceWhat this allows for is offset warps, and at the core this is what makes the relative warps so strong as you now have full freedom of movement across the entire plane

    I.E. where you used to have a ping or bm etc to make these type of warps you can now do that just by having a ship in position and taking a relative warp

    So what does this allow players to do?

    a whole fuck ton of new things, i'll list some examples here and try help you visualize it

    Complete freedom in positioning

    Below is an example of what would happen if someone at a ping/fc warped at 0 into some drag bubbles

    Normally the red fleet would be warped up into the drag bubbles and be caught, they would need a ping of some sort to go around the drag bubbles.

    with relative warp the red figure 200km above the fleet relative warps the fleet into the drag bubbles. But since every ship has their own individual warp vector they can ignore the bubbles and go around them

    This is the strongest feature of fleet formations and what truly has the capability to be game breaking.

    some more examples of what's possible

    some more examples of the same thing


    on the left we have two ships

    Purple and orange

    Purple relative warps to the bm

    Purple gets dragged by the bubble

    Orange lands relative to the warp point (the bm in this case)

    If ships didnt have their individual warp vector it would look like this


    Purple relative warps to the bm

    Purple gets dragged by the bubble

    Purples warp vector is intersected by the bubble

    Oranges lands relative to purples intersected warp (in this case landing in line with the bubble)

    burning pings without actually burning them

    You jump into system with your fleetceptors immediately burn 200km off your fleetwhile still on gate fc relative warps and those ceptors at 200km come along with himyou land on grid and now have a set of preburned pings ready for use

    The infinite ping

    You have a ceptor 200km off your fleetyou relative warp at 0km to ityour fleet lands where the ceptor was (200km forward)the ceptor is now 200km away from your fleet again

    essentially an infinite really easy way to leapfrog 50-200km across grid in any direction

    Overlapping/multivector bomb runs

    The hardest part of pulling off these bomb runs is the setup, relative warp removes the hardest bit of that...

    With ease you are able to relative warp really as many bombers as you want depending on how you set it up and easily bypass drag bubbles etc

    visualise it like in the second picture i showed you but instead of 1 fleet coming past the bubbles its 6 squads of bombers in perfect overlapping formation

    Getting capitals on grid

    You can easily warp around caps on grid without them bumping

    E.G. you want to warp your titans under a cyno jammed system to bash a keep, you can now setup on your citadel in system and land on grid without having bumps

    so many possibilities with this!

    Getting bs fleets on grid

    One of the big problems with bs fleets in null when not used on citadels is getting bombed coming out of warp on grid

    Relative warp and the other formations alleviate that by letting you land on grid in a formation that isn't susceptible to being instantly nuked by bombers. Altho the buff bombers by being able to use relative warps might just be too much for bs fleets. I do have a solution for this tho!

    Hopefully this helps you visualize and understand just what fleet formations will do! there is a absolute TON more you can do but i've left it out otherwise this post would be massive and not really focused on fleet things.

    What if this turns out to be game breaking?!?

    No one can really say until we've had a few months to play with it but i do see 2 easy changes that would tone down the power of relative warp a ton

    1. Relative warp only takes ships within 30-40km

    This would neuter the power of relative warps a ton by restricting grid movement of how far you can abuse the power of -+x plane

    2) Relative warps go off the warp vector of the ship that initiated the relative warp (no fully independent warp vectors for each ship)

    I.E. if the ship that initiate gets dragged all the ships get dragged

    General thoughts

    No other change in a long time has raised the skill cap of the game so much. So many new plays and strategies got opened up

    honestly it's refreshing

    Sure i do think ccp could have put this dev time to good use fixing citadels/sov and a lot of other issues but i think it will end up being a good addition to the game

    Overall it will be very interesting to see how this feature plays out, and remember everyone has the same tools here so you'll have to get good with them if you wanna stay competitive :)

    submitted by /u/Zesty_Memes21
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    Frat vs The Freemen of the North - Week 7

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:27 AM PST

    Nous ne sommes pas piégés ici avec vous, vous êtes piégés ici avec nous.

    Week 7

    For the most part this week has been relatively quiet in terms of news that hasn't been reported yet. The Titan and two forts of Rote that Frat killed at the beginning of this week are covered down below in the scorecard but the story is in the Week 6 report and Frank made an excellent write up for Frat's latest attempt at headshotting D7-ZAC.

    The majority of the week has seen Frat grind out the rest of Rote citadels and sov structures in Tribute as well as reinforce large swaths of TP structures. We've let our citadels go uncontested because ultimately they don't matter when responding with a blops drop on all of these guys is easy and Frat is determined to show up with a minimum of 2:1 odds. We've rallied and formed off main axis timers and skirmished with their FCs to save structures and remind them they need more dudes in fleet. As of last night, we've clawed our way back from that Titan loss and are steadily pulling ahead in terms of damage dealt. But all in all, there's not much to say for the week other than listing out killmails, and that's just incredibly low effort.

    So we'll just head right onto the numbers.

    The Scorecard

    Week 7 - 12-18 Feb 2021

    Current Hubris Tax Level for Frat V Rote Kapelle: 3584%, for TP: 2019%

    Current tallies are:

    Team Frat Freemen
    Isk Lost 1.11T 584b
    Ships Lost 6201 4062
    Titan 1
    Supers 1
    Dreads 26 9
    Fax 8 4
    Carrier 23 3
    JFs 4
    Freighter 2
    Rorqs 4
    Orcas 2
    Forts 3 3
    Astrahus 5
    Azbel 2 1
    Athanor 3 2
    Ansiblex 10 4
    Tenebrex 4 2
    Marauders 1 2
    Battleships 191 66
    BLOPs 2
    HACs 251 142
    Botters 667

    And some graphs to go along with it:

    Rote V Frat

    TP V Frat

    These numbers do not capture the entirety of the forces involved in this fight. We're steadily working over 300b of damage per week as Frat continues to make their move into Tribute and Vale. The weekly moving average (new stat) for Rote and TP have been increasingly steadily as the blops campaign rolls on. Frat's own moving average saw some spikes with the Forts and Titan kills, but Rote is averaging 4x the isk damage and TP 3x the isk damage.

    If you have any further questions for us feel free to hit us up here or on Discord as usual.

    The biggest of thanks to the following:

    • We Form V0lta
    • Rekking Crew
    • The Initiative
    • No Vacancies
    • Hardknocks
    • Odin's Call (all 600 of them)
    • Brotherhood of Spacers
    • Arkhos Core
    • /u/_DJtanner for these slick visuals
    • Anyone I missed: I love you
    submitted by /u/Savanted
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    Buffed Marauders in Action (Paladin L4 mission)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:43 AM PST


    Made a vid here demonstrating how mighty the Marauders will be with the upcoming patch. Can't wait for the patch to hit TQ :D I use a Paladin, with the new update, my fit gest 2.4k dps in bastion.


    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    Budget Kings of Lowsec pay dearly for blatant copyright infringement

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:12 AM PST

    We are enemies now.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:04 AM PST

    Search bar broken for anyone else again?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:08 PM PST

    Type something in, seems like it 'loads' for a second then just does nothing. This has happened in the past as well.

    submitted by /u/Ikuorai
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    this game is the worst fucking trash in the world who the hell puts the continue button on the left making me missclick. WHY ARE THERE EVEN A CANCEL BUTTON

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:14 PM PST

    If CCP suddenly decided that you can buy Jita Tradehub how much do you think it would cost? What benefits would you get from buying this?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:39 PM PST

    I'm not high I swear

    submitted by /u/electro_zombie0
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    Hook your google sheets onto maps

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 07:39 AM PST

    At https://eveeye.com you can style maps after your own data and share those maps with your fellow pilots or even publicly. You can edit the data on eveeye directly but here is a documentation on how to link a google sheet.

    Some more links: Android App, iOS App, Discord, Twitter

    Visualization of data via goolge sheets

    Data on universe maps

    Some more basic features

    Eveeye on Web, Android, iOS, Twitter and Discord

    submitted by /u/EEpromoter
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    Local News About Black Rise! Feel Like You Can't Find A Fight? They Did! Come To Black Rise And Fight!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:22 PM PST

    Ui Scalling Not working?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Bad Toon:
    Good Toon:

    Im going to assume I have missed some setting but I cant get the 2 clients to look the same. If someone can inform me of what to do to fix it that would be amazing. Dont meme me too hard :D

    submitted by /u/Thedizzman101
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