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    Eve Online 30 second google draw speedrun

    Eve Online 30 second google draw speedrun

    30 second google draw speedrun

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:03 AM PST

    BR: Imperium + Allies vs Legacy + Allies 02/03/2021

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:38 PM PST

    A solid brawl between Imperium + Legacy just happened in GE-8JV over a BRAVE Tatara timer.

    A smaller Goonswarm fleet had been reinforcing an Athanor in GE- to hull but were interrupted by a BRAVE Cerb fleet having burned from Querious to defend it. While Goonswarm were forced to disengage, we (INIT.) started rage forming in U-QVWD. As we undocked our Zoom Zoom Wiggle fleet (christened as such by one of our FC's daughters), the BRAVE fleet retreated to their Keepstar to reship.

    While the Goon fleet reshipped and reformed, the INIT fleet managed to get onto grid with the Athanor and push the structure into its final timer. We then withdrew to V-3 while waiting for the Tatara to exit its reinforce cycle. As BRAVE continued its own rage pings, we sent ours, both sides calling in more allies to prep for the next timer.

    With Goons back in their Jackdaw fleet, and the INIT fleet having bulked up a bit, we jumped back into GE- and set up on the Tatara. The BRAVE fleet had reshipped to their own Mach fleet (now known as boom boom jiggles).

    As the Tatara hit 20% armor the BRAVE fleet warped onto grid with the support of its allies. INIT + Goons pinged off and then back down. As BRAVE faxes landed beside their battleship fleet, so too did ours, having jumped in through the trusty cyno field. While our own Machs died to the volley fire of Machariel 1400s, the BRAVE machs died in a fire of Hail L at facesmooching range.

    With both sets of allies pinging in and out, it was a solid brawl. Goon jackdaws + our drones managed to mostly finish the Tatara as the INIT fleet made the call to disengage due to lagging DPS and growing hostile numbers. Our fleet warped in once more to push the Tatara into its final reinforce before warping out.

    The ISK war is slightly in Imperiums favour along with both objectives, while the numbers and the looting rights were a little more slightly in Legacy's favour.

    Overall a solid 10/10 battleship brawl and I can't wait to do it again.

    GF guys.


    Edit: Ping wars yarrrrr

    submitted by /u/DarkShinesInit
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    Small Gang Deep Dives Ep I: Manual Piloting

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:35 PM PST

    This gem randomly showed up on my YouTube feed for some reason, figured i'd show it to y'all

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:42 PM PST

    But then the grid suddenly loads and the happy colours return to take the pain away for the next 7 hours of structure bashing

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:32 PM PST

    CCP Rattati Gives Twitch Interview

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PST

    I had reservations about posting this interview here and making it more widely known to the eve player base, because although I have issues with the direction Burger and Rattati are taking eve in; I don't fukin relentlessly shit on them as people the way some users on this subreddit have.

    Anyway here's the vod:


    Some topics of interest that I picked up on:

    • he mentioned that the after the big change coming soon (I assume thats the cloaky and local change) that they're going to start redistribution and "getting things into the right places", "allow players to build up more of their empires and infrastructure to actually customize their experience."

    • The high level vision for the rorqual and orca is to change it back to a fleet boosting role.

      • "Rorquals did everything, instead of doing one thing very well. and I think I'd like to go back to the original role which were fleet boosters"
      • Change coming "soon" but not this quadrant (my guess is after the big local and cloaky change and when the redistribution really starts
    • For this new quadrant Talos is going to be looking at changes in the last year and iterating on those changes based on feedback

    • Don't quote me on this but they also talked about dynamic systems and how more dynamic systems are coming in the future.

    • Other stuff they discussed includes (but don't take this as fact I was playing siege while listening to this on another monitor)

      • he doesn't like keepstars in highsec and is confused on why earlier devs allowed it in the design doc, but he can't really change it now
      • mentioned how FW suffered because the citadel design allowed citadels in FW which ruined the whole locking out the other side when you take a system
      • they discussed capital proliferation and how ccp has been tackling that probelm
      • he mentioned the problem with titans and how no one back then foresaw the amount of titans that would be built (lol) And how he wished earlier devs had placed a failsafe in the industry for titans and that Titans being T1, only minerals, contributed to their proliferation.

    Those are just some points of interest that I managed to remember while listening. I highly recommend you all listen to the interview yourself because I undoubtedly missed stuff. Don't be like an r/politics user who only reads the title and then comments in the thread. Actually listen to the thing and form your own opinions before posting and don't take my summary points as fact.

    Anyway, one of the things I noticed that they did not discuss is Conflict Drivers and Citadels. CCPls give athanors old stront mechanics and passive drill option. Old POS fights/Outpost fights >> shitty citadel fights where you have to deal with a fucking bomb consistently targeting your fleet, PDS, nuet bursts, and you can't field caps because the fortizar eats caps alive with no way to disable the guns like a POS.

    Though ultimately I was looking for some hint that CCP is working to get back to welcoming other types of game play and creating a capability for them to take place. Other then hard-core PvE and hard-core massive alliance sov battles. Unfortunately I don't think I found that in this interview. ccpls

    submitted by /u/tell32
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    WH krabbing troubles

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:29 PM PST

    GE-8JV, Legacy vs Imperium. Extremely fun fight. Well led by FCs on both sides.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:44 PM PST

    What's this CCP staff are working on? Screenshot taken from their latest YT video

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:32 AM PST

    Blue Donut

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:06 AM PST

    The M2 breakout in a nutshell

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:16 PM PST

    Classic: When carebears attack!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:09 AM PST

    It is what it Is...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:15 AM PST

    FRAT is ruining Eve online. An analysis from Rote Kapelles CEO.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:20 AM PST

    After some recent developments in the war in the north I have had to do some serious introspection. I recently met with my senpai at my tae kwon do dojo to have him help me work through my negative feelings. After we did some new kicks (I am a yellow belt) he convinced me I should write about the things that upset me in a journal.

    Instead of that I have opted to share my thoughts here on reddit.

    First and foremost, FRAT is ruining Eve online. I have been playing Eve for a long time and it is very important to me. Even more important, is honor. In Rote Kapelle we hold honor highest among all of our tenets. Every day we greet each other with a formal bow and thank each other for being the upmost honorable eve players before we undock.

    FRAT has no such honor. They don't respect small independent alliances who are taking up valuable space. I have tried to send many poems to Noraus to let him know how critical I am of his alliance and that I do not respect their dishonorable ways. He has not replied. If FRAT is left to continue this will surely be the end of Eve as we know it. No matter how many nano gangs we fly into their space they just blob us with bots and now we have to leave.

    Do you see the pattern??? No honor = no more eve.

    Speaking of dishonorable. There has been another thorn in the side of Rote Kapelle through all of this, and that is NSH. Only one word to describe them: RUDE. They are PETS and DUMB. I have again tried to discuss the tenets of honorable samurai combat with NSH leadership but they have not taken me seriously. One man insists on continually asking me for feet pictures and has told me he will "suck out my soul through my toes"- I don't even know what that means. They are extremely toxic, they spam local and make offensive memes. They are mentally deficient and aggressive. Do they not know how badly this upsets those on the other side of this war? Its unacceptable and I will be filing a formal complaint.

    In closing, I would like to ask the entirety of Eve to stop trying to kill Goons as they have been very helpful in showing up to fight when we ask them for help and are therefore honorable nano samurai. We request everyone come north and take on our war of HONOR and RIGHT to the evil men and bots of FRAT. Do what is right in your heart. Your choice.

    In the meantime we will be purchasing freemenoflowsec.com for future updates. I would prefer not to get into detail as to why we need to rebrand.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/rote_kapelle_ceo
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    CCPLS:ORE titan "Megalodon"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:02 PM PST


    7 High

    7 Med

    7 Low

    Very large cargo hold and fleet hanger > 1,000,000 m3

    Supercapital Industrial Ship bonuses (per skill level):

    10% bonus to Doomsday cycle damage

    10% bonus to Doomsday cycle time

    10% bonus to tractor beam velocity

    10+ bonus to ship warp core strength

    150% increase to capital remote assistance amount

    10% decrease to capital remote assistance duration

    Role Bonus:

    • Can fit Doomsday devices

    • Can fit Industrial Jump Portal Generator

    • Can fit Clone Vat Bay

    • Can use three Command Burst modules

    • Can fit one Phenomena Generator module

    • Can fit Supercapital Tractor Beam

    200% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

    300% bonus to Armor Plates and Shield Extenders

    80% bonus to Sensor Dampener resistance

    80% bonus to Weapon Disruption resistance

    80% bonus to Stasis effect resistance

    80% increase to Remote Electronic Assistance impedance

    400% increase to Capital Remote Assistance Module Range

    5x penalty to Entosis Link duration

    Unique Modules

    "Harpoon" Supercapital Tractor Beam:

    • Can tractor piloted ships, asteroids, and moon fracks.

    • 300km range

    "Klondike" thermonuclear mining drill:

    • When launched at a target moon, immediately create a moon mineral field equivalent to 56 day frack. Once targeted, target moon can not be extracted from for 112 days.

    • There can not be an active frack on the targeted moon

    "The Maw" copyright violation "Flenser" deconstruction array:

    • 2 million damage over 3 minute duration. 5 minute cooldown

    • 10km range

    • A killing blow with this weapon deposits refine products(@55%), salvage, and dropped loot of the target ship in your cargohold.

    Industrial Jump Portal Generator:

    • can bridge to industrial cynos

    • can bridge all industrial ships except Rorquals and Jump Freighters

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    3rd time to level 500, 3rd marshal blueprint acquired.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:15 AM PST

    Guys literally only want one thing and it's disgusting...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:30 PM PST

    CCP Games is a Great Place To Work

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Blessed stormbringer gank

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Weekly War Update - LEGACY ON THE MOVE? Sov Changes in Delve & More...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:07 PM PST

    Fortress Delve

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:23 AM PST


    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PST

    True and terrifying story.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PST

    The original plan of brave is reviled!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:21 AM PST

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