• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Eve Online Two more supers fall to the the hell camp of M2-XFE!

    Eve Online Two more supers fall to the the hell camp of M2-XFE!

    Two more supers fall to the the hell camp of M2-XFE!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:33 PM PST

    BR: Imperium + Allies vs Legacy +Allies 02/03/2021 MK II

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:56 PM PST

    The evening started off defending a V0lta Fortizar in H-ADOC. FIRE coalition formed 230~ Machariel's (Doom Doom Tickles) and set up on Titan ready to bridge in. The INIT. fleet of 120, in our own Machs, formed up on our own Titan in 0SHT. As FIRE began hitting the Fort we reshipped from Machs to Ravens. As we got on Titan the FIRE fleet de-agressed off the Fortizar and got on gate to exit stage left.

    The Fortizar repaired and both sides stood down.

    At 20:50 we rage formed a Muninn fleet (120) and bridged into the lower Catch pocket, KH0Z. We engaged a small home defense fleet of BRAVE'S who had set up to defend their Keepstar ihub of 5-N2EY. With the BRAVE entosis dead INIT. and RED hacked and killed the nodes, allowed RED to place their own ihub.

    BR: https://br.evetools.org/related/30001241/202103022100

    At 23:00 we formed our Mach fleet alongside frenemies to contest the final timer on the Faction Fortizar of Warped Intentions in GJ0-OJ. BRAVE + Co formed to defend the GE-8 Ihub but shifted objectives to the Faction Fort, leaving a small contingent behind to save their Ihub.

    As the Fort hit 45%~ Legacy bridged next door to A-8. They jumped into GJ0 as our Mach fleet landed 100km off the gate. Another solid skirmish erupted between us as the Machs (53) done our best to keep range on the Legacy Muninn (102) fleet. Both sides took plenty of kills and losses, the Machs being more expensive when they got caught.

    As the fighting continued on the gate, Tickle & CO kept DPS up on the Fortizar. After circling each other for a few minutes the Legacy fleet disengaged and warped to the Fortizar to defend it. We followed and set our guns onto the Faction Fort to finish off the last 10%. We made the call to eat the losses while trying to evade the Legacy Fleet chasing us. While we did take losses, we managed to get the Fort finished off, resulting in a shiny kill mail to go along with the nice skirmish.

    Unfortunately at this point we were running low on support ships so we went safe. As Legacy set up on the A-8 gate we went the other way, cynoing reinforcements onto our ingate as we jumped. Legacy followed and skirmish MK II continued for a short amount of time. As the Legacy fleet disengaged we took a chance and bailed from system, the weight of Legacy numbers was starting to show.

    We lost a handful of ships on exit but we got the majority of the fleet back to safety. While Legacy were chasing us, TICKLE and Co managed to kill an athanor and RED killed another BRAVE ihub in UCG4.

    I think both sides will walk away happy again tonight. Legacy defended the GE- Ihub and got some kills, while INIT & co killed a faction fort, some other smaller objectives and we also got some kills.

    GF all.


    Note: A lot of ships dropped from the Athanor that died, some of these may or may not be Legacy affiliated, I'm not sure. Move them to a third time if you care enough.

    submitted by /u/DarkShinesInit
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    AAR: BjornBee disrupts PH, DarkSide baits Bjorn with HAW Moros

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:24 PM PST

    AAR - Join Public Fleets No Politics

    1. Really good Bjorn stream fleet we had 50+ aug navy with logi and went to Horde space to make some noise. He will ping this type of fleet on his in game channel The Beehive and discord.
    2. We caught some fancypants Horde nag. Seems like he was having fun too and was trying to give us content.
    3. We then rf'd a jump bridge near Horde HQ. Horde responded with some bombers. No major response to the door bell probably due to the war.
    4. Bjorn took us to go back home to a diff route and then DarkSide showed up with a kitey drake navy issue (DNI) fleet in LXQ. They booshed some of us and we lost a few ships but we took the low sec gate to avoid being bubbled and split.
    5. DarkSide then used a suspect HAW Moros on gate to bait us and tried to kite at cowardly distance with DNIs. We couldn't break the dread it was definitely tougher than the Horde dread. Only means it's super blingy!
    6. Then Bjorn calls out, don't shoot any cynos. What? What cynos? A Mach fleet came in and DarkSide trap ended up against them. They lost a 4.8bn Moros.

    Video of the DarkSide bait trap.

    Full battle report.

    submitted by /u/jmancanada
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    This is what "Overheating Believe" looks like

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:34 AM PST

    3D Printed Raven w/IGC Skin (thanks to Pandora Singularity for the Raven!)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PST

    "Hey guys we are joining goonswarm! Guys...?"

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:17 PM PST

    One of the first to ever die.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:28 PM PST

    Hey CCP, you wanna talk some truth?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:20 PM PST

    The Lord gives it, the Lord takes it ... then gives it again and then takes it again :(

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:48 AM PST

    Sorry for bad english.

    I decided to give EVE online another try in 2021. I had about 100,000,000 ISK from 2013, the last time i played it. I wanted to start over as a new ALPHA Character and try my luck with hauling. The Badger got a new model and looks great. I wanted to have her right away and start a hauling career. I used the market to buy cheap and transported the goods to remote areas and sell them there. I was also able to accept a few courier contracts with the reserve and successfully end them.

    Then the day came when I found a great deal on Hydrogen Isotopes. The route led into a 0.7 system. But it also led through a single 0.4 system. I haven't thought about it much and that turned out to be a fatal noob mistake. The system was Frulegur and is known as a pirate trap. I wish i had put more effort in ganking research. I flew through and loaded my isotopes worth 250,000,000 ISK into the cargohold and undocked. Suddenly I got a really bad feeling. I re-docked and unloaded the cargo. I flew back with my empty ship. Then I was shot down in Frulegur. Everyone was shot down there. I was completely broke and all my money in the form of isotopes was stored out of reach behind Frulegur. I thought about quitting EVE. But ambition seized me. Maybe that's the fun EVE is all about.

    I found out that the gate was ganked by a russian corporation. I myself come from Germany. It occurred to me that Russians would have to go to bed much earlier due to the time difference and I wanted to use this to my advantage. If it was 23:00 for me, it would be 02:00 over there. I waited until midnight and tried to pass the time by using frigates to bring small charges of my isotopes through the system. This worked about three times, then these were also shot down each time.

    But now my time had come. After the corp tried to provoke me a few times in the local chat, I waited and waited and waited. I looked at the wrecks, read the messages in the local, some of which were clearly intended to lull me into a false sense of security. But at some point the local became increasingly empty. A ganker with probably 4 alts was still there. But I was sure he was AFK and only served as a deterrent to keep me behind the gate. I watched several ships jump unmolested. I got into my traya that I had bought behind the lines with all the money that I could somehow scrape together.

    I flew empty for one lap. I flew empty for a second lap. I gathered up all my courage, packed the tray full and flew with the first load through Frulegur and brought it to a safe station behind. I flew back and got the rest. I did it. With a triumphant grin, I finally went to bed. I would have to get up again in 4 hours for work but it was worth it! I had my goods back and could sell them again with little loss and start over with a valuable lesson learned.

    The next day I wanted to bring the goods to Perimeter and sell them. The route only led through High Sec with a few 0.5 systems. The route went through Sivala ... can you guess what happened? Only a few jumps before the goal, I thought I made it. I arrived at the gate and suddenly a red flashing Thrasher appeared ... I was shocked and said loudly "Oh please not ... not like this, not here, not so close to the goal." But he made me his target and I exploded 3 Seconds later. I could still watch an industrial warp in and grab my load. Then my capsule exploded. My success from last night. My hard work. Lost. All was lost. We live in a cruel universe.

    This is Eve Online. I don't know if I can go on. I'll try it. I will try to work my way up from 0 ISK again. My venture sits in the belt and sucks it empty. It's going slowly. It's reasonably safe. Maybe one day I'll get back into another traya and transport, buy and sell something. But until then I'll stay in the belt. It's hard work. It doesn't do much good, but it's honest.

    I don't usually beg. But I'm so far down that I'm no longer ashamed to ask for help. My name is Nomi Sonnenreiter and it's cold beyond the stars.

    submitted by /u/Markain87
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    EVE back in the old days!!! Great video made by Yurito

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:33 PM PST

    CCP's logic regarding NPC mechanics

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:18 AM PST

    Anomaly NPC : Hang out with friends at the undock of their cool new base

    Null sec ratter : Starts shoting and killing his friends

    Anomaly NPC : Fires back to protect his loved ones

    PVP Ganker : Lands and starts shoting the vilain ratter that was killing them

    Anomaly NPC : *processes* ...

    Anomaly NPC : Switch fire focus to the PVP Ganker

    submitted by /u/Warden_Myrddin
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    This is a true old school Eve video. Dual MWD Ravens.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:02 PM PST

    CCP explaining their vision for EVE

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:20 AM PST

    New expert systems on sisi.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:57 PM PST

    Question regarding implants

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:21 AM PST

    Some implants are very expesive. Do PVP players replace them every time they die?

    submitted by /u/Aurakataris
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    Steam Launcher Crash as soon as I open, help!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:16 PM PST

    after a year without playing it I decided to try it again, but every time I start the game on Steam, the launcher starts downloading files for 1 sec but it's crashes without any message. I already tried restarting the PC, deleting the launcher, deleting the whole files from folders, run as admit, disabling antivirus (just in case), and I still can't figure out why this is happening, any tips?

    submitted by /u/fatboy300015
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    Razor Head Diplo Tired of Brave's Incompetence.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:03 AM PST

    My thoughts on New Player Experience in EVE

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Hey reddit!

    I always looked with a complete disbelieve in my face regarding EVE's NPE and that how lucky we are that we started to play this game in spite of that. Maybe this wont reach anyone at CCP, or wont even get any upvotes, but knowing that they actually started working on this again (mentioned by all the developers in recent interviews) I feel like I have to channel all my years playing into writing a very constructive suggestion like post.

    Why is this important, and why do we as established EVE players help them?

    According to official CCP sources, last year there were 1.3 million players who tried out EVE in one shape or form. This number is awesome, yet terrifying. EVE is very much alive, yet keeping itself almost at the same numbers year by year. We need to turn this around if we want to keep playing in EVE's 3rd decade as well. The key is getting a good tutorial part into the game, in my opinion the rest will follow with these player numbers.

    What are my suggestions?

    Get an OFFLINE story driven tutorial first part into the game after character creation!

    • EVE is huge. EVE is complicated. But why does it need to be that from the first time? Let the players understand the different parts of the game by a completely offline environment.
    • Integrate the starting agent activities here, but make them a huge, inspiring story driven mission line!
    • Introduce manufacturing and market and skill training here, with "demo" versions of the real things. (Their sell orders completing after a few minutes, but being overbid first, while buy orders getting filled instantly / after getting out mining a bit, their can build their own little frigate in a few minutes / need to train certain skills to progress in a mission, this lasting for a few minutes as well)
    • Open up the more important client menus one by one, while making it a must to look at them and understand what they do.
    • At the end of this new epic beginner arc, let them come into EVE's actual universe into a rookie system.
    • These activities should give a lot (beginner lot, like 10-50 million) more ISK and trained skills to the players who complete it. If the tutorial is only completable once per character, and lasts a considerable amount of time, this is not game breaking, just an awesome start.
    • Of course, make this tutorial phase skippable after like 3 different warnings for alt creators, but then the skipping players wont get the skills and ISK.
    • Can leave the current carrier agents in the game the way they are now, no modification required.

    Get an official wiki into the game!

    • Nothing too fancy, i'm not talking about EVE Uni 2.0 here, but the basic, tribal knowledge like stuff.
    • What are corporations? Why is it worth to join one?
    • What are the system sec statuses?
    • What is ship fitting, and how does it work?
    • Where are the major trade hubs (only mention NPC's of course), how does this all work?
    • What skills to train for the different "professions"? Why? How does skill training and implants even work?

    Recreate the base overview settings!

    • This is literally a few work hour update, please unfuck it for newbies, get a nice, colorful setup going from the first time they log in!

    Make it possible to gift stuff to certified new characters easily!

    • As a veteran, I would like to help the new players in an easy way! Make it a button on less then 30 day old (or an other, more advanced way certified real new) character sheets to gift them stuff!
    • Stuff would include in my mind: 7 day Omega redeemable any time / these expert systems / ISK / the game master goodie pack that we saw them gifting to accounts left and right.
    • I would pay PLEX / ISK for these to gift them to our new players, preferably after I just shot them. :D

    I'm sure these ideas could be tweaked, so I'm very interested to read the comments, but in my mind having a system like this would make player retention SKYROCKET, making our favorite game present in the worlds of MMO's for years to come.

    I'm very hopeful that something will happen, because by this rate having too much titans and a bad ecosystem is the least of our problems.. Player numbers are sneaky this way, we could be always one content patch away from shutting down in a few years time, and I don't want that to happen. EVE is a real wonder, a deep world that you are invested in way deeper at every given time that you would want to admit. I just want this experience to be there for everyone else as well, let the friendship machine may never die.

    I'm really interested in all your opinions, let us have a nice productive conversation on reddit about the real war that matters to all of us, between all the ingame propaganda.


    submitted by /u/Luke_JohnB
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    CCP Rattati - re nullsec ratting.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:37 AM PST

    Nothing ever happens in Low Sec... In today's Notoras News an Assault frig solos a Mega!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:51 PM PST

    That kind of thing called Blue Donut...

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:46 AM PST

    Disclaimer: I do not belong to any side in the current war, nor have any particular interest in who wins, who loses, who ragequits etc.

    Actual post:
    Reading some of the propaganda pieces, mainly from Imperium members regarding PAPI's alleged Blue Donut is quite ridiculous, when we consider that few years back the actual sov map looked like this:


    or this:

    Processing img wz2h962dlsk61...

    Also, anyone remember OTEC cartel? Guess it's kind of hard to remember your own games history...

    submitted by /u/Sarno01
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    *LEAK* RAZOR Alliance leader agrees that brave is failing *LEAK*

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:00 AM PST

    recent ping:

    As brave is showing a steady decline in their will or ability to manage their own player base i highly recommend people to not keep assets or clones in their structures as they are either incapable of or unwilling to make any kind of warning for removal of structures and have no intentions to reimburse losses associated with it, so if you do feel a urge to keep assets in their structure do so of your own volition.

    Solarsystems (Alliance leader of Razor)

    submitted by /u/globsch123
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    Tengu supremacy! Class 6

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:02 AM PST

    Spudden Impact- Small Gang Piracy Corporation - Feb 2021

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:44 PM PST

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