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    Friday, May 7, 2021

    Eve Online The Assassination of Dr Mibbles

    Eve Online The Assassination of Dr Mibbles

    The Assassination of Dr Mibbles

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    Abuse of mod powers is a problem

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    You shouldn't ban posts that don't violate rules shouldn't be removed. And if you are going to crack down, rules 2, 8, and 15 are constantly broken in this subreddit.

    submitted by /u/jdroepel
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    Papi and Imperium Jockey over Azbel anchoring in 3-D

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Overall BR of the night

    During the course of the previous fights in 3-D, Papi took the opportunity to anchor a number of Azbels in the system in order to establish staging beachheads. Since 3-D has an ADM of >4.0, Azbels are the smallest structure that can be anchored. The ADM also means that the anchoring timer of the structure is lengthened by 4x, meaning the Azbels anchored on Saturday Night would exit anchoring and have their onlining timer Thursday night. This extended onlining time gave the Imperium time to anchor their own response Astrahus on the same grid as the Azbel in preparation for the fight at the onlining timer.

    Tonight, Papi formed fleets in advanced to protect the onlining of the first Azbel. Forming a Muninn fleet under PGL, Eagles under Musky, a Tornado fleet, and multiple jackdaw fleets under various FC's. Imperium formed Sacrileges with FAX support under Tom Flood and Cerberus under Asher Elias, Tornados under Aritizia, Carriers and Supercarriers, and a small init Jackdaw fleet. Papi were first into the system, cleared the gatecamp into E-V, and set up an Ihub hack as well as scouts/tackle on the Ansiblex from 1DQ to watch for the Imperium Fleets, the first Imperium fleet to enter system was the Cerb fleet, which found itself bubbled on the Ansiblex and both PAPI HAC fleets warped in. The Cerb fleet disengaged to the keepstar, losing a dozen cerbs in the process.

    The Sacrilege fleet and it's supporting Fax then jumped through the ansiblex, with the Cerb fleet warping back to renengage. The fighting was fairly inconclusive, with less than 15 billion dead in 20 tidi minutes. During this time, Imperium brought in Supers and Carriers on the keepstar. The arrival of fighters ended the hac fight on the Ansiblex, as Papi Hacs disengaged, leaving behind a handful of stragglers. While this was going on, the Init Jackdaw fleet killed the PAPI hackers on the Ihub while their HAC escorts were busy fighting on the ansiblex.

    With the action on the Ansiblex over, the fight then moved to the IHUB. The papi hac fleets set up a protective cover of drag bubbles, and restarted hacks on the Ihub with less than 20 minutes on the vulnerability window. The Imperium cerberus fleet warped to the Ihub, but landed in a drag bubble and extracted to the on grid astra, losing some stragglers in the process. The cerbs then began repositioning around the grid to get a warp in on the hacking drakes, but were unsuccessful. The hac fleets again skirmished on the Ihub grid without really committing, until the fight was ended by the arrival of fighters and carriers.

    Finally the fight moves to the Azbel grid. I'm not quite sure how the Imperium sac fleet found itself in a bubble 150 km above the astra, but it did and became the focus of fire for both PAPI hac fleets and began bleeding ships. The Cerb fleet warped in and began clearing tackle/support, while carriers began warp from the Ihub grid. Eventually papi lost a critical mass of support ships, and was again pushed off by carrier fighters after mauling the sac fleet. With Carriers firmly on grid, Papi decided it was not worth the potential feed for an azbel and moved to extract from 3-D. While the hac fleets extracted fairly cleanly, the jackdaw fleet and other assorted ships did not, losing a firewall Nestor and the DST that was carrying the Azbel core. With the system secure, the imperium fleets returned to kill the coreless azbel.

    Overall a pretty decent showing both sides. Papi were able to use the better warp mobility of their hac fleets to pick engagements of opportunity against the slower carriers and fax supported sacrileges, but ultimately could not contest carriers under a jammer. Another point of interest is that both Papi fleets made heavy use of Frigate logi, with Legacy bringing Kirins to support their Muninns, and Panfam brining triple overdrive 1MN scalpels to support Eagles.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    Papers please!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    A coalition, that once started to remove the toxic and smacktalking Imperium from the Landscape

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    A r/eve analysis of WWB2.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    I didn't want to do this, but I'm bored and history has forced my hand.

    As you can see in this graph, the shitposting (no space) of the Imperium (red) has grown exponentially following PAPI's stumbling progression in their attempts to find real Delve (blue). This, unsurprisingly, has led to a higher rate of deletion (and of heavy drinking) by this sub's moderators (green).

    Source: www.you2canmakegraphsonpaint.com

    Following the recent accusations of bias by none other than Dr. Mibbles, I think it should be pointed out that-

    Hang on- pushes mic away What?

    ... Okay, but so what if cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness-

    brings mic back Ahem.

    As I was saying, I think those accusations are nonsense. It's important to remember that propaganda has always been weaponized by the Imperium, to a far superior degree than any other group, the very existence of the Meta Show being living proof.

    Of course, each side has their... let's call them little special nuggets. One can however safely assume that the bee ones are more vocal.

    I have attempted to interview several nullsec leaders to discuss their views about propaganda... Without great success, sadly.

    When I asked how PAPI was faring, Mittens started to take down his pants. When I offered a donut box to Vily, he didn't even leave me a single one.
    The day wasn't fully wasted, however, as a certain Mr. Rubal kindly removed a red sticker that had stuck on my back without me noticing.

    But seriously. Imagine being a neutral follower of r/eve. As the war goes on, the posting just gets worse and wowse, until the vewy arguments and topics rewert to a point of utter nonswense, and u just don't wanna wead the sub anymore!

    But u can't stop scwolling, uwu~ can't stop weading, gowoing on r/eve is a hwabit and ur gonna keep weading no mattew what! owo! I thwink u can surwive until the dinos and the bees get tiwed! I bewieve in u! Remember, EVE is juwust a game uwu! Good lwuck!

    TLDR: muffins > donuts.

    submitted by /u/Cobrayi
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    CCP where is the funny number?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Pain every explorer would know.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    Empires in a nutshell

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Was yeeting around the great wildlands, found init as they were fielding a titan, made a music video

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    It's now legal to post eve r34?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    Theory: PL is actually the least SP demanding group in Panfam

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Now, this might come as a surprise to many people, but after intense Zkillboard analysis, that is the conclusion I have come to. For the sake of the argument, I'll be using ZKB ships used as a proxy for how "advanced" a groups SP requirements are.

    On the PHorde Side, we have the two largest killing corps. Proper horde and Blessed Bean. Analyzing the killboard of Blessed Bean reveals that their three most popular ships (in order) are: The noble Jackdaw, the simpleton Munin, and the courageous corm. Respectively, these ships make up 18.1%, 16.5%, and 16.3% of their weekly activity. Horde proper shows a similar distribution except with the order being Corm>Jackdaw>Munin (respective percentage: 13.5%, 12.6%, 12.3%). With these numbers out of the way, I think its time we create a new index: the newbro index. This is measured by the ratio of Jackdaws+Corms to the most used HAC. For Blessed Bean we have an index of 2.09 and for Horde proper we have an index of 2.12. These numbers aren't too surprising. It's expected that Horde and Blessed Bean would be Jackdaw enjoyers, its a noble ship with a low SP requirement.

    However, when we arrive to Pandemic Legion - the prior numbers start to make less sense. For PL's top two corps in weekly kills (Sniggerdly and Lucidus Ordo), the top 3 ships for each of them are: Jackdaw>Eagle> Corm and Corm>Jackdaw>Harpy. That's right. Not only has Sniggerdly evolved past the Munin, Lucidus Ordo has entirely forsaken usage of HACs. This is not an isolated phenomena within PL. They are truly composed of Jackdaw lovers - every single one of PL's top corps has the noble Jackdaw as their #1 most used ship & only 2 of them even have HACs in the top 3. Analysis of the percentage of total kills for the aforementioned two corps reveals that Sniggerdly is composed of 22.8% Jackdaw, 16.7% Eagles, and 14.3% corms and Lucidus is composed of 36.8% corms (!!!!), 16.6% Jackdaw, and 10.3% Harpy. The newbro index is where the true surprise lies. Sniggerdly has a newbro coefficient of 2.21 & Lucidus has an index of 5.83(!!!!!!).

    The number's don't lie. PL linemembers overwhelmingly prefer newbro ships compared to Pandemic Horde. However, I can hear you asking: well what if the PL body is just full of jackdaw enjoyers, but the FC team only flies munins. You would extremely mistaken there. A meta analysis of the PAPI coalition discord where coalition wide pings are sent out reveals critical information: Of the two most pingd PL/Horde FCs Itachi is a jackdaw appreciator whilst 0Musky is a munin fan. Not only is Itachi a jackdaw enjoyer, less than a week ago, he explicitly created a safe space for Jackdaw enjoyers to be in their own special jackdaw fleet where we gallivanted around clearing the gate and sniping tackle (even getting on the FAX final blow). That fleet truly showcased the Jackdaw predilections of both the PL line members and the PL fc team. We had noble souls like /u/Eanae who not only triple boxed logi in that fleet, but still manages to have a personal newbro coefficient of 8! Truly a soul to be commended and truly an ambassador for PL as a whole. It's not just her though, that fleet was composed of jackdaw enjoyers from every walk of PL. You had drug dealers, weather forecasters, and more all united in their jackdaw enjoyment fleet.This lies in sharp contrast to the pings and leadership of 0Musky. He never pings for jackdaw safe spaces AND, his pings on average, have jackdaws lower in the priority list (denoted by the order of x>y>z ship) than Itachi's pings. If only more people could be understanding of the newbros like PL is. Truly, PL is an excellent ambassador for all newbros. Even on the recruiting level, they really encourage their newbros to be dynamic and interactive with interesting challenges like Arts and Crafts. PH? They just invite you, a sad microcosm of the munin gameplay you'll be exposed to (unless its an Itachi fleet).

    PS. NC. has a terrible newbro coefficient (.458), I rate them a resounding: UNFRIENDLY to newbros. Join PL if you want a good low SP required experience.

    TL;DR: Intensive statistical analysis of the PL vs PH killboards as well as an examination of pinging behavior reveals that PH systematically discriminates and is not inclusive towards Jackdaw enjoyers in comparison to PL.

    Edit: At request of Normann, here are some quick graphs I threw together https://imgur.com/a/ziyIZvE

    Edit 2: Further Proof: Itachi has pinged for another fleet where Jackdaws are at the highest priority list. A true Jackdaw enjoyer. We should all aspire to be like him.

    submitted by /u/Gabeischunky
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    its been more than 3 years, please say something CCP

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Old Intro Movie (2005)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    rage pings!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    i doubt i am alone here, who else disregards discord pings that are along the lines of.....


    and not to mention the more someone pings like that i generally make a mental note and avoid fleets with said FC in the future!

    i realise its just someone trying to be "cool" or "edgy" or some bullshit but i suspect it hurts participation overall!

    submitted by /u/Old_Confusion_9446
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    XiX leader and CSM candidate doxxes for using spys to kill blue supers

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    picture that he sent our alliance CEO after the spy got burned

    As title states Konstantin doxxed one of our guys that was using spys to kill XiX supers. Apparently rather then getting good at catching spys he resorts to trying to dox people to solve his problems. And rumor has it he wants to run for CSM and i really hope this opens peoples eyes and makes you rethink about voting for him :D

    And yes this was reported to CCP but sense it didnt happen in game they cannot do anything.

    submitted by /u/Gackel
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    I want to do hauling, but the contracts are horrible, and the station to station tools are confusing. Advice?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    I really like space trucking, but I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Contracts for hauling often give 1 mil for 600 mil collateral, all the market tools seem to have wrong information on sell and buy orders, and as a whole I just can't seem to make any good progress. Am I doing something wrong? When I look at buy/sell orders on a website, I'll find a frigate that sells less than a buyer in Jita, but once I check prices in Eve, they're nothing like the website says and not profitable at all... I could really use some advice

    submitted by /u/Epicburst
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    Massacres at M2-XFE Monument

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Am I the only industrialist that tried to prepare for the changes and still failed?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    I spent a small fortune (in my case anyways) making as many freighters as I could before the changes hit whilst putting up buy orders for reactions and I still came up woefully short. I underestimated the amount of additional components I'd need to continue my usual production. To the point where I pretty much wanna give up manufacturing and just do research/copies.

    I'm not complaining at all just lamenting at my lack of prep I guess. Any other non alliance industrialists pulling their hair out trying to buy all these new bps and shit?

    submitted by /u/RagadaSan
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    Had a Bhargest Blueprint copy and was scammed out of it.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    I'm a relatively new player to Eve. Started a couple months ago and am trying to get into industry. I had seen videos on people going into Trig minor victory systems and wanted to get myself starting capital. Through this I got a Bhargest BPC. Was super excited to try to sell it and was at Jita in local trying to ask if anyone wanted it. Some random dude then messages me and I knew that scammers existed so i looked in local for if he was one of those "Isk game scammers" and I didnt see their name. Seemed to have a old active account so those signs pointed out to them being legit. We open trade and the tells me that he'll pay 800 Mil. I see 800 on my screen and accept. Boom, 800,000 isk received. I realized what just happened and basically started begging them to give it back. This was the 1 thing that would set me up for being successful in industry. They leave the conversation and block me. End of story.

    Out of all this I'd like to know where would be a good place to sell those kinds of things through trades without the high risk that Jita has of scammers. I need a better place to be able to trade without as much risk.

    Comments, suggestions, and advice welcome.
    (Sry for no image or info on scammer)

    submitted by /u/SavageCabbage617
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    Eve Online will never die, says head of studio after 18 years | Rock Paper Shotgun

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    The CSM Battle Royale

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    This Saturday at 21:00 evetime

    Get ready for Drama as 7 of this years' hopeful CSM candidates (And Brisc Rubal) come together to debate some of Eve's hottest and most controversial topics!

    But what fun is a debate without stakes?

    The CSM Battle Royale is here to inject risk and BITTER debate into otherwise well-trodden ground.

    Watch, decide and VOTE for your favorite candidate - the winner of each round will decide who from the bottom two is removed from the conversation. Goodbye, weaklings!

    This debate will include:

    • Brisc Eubal
    • Phantomite
    • Jurius Doctor
    • Gideon Zendikar
    • Orin Borider
    • Maldavius
    • Xtrasquishy
    • Rixx Javix

    people who VOTE will have a chance to win exclusive skins - and people who DONATE TO CHARITY VIA THE LINK will get to set the topic! THAT'S RIGHT CAPSULEERS, SHOW YOUR GIVING SIDE AND YOU CAN MAKE THESE MONKEYS DANCE!

    Wait, did I forget to mention this stream is for charity?

    Set your alarm - gather your fellow voters and tune in to https://www.twitch.tv/dtm135 to belittle, support, heckle and carry to victory some of New Eden's most combative and smartest candidates!

    Promo Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDP0Fub4sAM

    submitted by /u/dtm135
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    Capsuleer Day Log In Rewards, with a Total 450k SP and Free Ships!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    EoM rats in the new sites don't provide sec status gains.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 04:59 PM PDT


    L I T E R A L L Y U N P L A Y A B L E

    submitted by /u/Xuixien_TheAugust
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    A Newbie's Return to Eve, or Eve Reteaches a Lesson.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Long story, but I think you guys might like it. Also the Tl:DR, Newbie tries to move stuff from lowsec, loses two expensive ships and their implants in the process.

    Background: So, about a year ago, I was running with a newbie friendly corp that promised to help teach newbies how to Eve. This... didn't really happen outside of typical "how do I X?" random Q&A chat questions. Between that, the sense of some organization issues (senior members not doing what was expected of them), and that I really didn't feel like I was a good fit for the culture, I kinda put Eve up. That said, they did help me learn stuff (my current net worth is 1.9 bil.isk), and I did get nullsec experience (where most of the corp's action was at), so it wasn't a total loss... but most of that value was from corp handouts, I think.

    The Story: So, I logged back on a while back to find that the stuff I left in the nullsec base was sent to a lowsec NPC dock- the nullsec base was player-owned, and EVE happily sent my stuff to the nearest lowsec dock after the Corp's rent ran out on the nullsec base. Cool; I had mentally written it all off, but good to know I got it. So I hopped in my Amarr shuttle to have a look-see at what was recovered, and find my old Astero, Noctis, and the Myrmadon the corp gave me, along with a bunch of modules, drones, and other stuff.


    So, today, I decide to move everything from the lowsec dock to the closest hisec dock... 19 jumps away. I loaded my Amarr shuttle with all the weightless/.01m3 items I had, and left in a quasi-scouting trip to see how risky the route was, andcreturned in my bare pod.

    Mistake #1: Seeing that there were only two areas with two border-agent enemy NPCs, I decide it's worth the risk to go out with my Noctis. To save some trips, I load it with my 6 MTUs, and a bunch of drones, and leave the dock without insuring the ship, mostly because the route was low-risk and premium insurance would've almost wiped my account.

    Mistake #2: So, outside of warping to zero at a gate in the middle of a firefight between two players, the trip was uneventful until about, I kid you not, two jumps away from hisec. There, I notice a player in red going into the next system. I have a chance to rethink my decision here, as the game tells me I'm going into the one trig-owned system. Despite my gut saying it's a bad idea, I go through the gate. Once there, the guy and a buddy of his webs and bubbles me, then destroys my Noctis with the Trigs gleefully helping them.

    Ouch. Ok, that's a setback, but I still have a Noctis blueprint with 10 runs on it, so not that bad. And on review of the killmail, my MTUs got blown up, so they won't get those, either!

    Mistake #3: Anyway, I take my pod and go back to the lowsec dock, grab my Astero, and see if they looted my wreckage. Again, without insurance because the last time I checked, the premium insurance return of an Astero is much lower its market price. Anyway, it turns out, the player didn't bother looting my wreckage, and I manage to grab almost everything that was left. During the looting, I had issues with keeping my Spec Ops cloaking up... but the Trigs didn't seem to mind me.

    Assuming that meant the Trigs were nonhostile since the invasion was Mistake #4. So after dropping off the loot at hisec, I go back tobthe wreckage site kick on my Astero's afterburners... and get blown up by the Trigs.

    Mistake #5: So, I'm doing all this in a clone decked in a full suite of standard implants. And as a newbie player, my instincts aren't developed enough to tell me what to do when I'm suddenly attacked like this, or how best to escape while in my pod. So, I end up getting podded by the Trigs, too, and wind up back at my old home base about 40 jumps from the lowsec dock.

    Yeah, I think that's enough Eve for today.

    The Silver Lining: Well, I'm not entirely screwed. First off, still have that Myrmadon I can move out. And I have a Sunesis fitted for, essentially, fast light cargo transport- "light" in this case meaning "600 cubic meters", and nearly 1 second align time if I remember my fitting results correctly. So, I can still get everything out of lowsec relatvely safely, it'll just take a bunch of trips. Finally, I came back today due to the free Jovian ships being handed out. So, sooner or later, I'm gonna get a Praxis, for free, that I can then sell to recoup **most** of today's losses.

    All in all, probably an appropriate timeline of events for returning to Eve.

    submitted by /u/Second-Creative
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