• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Eve Online Happy Belated capsuleer day from a worthless Space Scrapper

    Eve Online Happy Belated capsuleer day from a worthless Space Scrapper

    Happy Belated capsuleer day from a worthless Space Scrapper

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    New Jita looks dope!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    Yesterday, someone jokingly told me to "stop being poor." That night, I found a drone complex while looking for the new event sites and this happened:

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    BREAKING NEWS: Toxic Pandemic Horde FC, Travis Keikira, apologizes for transgressions. Promises to be better.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Literally Unplayable - wordwrap fail

    Posted: 07 May 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    FC Chat #71 - Isaac Collins, Arsia Elkin, Xtra squishy and White 0rchid

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:52 AM PDT

    The Gallente used to be called the "Remanaquie" back in 2000

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    Angry Miners. Breaking News. Snuffed Out call for help!

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:30 PM PDT


    As you already know, the first battle for the Snuff's Station took place today!


    Corporation SELENIUM conducted a training flight for novice pilots. The second part of the flight was to be an attack on the Snuff's station. As it became clear to everyone, the Snuff's have big problems with the available people to protect their stations, so they called the Etsala Legion alliance to fight the small corporation SELENIUM.

    At first, our fleet left the battlefield without casualties, but in order to show the novice pilots all aspects of the battle, we decided to accept the battle in a very disadvantageous situation for us.

    At first, we tried to destroy the lagging Caracal, but did not have time to do this before the main fleet of Etsala Legion arrived. Later, we tried to destroy Eagle, but the losses suffered earlier prevented us from doing so. They managed to save him.

    As stated by Etsala Legion, for their help they will receive a good discount for renting the moon from Snuffed Out.

    Our assumptions have been confirmed, Snuff's alliance is not strong enough to defend their stations. To fight one single corporation of miners, they need the help of another alliance. Join us in attacking hundreds of Snuff's stations!

    The next fight will take place on Saturday! Who will the Snuff's alliance call for help this time? We'll find out tomorrow!




    submitted by /u/Independent-Duck-132
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    To comply with r/Eve mods, Peace Dove Gathering will host a non-alcoholic friendship flock as we parade humbly toward Delve on a mission of peace and love and sensitivity.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Papi Pacman

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Another day, another fight in 3-D

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Seems that the fight has settled down with the final contest over the anchoring (not onlining) of another azbel going in the favor of PAPI.

    Overall losses are still being tallied up, but seems that PAPI came out ahead in this one.

    At the start of the fighting PAPI outformed Imperium by a large number, the famed 3:1 even according to a PAPI FC.

    However Imperium quickly increased their numbers and threw the carriers into the battle as extra weight. At this point PAPI forces moved the fight from 3-D to 1DQ1, which the carriers followed. Once the fight in 1DQ1 had too many carriers on grid, PAPI went back to 3-D to finish anchoring azbel(s) and reffing some posses. One of the Azbel's anchoring was contested by Imperium but they got gobbled up as PAPI overwhelmed them.

    As such the battle report comes out 75b lost for Imperium vs 50b lost for PAPI side. BR can be found here: https://br.evetools.org/br/609543711f934d001a30d758

    Finally, at the end of the battle, Hanzo Viper did the most treacherous thing imaginable, he donated a monitor to PAPI side by ejecting and leaving the battlefield. Since we all know whichever side brings more monitors wins the battle, he should now be thoroughly spanked as a punishment.

    I have edited the post since my first statement apparently wasn't clear enough with the BR, please accept my apologies, the 3:1 was a zing at the people who post often about that, but it was a PAPI FC that made that statement.

    For full disclosure, I fly with PAPI.

    Good fights were had and hoping for more of this stuff in the upcoming days.

    submitted by /u/OskuIsku
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    EoM combat site ship?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    Is there an easy to get into ship that can run the new event sites?

    submitted by /u/deeplycasual
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    Confused about PI extractor performance

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    OK, I thought I understood how extractor numbers work, but apparently I do not. So here are two extractors after a single 2 day cycle was completed:





    Looks rather straightforward, right? My understanding was that after cycle completes, units extracted correspond to the factual output. So in this case, by all indications site A should be a better producer than site B. Right? Well, what if I tell you that after converting raw materials into P1, site A had about 2,333 m3 of P1, but site B had about 3,367 m3. So site B actually produced almost 50% more than site A. WTF?? How can that happen?

    Setups on both planets were identical, 1 extractor with 10 heads, 1 launchpad, 6 BIFs. None of the links or storage were even close to capacity, so no losses should be occurring there.

    I am quite confounded by this result. And this is not a one-off, I've seen it in several cases, perhaps not to that extreme degree, but enough to notice.

    Am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/MinMaxGamer
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    Question about FRT

    Posted: 07 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    So I keep hearing they have a negative wallet due to botting... how the heck are they a functional organization? I mean if I was a FRT player and I went into battle and died... where is my SRP coming from? Presumably a leaders personal wallet or "bank" alts, but at that point negating a wallet to punish a Corp for botting has failed, they don't seem to have any intention of paying it off. If someone can explain to me like I'm 5 what's going on here without a reee goons or reee papi I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Ceyella
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    How does one go about killing his first player?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    I tried a couple months ago where I went in a wormhole and caught a small ship off guard, got him to low hp but he escaped.

    I'm a newbie and all that so I don't know how to PvP that well so I have a couple questions.

    Where should I go, what's a good ship, who should I avoid, how do I avoid getting killed, is it profitable?

    I want to be stealthy and deal large amounts of damage in a short time and preferably the enemy should not be able to escape.

    Thanks I appreciate it!

    Edit: I can't describe how much I appreciate you guys helping out, I think my tactic is either going to be bombing people with a stealth bomber or I'm gonna sit at Jita and catch criminals.

    I am an alpha but I just need some more money and I can buy omega with in-game money 👍

    submitted by /u/AVeryVerySadPerson
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    Angry Miners. Boring man vs Snuffed Out

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:00 AM PDT


    Men, creators, people who build many beautiful things with their own hands, from the gold-plated ships of the Amarr Empire to the devastating weapons of the Minmatar Republic. We chose to live within the borders of four empires to embody our passion for creation, as opposed to the wave of destruction that again and again envelop systems that are not governed by the laws of the main nations. We abandoned the promising multi-billion dollar criminal and gangster systems NullSec and WH-Space, because our heart wanted peace, but having invested our time, work and soul, we lost everything.

    The filthy organization Snuffed Out, consumed by endless greed and wanting to monopolize every source of income, turned its gaze to our small peaceful corporations, robbed, ruined and destroyed them. To suppress any resistance, they enlisted the support of criminal structures from NullSec, refused to accept the battle when the chances of victory for both sides were equal and agreeing to the battle when victory was guaranteed.

    The last attempts of the coalition forces to fight back led only to defeat, all the moons were captured, all small corporations of miners were plundered and destroyed. The enemy is celebrating victory. But for how long? Quite unbeknownst to themselves, they captured hundreds of moons, while not having hundreds of destroyers to protect them. We, SELENIUM Corporation, are attacking all these systems to see if they are ready to defend them all. We will not fight them, but if they get tired and give up protection, we will destroy their dirty stations.

    Want to try? It is not difficult, we urge all small miner corporations to attack any of these stations. To do this, you need 10 Destroyers and 2-3 Support Frigates. In order to bring the station into defensive mode, a fleet of 15 Destroyers takes 15-20 minutes. We don't need to fight their fleet, we need to keep their fleet awake! Let this dirty organization put out the fire in all systems. This will be the price of plundering the miners!

    You can find the coordinates of potential targets in the public folder Snuffed Out && Co in the public channel SELENIUM. You can also copy the code and paste it into the mail to get a link to the folder. More than 100 Athanors have been pre-discovered so far, we will continue to search for the rest.

    <a href="bookmarkFolder:9390797">Snuffed Out &amp;&amp; Co</a>


    If you also want to attack the fleet of the Snuffed Out alliance, then send an email to Kuramori Reika. We are one close-knit corporation, we will help you lure their fleet to attack. The details of the agreement will only be known to me and you.

    All other fleets that want to appear on the published timer without prior agreement will be perceived as enemy. Our fleet will not engage them in battle, we have a different task.

    Moment of humor: a chinese are no longer needed, their turn has come.


    An example of our latest attack. The attack on 5 Athanor took 2 hours.






    submitted by /u/Independent-Duck-132
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    Tolerance for micro disconnects?!

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:37 PM PDT


    i noticed that, if there is a micro disconnect, that most of the active clients get connection lost and that is annoying. Is it not possible allow more tolernace for small disconnects?

    submitted by /u/M00NPIRE
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    How would you rate the new Foreman Pack in terms of offered value and profitability?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    https://secure.eveonline.com/packs/details/?pack=foreman-pack here's the link in case someone would like to check it.

    submitted by /u/VirusMemorial2020
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    Edencom ships future

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    I know that no one really knows where to put those ships, but i was hoping that some of you guys who know CCP and eve better than me can help me decide whether its worth investing or not.

    Will Edencom have a future in Eve? Is it worth skilling everything they got if my Main Focus is ratting, abyss and sometimes pvp? Do you think CCP will expand the amount of ships they got? Will they do anything about the randomenss of Edencoms weaponsystem? I really like the Overall look they got. Thats why i wish them to be viable.

    submitted by /u/Akonexus
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    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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